my head hums with the sound of life passing by
hearts beating out of tune with mine
faces full of smiles for someone else
not for me
not for me
my soul stirs and quivers with anticipation now
looking for all the love that isn't there
hoping that it is really there after all
it is not
it is not
life is nothing more than an brief fleeting illusion
pain sorrow hate joy love anger friendship
all of the bright shining flavors of emotion
it's not real
it's not real
as I lay me down to die praying to never awake
all dreams are futile distant and hopeless
all lies just beyond my hand out of reach
why me
why me

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Well as I rack my poor old broken brain to create some new poetry, I invite you to peruse the below. As you may have noticed, I prefer the "free verse" style of poetry composition. I feel it is the best method to express and convey one's inner feelings. Most, no, all of my stuff is semi-autobiographical. A writter can best write about their own experiences, (unless they are fiction writers) and feelings.
I am still seeking your true story of either being a mental health consumer, or a mental health provider. Funny isn't it, that there have been no psychiatrists or psychologists, or even a psych attendent that has sent us their point of view, just one brave soul so far, an RN? I have posted to their newsgroups, and have even writen individuals that I have been able to locate on the web. "Interesting site." is all I get back from them. I feel like Sisyphus!


Who is there to love the unloved?
Why does my call go unanswered?
How many ships pass in the night?
Where are all of the lonely hearts?
What does it take to fill all the gaps?
So many confused questions with
no easy answers to be found.
Emptiness is loneliness
by a different name
of course.
Where are the answers to be found?
Is it in the wholeness that comes from
true love, companionship,
laughter, sharing
I have no answers being a fool,
just sit here and let life pass by
lost in my muse,
"How alone are we in this world
people passing other strangers
lovers and friends
touching but never really
loving but with reservations
God never listens
he has grown tired
So it seems at times anyway.
When will all of it ever change,
if change even can come,
and become something more?
I'm tired of being the noble
man alone.


I dreamed of reaching out, holding you, touching you, and loving you
Our nights spent together making all of two lover's special small talk
about our love, our lives,
the plans and dreams
we both wanted
and later in the deep of the night
the sharing of our passions, joined.
soaring together
as one
You seemed to have come to me on the wings of an unspoken prayer
So much we share, so much alike it was almost frightening, almost a gift
a gift neither of us expected to recieve, yet one we both so much needed.
We had a wonderful future to share together, happiness, love, and our laughter
our joy, our sorrows,
our smiles, our tears,
our health, and our illnesses.
We can understand each other better than others because we are joined
joined in a way that others find filled with pain and agony, we with understanding.
Yet that common thread has threatened to split us, throw us to the mercies of???
I wait for you
Lonely still
Are you ever going to be free?


Cirrus clouds paint a pale blue sky in shades of spring.
Young people and some not so young skate by,
older people learn to walk, legs weakened by winter
Ducks celebrate by coupling on the lakes edge,
an expectant swan lends her warmth to a nest.
Trees remain unabashed of past winter's nudity,
preparing to adorn themselves of leaves of green.
Children loudly play, swing, slide, climb and run,
mother's worry them in caution of broken bones.
It seems like a day filled with warm blue magic,
providing an oasis of days to come this early spring day.
People trot by, smiling and nodding at one another,
wearing jogging suits that have been stored away,
waiting to be happily shown off on such a blue day.
Early spring is kind of like an exotic strip tease dancer,
revealing just a peek of warm sultry days that lie ahead.
Lovers share an old blanket spread on the damp ground,
they lay there lost and dreaming intimate dreams aloud,
after all, spring is a time for love and the renewal of life.


Love Thy Name is Lie

Some poets lie and say "I'm alone but not lonesome."
I scream the truth of my loneliness in my words and verse,
I have found out that love is just an invention for the heart,
something made up to fill a void, an vacant space inside.
Too many volunteers have given me a Master's education,
letting me know of all the empty words and tears.
Love is a lie, ask all of those willing teachers why,
is it a myth, a conceit fabricated by all the false Gods?
Why do people confuse habit and companionship,
for some needed yet noble name for simple togetherness?
Perhaps my cynical eyes and pen have made me an apostate,
cast into a world full of wedded bliss and eternal love.
My truth and reality, you see, is I am alone, and I am lonely.

Drop me a Especially if you're a "mental health provider."


It is a miracle when love collides,
two formerly separate hearts meet
and begin to throb in unison.
There can never be enough love
when you find it, grab it firmly
hold it tightly deep in your soul.
I met a love that I longed for,
the two of us, each with wounds
that only we can bind together.
You came from a far different world,
I was here, alone, waiting and dreaming.
When we met through impossible odds,
we both recognized one another's heart,
and started to love as if by magic.
I'm a poet and dreamer of things,
you are a swan waiting to be freed.
Together our gaps meet and fill,
all of that which we have sought.
When love collides, anything is possible,
dreamed dreams can come true,
after all it's up to us to make it real.
Mountains are easily climbed hand in hand,
through a partnership known as love,
and your face is the first thing,
I want to see each morning.
Our footprints merge together
as we pilgrimage towards life,
in love,


My bed has become cold and barren as the days grow shorter
I reach out for you, but you're there only in dreams,
no longer pressed tightly against my back,
your nipples firm against my naked skin.
Sometimes in the still and quiet of the early hours
I weep and hold myself like a child, scared of the unknown
I lie to myself, saying you haven't really left,
you'll soon return, but alas, I know better.
As I walk the streets, I scan all of the faces that pass me,
looking for that look.
The one that says "Don't be afraid, come and we'll talk,
I'll make it better." All I ever see are blanks,
made up to look through me, I'm not there, I have ceased to be.
How long has it been since someone reached out and touched me
in a loving, caring way?

How much longer will my bed stay cold and empty of the passion
that burns deep inside of my hollow heart?
How long will my soul remain cold, empty, and unfulfilled, waiting...?
I think that if someone ever comes to share love, life, and joy,
bearing the present of life to me,
the days will start to grow longer,
and the nights will become very very much hotter.



You have applied a band aide to my bloody soul,
earlier I was in a state of hemorrhage,
moods gushing forth too profound to stop,
as sense of danger from an old former friend.
I would have never expected to cut so deep,
using two knives of my own creation, to cut the inner self,
and heart in a cruel and heartless way.
My skin caught fire as I felt more and more
naked in the noon day sun of darkness.
I sometimes lose my vision and my sight.
Now I wonder at the friends that I've yet to meet.
How they can come into my life binding some
of the wounds afflicted on this day?
Holding up a looking glass where I can
more plainly see things that are things,
and I can't only but control things that are me.
I reach out in my words seeking love from dear lovely friends,
who help me to understand all the cobwebs of my psyche.
Could they all be an invention or a creation of
an inner thing that is purely special to myself?
Teach me all of things, that I alone can control.

Bright colors swirl around in my heart,
red boots dance in the mist of future night.
Ocean breezes blow upon our intwined hands,
as the surf roars, whispering unsaid dreams.
Lound city noise is silent ears tuned only for we.
Joggers run by too quickly to see us,
looking in each other's eyes and seeing one another.
Steam from the hot dog venders carts rise,
we only smell each other's perfume.
Neon lights break the darkness
of an otherwise lonely night, but not for us.
Loney nights and lonely hearts are finally free,
touching and caressing with a love like a child.
Many different roads are open for our travel,
we only have to choose the right one leading to our destiny.
Two hearts that have known so much pain,
at time almost beyond endurance,
can heal and beat as one.
Life rolls the dice as we hold our quivering breaths,
what will our number turn out to be?


Bert and I were as tight as two people can get.
We shared laughter together, and, I'm sure, tears.
Bert gave me life and I gave her the joy of motherhood.
We played with large rubber balls and little boy's toys,
we would the explore the mystery of the wild outdoors,
in the fenced in playground of the back yard.
Bert taught me all of the little things a boy needs to know,
how to tie my shoes and dress myself for the day.
She was my constant companion throughout the day,
when father came home he allowed me the use of his long legs,
to build my baby blanket tents, to hide in. We all were busy.
Father painted blue stripes on my bedroom wall,
played with my electric train, showing how a real engineer did it.
Bert, dressed in an apron, with silky brown hair tied in a scarf,
took to the kitchen baking pies, cake, and cinnamon rolls.
Many things have been said in praise of a mother's love.
All I know, is that for far too short of a time, she was mine.
We would play, and she would hold me and give me comfort,
whenever my narrow little boy world came crashing down.
She was so good to dad and me, perhaps, she was too good.
Shortly after she gave us another love, little brother John, she left us.
My world was never the same, I couldn't understand why.
A big part of me was empty, pretending she would come back.
I sorely missed that thing that every little boy needs, his mother.
Daddy became a haunted, lonely man, not knowing where to turn.
As hard as he tried, and as much as he was there for John and me,
his only fault was that he was not Bert, but no one could be.
He and I didn't understand an inevitable fact of this mortal life,
when God summons and calls you, you must leave loved ones behind.
You have to abandon it all, even your own physical being.
I pretended that Bert flew through the clouds on wings anew, free.
She was heaven bound, leaving three people behind to grieve her passing.
Now, years later, a cold wind blows, the cruel frozen ground of December,
covered with partially melted dirty snow, hides her monument from my view,
I stand with tears in my eyes, just like I did when I was only five,
crying out, "Mother, mother, sweet mother, where are you? Where did you go?"
Years have passed, John has no memories of Bert, dad doesn't talk much.
I often wonder what Bert would think of her grown to manhood boy,
would she approve and offer her support in all of my wild follies?
What would she think of her grandchildren, now as one is lost to me?
Bert, where ever you are, look down at me from time to time,
I still need your love and warmth in my empty painful life.
And Bert, I still love you the best.


Do you hear it? The wind and the clouds passing by?
Songs sung by mute mouths with big warm smiles?
Sunshine in bright wide eyes?
Do they call your name? Are you listening with your heart?

Can you see it all? Long green blades of grass,
flowers with colors brighter than any rainbow?
Kite that light up the gentle sky?
They are all there, beneath the frozen ground.

Has your nose caught the sweet smell?
Incense, perfume, daffodils and roses?
Hot coffee and warm cocoa?
They belong to us for the sharing.

Has you skin felt the tactile embraces?
Of love, fire, ice, and life?
Has the breath of a baby caressed your breast?
Joy comes in the feelings. In the embrace of life.


Smart assed bleeding Jesus, smug in your adoration of many,
answer me this if you truly can, where have all the Gods gone?
Why have we, the broken, been left alone and forgotten by them?
The arrogance of them, especially that big one who calls himself I Am,
I used to believe in you, even when you didn't believe in me.
You've gone the way of Zeus, Jupiter, Mars, and a thousand others,
you've lost your place. T.V. men in white patent leather shoes,
tell us to believe in you, and to send in them dollars to prove it!
Worthless, wretched, pitiful, hateful, wicked, jealous God,
maker of hell, of right and wrong, of men and women, left and right,
go away! No one here wants to see your "beauty" and "glory."
Perhaps, if you do really exist, you'll see your own folly,
and make yourself right with humanity.


I wander through the night all alone,
my days are spent in seclusion.
I left my house to see if there were any people there.
There were many who go through the day uncaring,
I found out that I'm amazed to be glad that I'm not one of them.
I can see sunrise and sunset in deep colored hues,
the leaves of every tree are alive, and I know that.
I hear the birds as they sing their happy songs,
and I now know that only a bipolar can be this free!


The Feather

Love is a bit like a feather in the wind,
that blows here and there.
Every time it lands,
there is a chance it will blow away again.

Feathers are a lot like love,
soft, colorful, fluffy, and light.
They come in many moods and flavors,
and leave with a gentle puff of the wind.


night has again fallen deeper than before
casting its shadow over the day
my soul has turned dark
and i want to escape
where can i go to get away
wherever i am there is me
i dont see an after life
just long sought out oblivion
heartless cursed thing that has descended
i never in my life invited you
yet we are partners alone in the darkness

Empty Nights
I gaze at the red fire within
how easy and what a simple thing
to stub it out of existence for good
as the cars go by they break the silence
invading my own private little world
and yet they comfort me
noise in the neighborhood keeps a remembrance
of times lost in youth living in the warmth
of the green and blue and sunlight
I recall the many games of love that I have won
and lost in the rush to get to where I am
lost time only to forego the colors
for night is naught but darkness
a time for visions in gray haunted by ghosts
and a time of emptiness inside and out
I go to my bed but sleep eludes me
no escape into dreams of what could be
and once what was me
we rush forward shedding our childhood colors
like a snake sheds his skin to grow
we rush ahead too quickly to enter a world that confounds
eventually finding our refuge and salvation in a small little bottle
the color brown tint that protect our personality in a jar
we alternately worship and damn the gods
for taking the richness of our colors away
as I toss and turn my mind races toward the brink
of all things sane and of all that is madness
maybe the color blue will lead me to that distant land
that the noise of an alarm clock will call retreat from
the shades of gray will give over to the colors of another day.
~Robbie~ A.K.A. Robert Jon Shafer



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