The End of "MY" Rainbow!

In My Search For Rainbow's End... I Found Not Gold But You~~My Friend!

This Page is lovingly dedicated to the only True Love of my Life

Pamela Sue Martinsen


Much of my life has been spent searching and dreaming.
For what I knew not for.
Many wishes became fulfilled,
but I yearned for something "MORE".
The halls of my heart echoed in emptiness, I wandered thru life alone.
Then GOD sent me an Angel and let me take her home.
She filled my life with sunshine, and chased my clouds away
My life took on new meaning as my lonliness vanished, and I started a brand new day.
Now I fly Higher, than wings can carry me.
God had blessed me with a Love
that came and set me free.
The warmth of her presence has come to fill a life,
once consumed with sadness and strife.
Dreams are more uplifing, when there is someone there,
to dream along with you and let U know they care.
Since being blessed, with her love, my skies are always fair.
Darkend clouds behind me now, my horizons finally clear.
I've found PEACE in Love and will always hold her near!
Whatever comes of me on earth, I want her to be a part
For she is the only one,
That ever gave "WINGS TO MY HEART"!

July 14th 1998


Pamela and I met thru the graces of GOD and a chance encounter thru a longtime Online friend Karen. I was invited by Karen to join her in a MS Support / Chatroom on AOL.

Within a short time I had made friends there Then I met Pam! She has MS, and I found that her strength and courage in the face of this disease was rubbing off on me. After almost two decades as a bachelor, I soon found myself sliding down the slippery slope of love into her arms!

We became closer and closer on line and then the phone until I could take it no more, and anounced that I was buying airfare to come visit and meet her in person. In late May we made the leap of faith and took the chance to come together. I already knew I had deep feelings for her but had no idea that I would loose my heart to her so easily. I was very awkward at first, lacking a lot of the social skills that come naturally to many, but she put me at ease and huged my cares and fears away! We spent almost 2 weeks laughing and getting to know one another. (OH and chasing "BEANIE BABIES" down at every McDonalds from Chicago to Wisconsin! )

It was one of the most wondeful times of my life. She made me feel young again, Like a lovestruck teenager. Pam has filled a long empty place in my heart, as we played and threw our cares to the wind and worked our way into each others hearts.

In July she flew to meet me here in New York and I took her to OUR new home. It is a big change for her, going from the Chicago suburbs to live in "MAYBERRY" as she calls it, but she was taken by the beauty and quaintness of life here and fell in love with our new home too.
Soon I will fly back to Chicago and will bring her home! Forever!

I once jokingly told her that I was going to come sweep her off of her feet and steal her back to my castle. Now it seems so unreal to have this come true in real life!
Or is life really a fairytale with a happy ending?