There is a 2nd diary page now. Please go there to read the most current entry link from above or justClick here for SCOTT'S 2ND DIARY PAGE
July 30th, I will be an equivalent of 6 months old on August 5th..Yay!!!!!Got my 2nd tooth in.Soon I will have the most handsome smile in the world. Oooops, mom and dad say I already do!
July 25th, I am at my grannies having a swell time. Her birthday is coming up on Sunday. She is a special lady. I love her. Can you believe that my dad got his hair cut will low. They call it a buzzcut. Geesh, I almost have more hair than him.I also have cut my gum with my 1st tooth!Mom and dad are so excited.
July 21st, got my pictures taken today. Boy was my mommy sure proud of me. I was asked if I had done any modeling because I did such a good job. Only took a total of 7 pictures. WOW.. My folks are really proud of me. Come to think of it, I am proud of me too.. On the 25th I will be 9 months old..Hard to believe that the time is almost here when I will be a whole year old. WOW!!!! Thanks for stopping by.
July 14th, today went to the eye doctor and he said I am showing signs of nearsightedness. I was expected to have nearsightedness anyways. When babies are treated for retinopathy of prematurity they are more likley to get this. I go back in February for another checkup. Dr. said I may need to get glasses. Having glasses won't be all too bad, afterall I will look even more like my daddy.Boy, last weekend was sure fun. Took my grandpa and his wife site seeing with mom and dad. Got to see my cousin Krystina. I cannot wait to see the highchair grandpa is making me. He is such a woodworker. He made my changing table.
July 11th, today my grandpa and his wife are coming to town. We are all going to go site seeing. Abe Lincoln sites. It is a beautiful day and I hope to have a great day.
July 9th, well today mom and dad got me a big toy. An exersaucer. It is really neat! I can stand up in the seat or sit, whichever I choose. It has toys on it that makes sounds and I have many things to push. WOW!!!I will be going to my eye doctor in a few weeks to see how my eyes are doing. So far I feel like they are o.k., but it is nice to have a check-up. Well, hope you come back again. It is time for supper.
Today I am considered 5 months old. That is my corrected age. I am doing things that a 5 month old does and some things that some 5 month old don't do..I try to crawl and talk. I like to look over the crib when I am in it to see if my parents are in the room with me. I am grabbing at stuff more and I am eating more baby food. Next month I think the doctor will take me off the apnea monitor. I use the monitior only when I am sleeping at night and I have not had any trouble with any apnea or bradycardia..My folks are really proud of me as I am them. They are pretty good parents..My real birthday will be soon. October 25th is coming up in a few months.
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
July 1st, I've got 3 new pictures today. My mom and dad really got a big kick out of me wearing that silly diaper on my head. I am about 14lbs now and really doing well. I love to eat mac & cheese and squash. I am standing up with help and am getting the hang of this rolling over trick. I am trying real hard to talk to my folks, funny thing is they DO talk my language!!!
June 25th, today my therapist came over and was checking out my progress. She said I am doing very well and was impressed that I am doing things that I am not suppose to be doing when I am 4 months old..Like trying to stand and bounce up and down.. I am teething and rolling over a bit more. Mom and dad are sure proud of me. Come to think of it, I am proud of me too!!!
JUNE 21st, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!
Today I want to tell everyone how much I love my dad and tell the world how wonderful he is.."MY POP IS TOPS EVERYONE!!!"He always works so hard for my mom and I and always makes sure we have everything we need. He plays with me and treats me like the big boy that I am. He is really a swell daddy. I love him so very much!!!!!
June 18th, went to my doctor today and was she happy..I have grown now to 13.13 lbs. She is really happy at my progress and told mom not to be surprised when she sees a tooth. She will be though. I surprise mommy all the time.. I got some new vaccines, and you know what? They still stung a bit. OUCH!!! Well starting to storm here, I have to get off computer. BYE.
June 12th, I am at my grannies having fun..Everyone loves to see me. There is a birthday party that we are going to go to this Saturday. I will have a new pic that will be on this page soon.
Today I turned 4 months old. How excited my folks are. There was a nurse that came to the house recently to see how I was doing and she said that I weigh 13.8 lbs..Boy was she excited..I am starting to roll over more and am trying to talk..We are going to Grandmas next weekend. I cannot wait to see my relatives.
June 3rd, Well long time since I was last on, but lots have been going on. Daddy had to put in a new water heater. I have been quite busy. I have been trying out new foods. I like spinach( that makes my poop green!) I like green beans and creamed corn. Today I started some meal stuff also..That was really good. I have started to giggle. I make my mommy laugh also. I am grabbing at eye glasses. You know I can take them off their heads if I get a good grip on them! On my friends page I have a new picture of Raymond. He is doing so good also. On the 5th I will be 4 months old gestationally..Dad says maybe when I turn a year old in October, he will quite seperating the month ages..Actually I will be caught up with the physical and mental strategies when I am 2 yrs old. For being 7 months old I am really at the rate of a 4 month old..Anyways...I am special!!!Well, time to go and eat some of this new food. You all please come back.~Scott
May 27th, today the results from the hearing tests came back. I can hear just fine!!!Yay!!!! parents are really glad. I also started a new veggie. PEAS. Boy, now I know why my dad won't eat peas.I have had sweet potatoes and green beans so far, but those peas, YUCK!!!Well, speaking of food....Time to go get some. Please come back again.~Scott
May 25, HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! This special tribute goes out to my relatives that I have heard so much about, but are not here with me. They never got to meet me and see how big I have become. These people would be very proud of me and my folks. I know that they are really around me though. My dad and mom says that they are always watching over us all. I sure wish I could have met them. On the other hand, one day I will get to meet them..In Heaven.~Scott
In honor;My Grandma Peggy, Great Grandma Vesper, Grandpa Richard, Grandpa Art, Great Uncles Otho, Bill, and William, Great Uncle Bub, Great Uncle Butch, and my Uncles; Scott and Bobby.~Scott
May 22nd..Well, glad to be back online!! Dad got a new server today so he also has a new email and he says he is sure glad to be back online..Today I went to the hospital for my hearing test. Everything went well. The nurses and doctor were so good to me and I also got to meet many of daddies friends that he works with. They thought I was just adorable.
We should be getting the results next week about how my hearing test went. I know one thing for sure, I think my ears are pretty good. I can hear my folks and I can surely hear them when they tell me it is DINNERTIME!!!!!~Scott
May 18th, went to the peds doctor today and she said that I am almost 13 lbs..I weighed in at 12 lbs 10 oz.She said that I am getting ready to cut teeth(that's why I have been cranky and slobbering all over). She also said I can start eating some veggies. Mom and dad are so excited..She says I am really strong for my age(considering I was once a preemie!!)Well, time to go..See ya again!~Scott
May 17th, at grannies and having a swell time. Grandma says I am gonna be having some teeth pop out soon. I like to slobber all over, chew on my hands, fingers, and anything else I can get in my mouth. I am not even 4 months old yet physically so, how could that happen already?? Well time to go, mom is calling.~Scott
May 15th, Well, there I am..A new pic. The picture was taken of me and my daddy at the park a few weeks ago. It was such a beautiful day. I like the park. When we go, we watch and feed the ducks and go to the playground and just watch people. Sometimes we have my cousin Jesse with us. Holly goes with us and she loves it too. I am going to be having my peds doc appointment soon and also a hearing test. While I was in the NICU, the doctors were not able to get a complete hearing test on me. So, mom and dad are pretty excited. Well, gotta go. Bye and come see me again!!~Scott
May 10th, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY----------
Today I would like to tell the world how much of a wonderfull mommy I have. She is really a sweet person. Always thinking of other people before herself. She is always taking really good care of me and even when she is really tired, she does not hesitate to help me. She is really the boss in the family, no matter what daddy says.My mommy is just truly the bestest..MOMMY, I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!~Scott
May 6th, "Oscar Night"...Well kinda..My folks are pretty proud to see their boy in a movie. Well actually the movie was a video that was made while I was in the NICU, back in December. The video was made as a parent teaching video. Shows positioning, feedings and other things that the premature baby goes through in the NICU. The video will help the parents understand how the baby develops and how the parents can get involved with their babies. My folks were sure proud to see me in the video..Boy I was sure small back then. I was only in my 37th week and weighed around 3-4 lbs..WOW!!!~Scott
May 5th, HAPPY 3 MONTHS BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I went to my ENT doctor and he said that my vocal chord is doing very well and he will not be worried at all about my speech. He scheduled my hearing test and I will be getting that done soon. I have my pedi appointment next Monday and tomorrow daddy is suppose to be picking up a video that was made while I was in the NICU. The video showed positioning, bathing and feeding of the babies in the NICU. This video is going to be used as an educational video for new nurses to the NICU..Mom and dad are excited to see the video. I was like 3-4 lbs when it was done. Well, I must go. It is bath time.~Scott
May 2nd, getting closer to the 5th. The 5th I will be 3 months old..YAY!!!!! My umbilical hernia has really gotten smaller. That is good. Now I won't need surgery. I must be almost 12 lbs now..I have really been growing.I am trying to roll over and I have changed my eating habits. I still like to get daddy up between 3 am and 5:30 am though..hehe~Scott
April 26th, well dad finally put on my second page. You can click above to go there and see pics of my family and friends. I also told daddy to put interesting links that could be of some use.You know, lately I have been starting to get this thumb of mine in my mouth, do you reckon that maybe this ketchup stuff would make it taste better???~Scott
April 25th, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, actually today I turn 6 months old. I sure am. Hard to believe I am that old but when ya spend 3 months in the hospital time sure flies..
I am doing things that every 2 1/2 month {my corrected age} old does. On May 5th I will be 3 months old. My, these months sure get confusing and I was told that they will be confusing until I reach about 2 years old. By age 2 I will finally be where I am suppose to be. Kinda like finally caught up ya know. It was hard coming into this world 15 weeks early, but I was strong and everyday just grow stronger. I want to thank all my mom and dads friends who have kept me in their thoughts and wished me well. It has helped!! Well, time to get some food. Come back again.~Scott
April 24th, hello..I am doing well and the therapists who come to visit say that I am doing all skills very good. My folks are pretty proud of me. Dad is working on a 2nd page in this homepage. It will be a page that will have links to other good topics and have pictures of me and my family, but maily pictures of me......~Scott
April 18th, went to the doctor yesterday and I am really a big boy. I now weigh 11.2 lbs. and am 22 inches long. I am smiling more and just enjoying life. I think my dad is getting tired of getting up with me..He mentioned to mom that when I wake up at 4am, then he is up for 2 hrs before he goes to work. Well, soon I will be sleeping longer. We have gone to the park a lot this last week. Boy it sure is fun. People come to me and talk to me and my dog. They say I am cute and all..I like that. What a nice bunch of people. Oh oh, time to go. I feel a belch coming on.~Scott
April 12th,today was my 1st Easter. Had a blast. Saw many relatives and they of course loved me. I got 2 Easter rabbits and instead of candy, I got some food that comes in a jar. Wow, that will be neat. Probably will taste better than the oatmeal I have been eating. Last night was also the 1st night that I slept through the whole night. I went to bed around 12:30am and did not get up today until 7:30am..Dad was pretty proud.~Scott
April 11th, Hello, I am at grannies. I have really been busy today visiting my grandpa, nieces, aunts, & cousins. You know what? I saw the Easter Bunny out at the mall in my grannies town. He sure gets around. It was just last weekend when I and my cousin Jesse got our picture taken with him. How the heck does he get all over the place. Kinda like that fella with the beard...................Santa Claus.~Scott
April 9th, Headed to grannies on Friday. Will be there to see all my relatives again. I have started some rice cereal. Pretty good stuff. Daddy says that the rice reminds him of potatoe flakes.(Bet he won't try some though!) I have really gotten big. I cannot wait till I go to the doctor on the 17th. Mom and pop says I am "soooooooooooooo BIG"..Haha I love them!!~Scott
April 4th, today dad started infant massage. Boy this stuff feels great! He added a link for all who might be interested in infant massage for their babies. Babies really do well after having massage therapy...~Scott
April 1st, yesterday there was a therapist who came by to check on how I was doing. She said that I am really doing well and am doing some things that 2 month olds don't do. I can keep my head up, and stick out my tongue and try to copy my parents. I am doing pretty well, just trying to sleep through the night. I also have started to walk. Yup, dad just stood me up and I started to take a few steps. Pretty good,eh? APRIL FOOL'S!!!~Scott
March 29th, today I went on my 1st trip to the park. We had a picnic and took our dog and boy was it fun. Mommy had a terrible time keeping the sun out of my eyes and when she decided to carry me awhile, daddy put our dog in the stroller. hahaha, Holly looked so funny. This balding thing is starting to worry me. I saw many old men with no hair. Why am I losing mine already?? Daddy added a link to Chris's Page today. He is a little boy with a disease that doctors cannot seem to diagnose. Maybe with the help of many people, Chris's disease will be found and maybe he will get better. Time for supper, bye.~Scott
March 28th, I am doing pretty good. I probably weigh around 10lbs and I am getting stronger everyday. On April 5th I will be 2 months old, corrected age. My hair is getting darker and can you believe I am starting to go bald already!! Half of my head is going bald. I thought that is only suppose to happen to the old people like my daddy...~Scott
March 23rd, This past weekend I got to take my 1st trip to my grannies. I got to see many relatives because they all came to the party that was given for me. Boy, were they really glad to see me. Says I look like daddy..(Iam not sure to be happy or sad about that!). So many nice things were received and much appreciated. Everyone was glad to see that I am doing well. I must be almost 9lbs and 20 inches. I cannot wait till I go to grannies again...~Scott
March 17th, Happy St. Pats Day!!!(whatever that means..) Mom and dad were pretty excited that today I had green poop. haha. Today I went for my hearing test. I will have to have it re-done because I could not stay asleep for them. The people put things in my ears and test me while I am asleep. I am growing stronger and doing more funny things.~Scott
March 14th, I have started to reach for things. This Pooh and Friends mobile is really neat and I try to reach for them. I also try reaching my toys while on the floor. Soft animals, a phone, and some rattles. I like them.~Scott
March 11th, today I went to the doctor and boy was she sure happy. I weighed in at 8 lbs and 5 oz. She says that in a few weeks I can go from the neocare fromula to the regular formula. My folks are really happy and proud of me.~Scott
March 9th, all is well. My hair is starting to turn darker, like my dads and momma's. Dad says my umbilical hernia seems to be getting bigger. It does not hurt though. My nights are still the same. I get up anywhere between 3 am and 5:30am. dad feeds me before he goes to work. Lately mom has been pretty irritable. I think it has something to do with her not getting enough sleep. Dad tries to help mom out a lot so he can bear to live with her(so he says)..My folks are really great parents. I love them so much!!~Scott
March 2nd, today I got a new apnea monitor belt. This replaces the patches and leads. Instead of 2 patches, I have a soft belt that goes around my body. So far it seems to be fine. Not too tight or too loose. It is easy to adjust and use. I have been playing on the floor. Mommy puts down my favorite WTP blanket and boy do I like that. This past weekend some co-workers of daddy's came by the house and brought me some gifts. Among them was a swing and some crib sheets. Many friends have brought stuff..I would love to give them all a HUGE HUG!!!!!!!!!!~Scott
February 28th, it has not even been a month yet and I almost have gained 2 lbs since coming home. I eat like a horse and am starting to sleep better through the night. I am getting more hair(daddy won't be able to call me 'Uncle Fester" anymore!*@!) I will have a hearing test soon and the people with the developmental center says that my skills are where I am suppose to be. Also I am ahead in a few things. That is good. My folks are so proud of me..~Scott
February 24th, went to my doctor today and boy am I getting bigger. Weighed in at 6 lbs and 13 oz. Almost 7 lbs!! Also, now I am 18 1/4 inchges long. I am starting to sleep better through the night. Daddy says I am giving him mercy by only getting him up at 4am-4:30.Hehe, says he cannot stand getting up any earlier than that. Well, he keeps calling me Uncle Fester, I am going to start keeping him up ALL night.Haha... I have been taken off the cisapride and vitamin E.~Scott
February 19th, today I went to the hospital for my respragram. Respragam is the medication that I am given to try to keep the RSV away. It is given I.V. and usually takes up to 3 hrs for it all to be given to me. This is my 2nd treatment. daddy is sick. Got the flu. I was having a terrible time with gas. Mom got some medicine to relieve me of these terrible gas pains. I was not able to sleep well through the nights and was very fussy. I seem to be doing better today. Still catching up from being so tried though. And daddy, he is starting to feel better. My mommy, what a gal. She is taking care of the both of us. I love her....~Scott
February 12th,had my eyes checked. My ROP has virtually gone away and he says I have a great outcome. I may need glasses later for nearsightedness, but heck, then I will look like more like my mom and dad. He said the scarring done from the laser has healed nicely. My pictures came in the mail today and boy were my folks excited. Daddy always calls me Churchill and a guy named Uncle Fester. He is silly.~Scott
February 10th, had my 1st appointment with my pediatrician today. She is really nice. Said I have a hydrocele that will go away with time. I got some vaccines today. They really smart!! Got them in my thighs. Man, ouch!!I am growing too. I am 5 lbs and 10 oz and 17 1/4 inches long..BIG BOY!!~Scott
February 9th, I wish I could get my days and nights straightened out. I seem to be more awake or hungry after midnite, and I don't even get another feeding until 4am!!~Scott
February 6th, Man, I probably drive my folks crazy!! When I sleep I grunt and almost make a crying sound although I am sound asleep. I also cannot seem to stay in one spot. I am all over that bed. Hahaha, I love my folks, but man are they something. Always checking up on me. Hmmmm,I am cute. They love me!!!~Scott
February 4th, I am finally home. I have 2 cats and a dog. They are not sure what to think of me. I am on an apnea monitor. This will give my parents a good piece of mind while I am sleeping and enjoying daily life. I will probably have this monitor for at least 6 months or so. I sleep alot and feed every 4 hours.~Scott
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