Healing Asthma Naturally

This book teaches you how to heal yourself of Asthma. In most cases it can be healed or even cured without drugs or medication by natural means.

Way back in the early 80's; I came across an article by Dr Maher-Loughinan (1976) who reported his results with 173 asthma patients, utilizing hypnosis and self-hypnosis. He reported that a substantial number of his patients (82%) were cured or improved considerably with autohypnosis. The 18% who did not respond and the 4% who relapsed during the six year follow up were treated with six hours of daily intensive auto-hypnosis for a period of a few weeks, resulting in marked improvement or cure in most cases.

An independent, randomized, controlled study conducted by the research committee of the British Tuberculosis Association (1968) found similar results in 59% of patients.

Many other research studies on mind-body healing and asthma have since been published. The majority indicate that hypnosis is a very powerful tool for curing asthma: especially when used regularly over a number of months (>6 months). Newer techniques such as NLP also hold great promise: e.g. Dr Jorgen and Hanne Lund from Denmark presented their findings with 30 asthmatics at the conference of the Danish Society of Allergology (1994) where they described their experience of treatment using Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Most patients had significant improvements in their lung function and "use of inhalers and acute medication fell to near zero".

Over the last fifteen years I have taught over a hundred asthmatics to use self- hypnosis with good results. Some asthmatics have reservations about hypnosis or do not respond to it. For them I have found other mind-body techniques such as meditation, imagery or biofeedback makes the program much more effective and useful.

As there is no gain for the drug companies these methods have not become popular.

If you suffer from asthma I would suggest that you explore these options in addition to regular medical treatment. To learn how you can heal yourself read my book Healing Asthma Naturally.

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Author Details Dr Dayal Mirchandani, M.D. DPM FIPS.

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