(Relief, Renewals and Recoveries)
     We all have goals and plans, hopes and dreams for the future.  At the Herbal Four-Um one of our goals is to help you reach some of yours.
     Below are a few goals and some ways herbs can help you reach them.
I.  Recovery from the New Year's Eve 'fun'.
A.   Headaches:
Feverfew herb in tincture form is good for migraine type pain.
Skullcap herb in tea form helps calm that 'the top of my head is coming off' pain.
B. Nausea:
Chamomile flowers in tea help to soothe the upset.  If the idea of drinking anything is more than you can take, the essential oil in a bowl of water in the room will soothe aromatically.
Peppermint herb in a tea will cool the tummy and calm it's rebellion.
 C.  'Energize Me':
Licorice herb in a tea will help boost you.  (It is great in a blend with Chamomile.)
Peppermint is not only good for stomach distress but is also a mood lifter and a gentle energizer.
 II:  'I want a better attitude, more control of my life, And a better outlook toward
others and myself:
     In this section there are listed flower essences since they are specific for emotional issues.  Beside each flower essence is the patterns of imbalance they address.
  A.  Feeling blocked, dull or suppressed:
Cosmos- Unfocused, overwhelmed by too much.  Disorganized.
Dill- Overwhelmed due to over stimulation, sensory congestion.
Peppermint- Dull or sluggish, mental 'dullness'.
B.  Fears of...
     1.  ...Self-doubt, guilt, self-blame, self-critical, uncertain:
Buttercup- Feelings of low self-worth, inability to acknowledge one's own uniqueness.
Larch- Lack of confidence, expecting to fail, self-censorship.
Pine- Guilt, self-blame, inability to accept oneself.
2.  ...Unknown, vague anxiety, hidden fear, depression, nightmares:
Aspen- Fear of unknown, nightmares.
Chamomile- Easily upset, unable to release emotional tension.
Mustard- Melancholy, gloom, despair, general depression.
3.  ...Losing control:
Cherry Plum- Fear of losing control, or of mental or emotional breakdown.
Violet- Profound shyness, fear of being submerged in groups.
4.  ...Known things (i.e. snakes, heights, etc.)
Mimulus- Known fears of everyday life, shyness.
Poison Oak- Fear of intimate contact, fear of being violated.
Scarlet Monkeyflower- Fear of intense feelings.
5.  ...And for others, always seeing problems, obsessive worry:
Filaree- Obsessive worry, unable to see beyond immediate problems.
Red Chestnut- Obsessive fear and worry for others, fearful anticipation of trouble.
6.  ...Death; terror; panic; fear of getting old:
Angel's Trumpet- Fear of death, denial of reality of spiritual world.
Chrysanthemum- Fear of aging and mortality.
Rock Rose- Deep fear, terror, panic; fear of death or destruction of self.  
C.  Feeling controlled or 'steamrolled' by others:
Black Cohosh- Being caught in abusive, addictive, damaging lifestyle or relationship.
Trumpet Vine- Lack of vitality, inability to be assertive.
Walnut- Overly influenced by family or community.
 D.  Feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, hopeless:
Elm- Overwhelmed by doubts and responsibilities, feeling unequal to   tasks.
Hornbeam- Fatigue, weariness, daily tasks seem overwhelming burden.
Wild Rose- Resignation, lack of hope, giving up.
III.  I want to be healthier:
A.  Herbs!
     Herbs are great foods and spices, and many have great benefits for the body.  For example:
     Garlic tastes great in pastas and soups and has many trace mineral and vitamins.  It also naturally helps the body cleanse itself of toxins in the blood and tissues.
     Nettles is great in tea form or added to soup stock.  It contains most of the vitamins and minerals the human body needs and helps the body gradually become healthier.
B.  Essential Oils!:
     Essential oils are used topically in oil blends and in baths or defusers for the aid you need.  For example;  to relax and soothe tired, sore muscles and nerves use Chamomile Essential Oil.  It can help you relax after a hard day and comforts during cold and flu season.  Another oil is Clary SageThis oil helps you stay focused and alert.  It wakes you up and energizes.  It is especially good when travelling.
C.  Flower Essences!
     They address the emotional and personal issues we all have.  Many of them are listed above so we will not go into more at this time.
     We at the Herbal Four-Um hope these goals and the natural foods listed will help you.  For more information about a specific herb or herbal product feel free to contact us.  And watch the web for our 'herb of the month' newsletters coming out every four to six weeks!
     May your New Year be the best from our family to yours!
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