Passion Flower
Passiflora incarnata
The dried leaves of the flower are used. 
Contrary to its name, this flower does not instill passion, but peace.  It aids the transition into a restful sleep without any "narcotic" hangover.  Passion Flower is one of the best remedies for insomnia.  Sleep encouraged by the passion fruit is natural, so you wake up refreshed!  The tea also calms frazzled nerves and treats neuralgia, nervous headaches, high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions.  Great for those tense muscles and high stress from a "you're on my last nerve" day at work!  
Passion Flower leaves are commonly thought of as a sedative.  The leaves contain alkaloids, amine transmitter substances and flavonoids that produce sedative effects.  The leaves and flowers also have anti-spasmodic and nervine effects.  The active ingredient is a safe, non-additive tranquilizer called maltol, although it works properly only with its other constituents. 
 As an anti-spasmodic, it may be used for several symptoms that require the body's muscles to relax immediately,  including Parkinson's disease, seizures and hysteria.  As a nervine, Passion Flower can be very effective in nerve pain such as neuralgia, and the viral infection of nerves called shingles.  Both the flavonoids, vitexen - which lowers blood pressure - and orientin, together protect against arrhythmia and reduced blood flow to the heart.  It has been used for cardiac pain and palpitations.  (NOTE:  Check medical definitions for explanation of medical and scientific terms.) 
Passion Flower is also effective in small doses for hyperactive children who are often routinely drugged with Ritalin in school. 
 The Passion Flower is a "weed" of southern states, ranging from Pennsylvania, Illinois to Oklahoma, south to Florida and west as far as Texas.  This vine, which can get up to 30 feet long, grows in sandy soil, fields, along road sides, in disturbed habitats and in thickets. 
 The plant produces a yellow, fleshy fruit the size of a small hen's egg called "maypop" because children in the South jump on it to make it pop.  They appear anytime from early summer to fall.  Peel the ripe maypop and enjoy it raw – it has a sweet and cooling flavor, especially on a hot, summer day.  The fruit is a good source of beta carotene and niacin.  There are other similar edible look-a-likes, but no poisonous ones. 
 From mid-spring to early summer, large, showy flowers burst forth from leaf axils.  Its inner design of 3 to 5 white sepals creates an alternating pattern with 3 to 5 white petals.  These petals are overlaid by a fringe-like crown of purple or pink threads, the corona, growing from the petal's base.  The alternate, lobed leaves are slightly toothed, with 3 to 5 sharply pointed lobes up to 4 inches long.  It can trail along the ground or climb with its spring-like tendrils. 
 The plant got its name because Spanish missionaries thought the flowers resembled Christ's crown of thorns - so the vine is supposed to symbolize faith and piety. 
Passion Flower Tea
 Need a little help sleeping?  Try this little brew. 
 Put one (1) teaspoon of the dried herb in a tea ball or small piece of cheesecloth.  Put in a nice size mug and pour a cup of boiling water over it.  Let infuse for 15 to 20 minutes.  You may add a little honey to taste, even though the Passion Flower tastes good without it.  Drink one (or two cups if you're really tense) and sleep tight!! 
 For other symptoms, have a cup twice daily. 
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