An Evening of  Celebrating Love!

Valentine's Day – in celebration of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers – is a special time set aside to show your loved one how much you care.  Usually it is celebrated by giving candy, flowers and a card.  But today you have to be careful with the candy (too fattening) and flowers can sometimes bring tears from allergies instead of joy!  Don't be dismayed though, if those are the things you want or plan to buy for your loved one.  We'll just help you with your selection of flowers (for they are important), chocolate (because it's for lovers) and show you how to pamper your loved one in style and with a more personal touch! Since Valentine's Day is on a Saturday this year, you have all day to make the evening perfect- so . . .  

 . . . Let's start off with flowers.  The language of flowers is a complex one, sending negative messages as well as positive ones. Particular flowers have always been used to mark special occasions.  Traditionally, Valentine's Day was symbolized by the Crocus because it was the flower of St. Valentine and it bloomed every year around February 14th, and it is said when grown, attracts love.  Bay Laurel has also been associated with Valentine's Day, with a tradition that if you placed a leaf under your pillow on Valentine's night and dream of  love, you'll be married within a year.  All roses represent love but the red rose represents passion and beauty; the white rose means spiritual love and discretion, while the pink rose represents simplicity, and the musk - capricious beauty.  The yellow rose today has a meaning of friendship to some, but in actuality it represents infidelity, but only those who exchange the flowers will know whether it's the giver or receiver who's been unfaithful.  But roses have always been the symbol of extravagance and true devotion – so splurge! 
 Now the card - A card or handwritten note scented with the fragrance your lover knows you by, brings an extra dimension when received.  The perfume and/or essential oil immediately evokes memories of the sender and puts the receiver in a very receptive mood.  Just like couples have "their song" so too they can have an aroma that represents their unity to them both.  If you've been together for some time, the scented card or note could bring back memories of when you first met, married, or made love.  But don't use too much - just a drop or two of an essential oil or just a spray of perfume/cologne on a cotton ball will suffice.  Place the cotton ball with your card and/or note paper in their respective envelope or box, keep closed for at least 24 hours to allow aroma to penetrate the paper, and when your loved one receives it they will associate the aroma with special times spent with you.  
 Sensual Food and Wine - Oysters have always been said to be a great aphrodisiac and builder of stamina for what's to come.  But finger foods in general, are a real turn on.  It's a way to not only feed yourself, but your loved one.  Fat, juicy shrimp, lobster, crab legs, or succulent chicken pieces cooked in herbal spices, all bring attention to your mouth when eating.  Feeding fresh strawberries, dipped into cream or chocolate is the best-kept turn-on ever!  Like hot or spicy foods - they too are aphrodisiacs if cooked with the right spices.  Try Indian food (as in from India) for a real aphrodisiac treat.  Eating out or ordering for eating in, upon completion you will find your "sexual prowess" on the rise!  
 Mmmmm Chocolate, organically grown, not only good for you but tastes great, is another sensual "Food of the Gods."  If you like to cook, baking a Chocolate Sweetheart Cake for your loved one, in the shape of a heart of course, will show that you took that extra special time for your lover.  Besides, chocolate stimulates the creative and erotic sentiments, and goes very well with ….  
… More Wine My Love!  - The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans all used wine for its aphrodisiac properties, saying quite correctly that it brings warmth to cold parts.  Ginger, sage and angelica are among the herbs that were added specifically for this purpose.  Vanilla has for many centuries been considered an aphrodisiac.  These ingredients, added to your favorite wine, will bring about dramatic results for an evening of love!  
 Whatever you choose to eat for dinner, drink and have for dessert, remember to eat light and not too much or you'll miss out on what's to come!  
 ….,  take me away!  -  People take baths not only to clean themselves, but to relax and get away from the crowd.  This most special time can be made more precious by adding an aromatic aura.  Even the most boring bathroom can be transformed by a few candles, some essential oils, and if you're feeling really romantic, a few rose petals floating on the water.  You can use any evocative room fragrance if you're bathing alone to prepare for your evening.  But if its with your partner, try a "Relaxing and Sensual", "Erotic", "Passionate and Arousing,"or "Excitement" oil mixture to get you both in the mood for loving.  
 Light Up Your Life - No romantic scene is complete without candles.  Their natural light and gentle warmth seem to diffuse a room with an atmosphere of delicate peace.  You don't have to get the scented ones.  Scent them yourself with a fragrance you like.  Take a candle, light the wick, and wait until a little wax has melted, then very carefully place three drops of the essential oil of your choice in the melted wax.  After a few minute a subtle fragrance will fill the room.  If you use floating candles, you may add drops to the water, too!  Stock up on different sizes and shapes and colors - Pink = love, affection, romance and gentleness; Red = sexuality, stimulation, passion, vitality; White = purity, innocence, modesty; Blue = serenity, fidelity, devotion and sincerity; Green = fertility, tranquility, and calmness; Yellow = strength, happiness; Orange = warmth, cheerfulness; and Violet = innocence and mystery.  Choose the ones right for you!  
 Room fragrances - The aroma that you choose to create your special ambience and aromantic aura will  set the pattern for future special moments with your loved one.  Each room in your house can set a different mood according to which essential oil or incense you choose.  For this special night we want to use fragrances that are relaxing, sensual, erotic and passionate.  While you're eating, the aroma of the foods you are eating should be more present, but underlying it could be an erotic smell to move you to the next phase of dancing together, holding each other very close.  Whatever the scents you use in your dining (relax, relieve tension, sensual) and living areas (romantic and erotic) should not be the one used in your boudoir.  There is where passionate, arousing and closeness essential oil formulas should be used.  
 Okay.  You've had a relaxing bath, alone; set the mood with candles and incense and/or diffuser; received or given the card, the flowers;  had something delicious to eat for dinner and dessert, some wine; laughed, danced to your favorite songs and romantic music and more wine; if there's a hot tub around, this is the time for you to get in it with your lover, if not, let's move on to... 
 …. Lingerie.  To many men there's nothing so seductive as a half-dressed woman. Indeed, many men are more turned-on by the sight of a woman wearing a few flimsy items of underclothing than they are by the nude form.  Imagine, then, the impact you'll have on your man, walking or dancing around in front of him in lingerie leaving an intoxicating trail of delicate, suggestive perfume that stimulates his emotion and memory – as well as his eyes!  Try the essential oil Patchouli - it is a scent men really seem to vibrate to! And men, don't think a women doesn't like to see you in a nice pair of boxers and/or briefs. 
 So you're now kind of giving him a private dance as you prepare to give and/or receive ….  
 That Sensual Touch! - Massage has always been a "foreplay" to the main event.  And I mean a massage from head to toe.  Touching each other with a firm yet gentle fingers helps to relax any anxiety and/or insecurities one may have.  It heightens your senses and gives your lover a chance to explore your body in ways you never thought possible.  

There are several types of massage oils you may purchase, but making your own is more "personal".  Try buying a base oil of grapeseed, it's very light and great for all skin types (and contains no mineral oil to clog pores).  Pour ½ to 1 cup of it into a small squeeze bottle and warm that in the microwave for about 30-40 seconds (don't melt the bottle).  Then add essential oils of:  Ylang Ylang - 3 drops; Chamomile (Roman)- 2 drops; Sandalwood - 2 drops; and either Jasmine - 3 drops or Lavender - 2 drops.  Now begin.  

 Start with one lying on the bed on their stomach, the other straddled over their back and begin releasing their inhibitions from the neck and shoulders on down.  You'll be surprised at the tingling sensations your body will feel as your body relaxes even more under your lover's touch.  And because it's being done with love, each touch will invite you to give in to your passion.

 So let the ambience, food, wine, music, and everything take you away to a magical world for two, as you and your partner spend an evening celebrating love.   

Relieve Tension

Lavender  3 drops                     Lemon  3 drops             * Vanilla  1 drop  * 
Sandalwood  3 drops                Clary Sage 2 drops          Lime  2 drops 
Chamomile  2 drops                 Lemongrass 2 drops       Geranium 3 drops 
Sweet Marjoram  1 drop          Mandarin 2 drops            Bergamot  2 drops 

…take me away!

Relaxing & Sensual*  Erotic/Excitement   Passionate & Arousing*   Sensually Exotic 
Geranium  4 drops        Ylang Ylang  3 drops     Lime  4 drops                 Patchouli 4 drops 
Clary Sage  2 drops      Black Pepper  2 drops   Rose Maroc  2 drops     Myrrh  2 drops
Lavender  3 drops        Jasmine  3 drops             Vanilla  4 drops             Neroli  2 drops    
Tonka Bean  4 drops   Sandalwood  2 drops 

* Essential Oil formulas from AROMANTICS - Enhancing Romance, Love, and Sex with Nature's Essential Oils, Valerie Ann Worwood, author of The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

NOTE:  When using essential oils in the bath, put drops in ¼ cup milk and then mix in with bath; essential oils should not be applied directly onto the skin - always dilute them in a carrier oil or cream first.  DO NOT TAKE ESSENTIAL OILS INTERNALLY!

CHOCOLATE SWEETHEART CAKE - Delicious! Your Magazine of Natural Living

Happy Valentine's Day!!
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