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to my 4th diary page

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Click here to see my 1st Swing Kodak Photo Quilt Pic
Click here to see the Kodak Photo Quilt, here you can type in a keyword(like "swing" to see me) and search and read stories about that picture

February 26th, at grannies this weekend. Might get to see my Aunt Debby and Uncle Steve this weekend. It is rainy a bit so might not get to go to the park. Would like to go to The Castle. That is a fun place in the park to play.

February 19th, My dad finally took some rolls of film in!! We had 20 rolls and he took 10 of them in. Hopefully, he will be putting some new pics of me within these pages. There sure are lots. They even took some black and white film. Now that should be neat. Lately, I have been in the mood to watch Blues Clues. Blues Clues in the morning, day, and night. But, mom and dad won't let me watch it at night unless they are busy doing something else. I love Blues Clues. I am excited about my little brother. I can feel him kick against mommys belly. It is weird, But neat. The snow is gone finally. I am hoping the snow will not come back. Soon we all will start going to the park and bike riding and having fun. I like that.

To my mom and dad. I love you very much!~Scott

February 1st, I am global bigtime! USA TODAY had on it's hotsites web page the link to the Kodak Photoquilt. It was a special quilt made up of thousands of pictures and each picture tells a story. Above, is a link to the quilt site as well as to the quilt picture of me. My friend Raymond is also on the quilt. You can type in the keyword "miracle" and see the picture of him pop up. It is really neat!

January 30th, SNOW!!We finally got bushels of snow. We got about 6 inches in the last day and half. My cousin and I went sledding at the park yesterday and it sure was fun. Well, actually, dad had more fun that I and I was a bit scared. I like the snow just not the sledding part. I again went outside to play in the snow and it sure was fun. Dad and I made angels in the snow.

January 22nd, the visiting nurse came to my house the other day and she checked me out. She was very pleased. She said that I am healthy as a lark. I weigh 24 lbs. I am about 31 inches tall. I can put my shoes on and undress myself. We have gotten snow recently and boy do I like playing in it. Dad got the sled out and pulled me around. Man was that fun. I am getting excited about my little baby brother, Connor. I cannot wait to see him!

January 15th, Jesse's party was sure fun. He got lots of toys and had many of his friends at the party. I have been riding my stock car that I got for Christmas, sure is fun. I am talking more and guess what? I got a guitar! Now dad and I can play guitar together. I will be going to see Dr. Chua in a few weeks. He was the great neonatologist that took care of me back in my NICU months.I am talking more. I Will say just about anything you ask me too.

January 6th, 2000
Today is Jesse's 7th birthday and he is going to have a birthday party this coming Sunday. I cannot wait. I like to have Jesse around and we play together. He is like a big brother. Hey, I am going to be a big brother. Did I tell you?

Happy New Year folks!! I hope the year 2000 will be safe, prosperous, and happy for you all. ~Scott
December 29th, Well...Did I sure have a fun time at grannies. We saw so many people and I got so many gifts. I really enjoyed seeing all my family members. Cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, what such a wonderful time. My dad said that when we headed home in our packed up van we looked liked the Beverly Hillbillies. Hmmm, what's that mean? Next big thing is Y2K. Everyone is saying it could really cause problems but my folks do not think so. I am looking forward to it. We usually watch fireworks downtown for New Years. We are staying home and having fun.

December 25th, 1999
Merry Christmas everyone!! On this very special day I would like to say Happy Birthdayto our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for it is him that has given me and everyone else LIFE. I want to thank him for all the precious things he has given me and my family. For blessing us so very much. I would also like to send a big wish that everyone has a safe and happy holiday season.~Scott

December 22nd, I went with mm and dad to moms doctor and she had another sonogram done. This time we were able to see what mom will be having. Well folks, I am going to have a little brother, Connor Matthew. You can read his diary also, a link above is listed to help you get there. We will be going to grannies on Thursday for Christmas activities.

December 20th, we have had such a good time the last few days. Over the weekend we had my Aunt Monica and Cousin Jesse here for Christmas dinner. Today, my Grandpa Harris and his wife showed up for a visit. He brought the toy chest that he hand made out of wood. He sure does a good job on those items he makes. He has made me a changing table and a high chair previously. I will cherish these for all my life. We will be going to grannies this weekend for Christmas and will visit my other aunts and uncles as well. Should be lots of fun. Mom and dad goes to the doctors tomorrow to have a sonogram done on mommies belly. Maybe I will get to find out if I am having a sister or a brother.

December 12th, We opened our Christmas presents already!! I got lots of fun toys and some clothes. My favorite thing is the Rock -n- Roll Elmo. And I also like the Bedtime Blue. We will be having our Christmas dinner here this coming weekend and then will go to Grannies to be with her and my moms family on Christmas Eve and Day. These days I am speaking more fluently. I also am drinking from a cup better without spilling anything. Mom and dad likes that.
December 11th, went to the zoo to see a bunch of Christmas lights on display and walked the grounds. That was fun. We did not see many animals like we usually do, but did see Santa. I did not want to sit on his lap this year. I will try it next year. My cousin, Jesse, did go with us and he did sit on his lap. We all had a great time.

December 1st, we got our 1st snow the other nite. Dad decided that he will not be riding his bike to work any more until the roads are dry and it is not so cold. I cannot wait till Christmas to get here. Sounds like so much fun.

November 27th, had a great time at grannies. I got to go to the oldest Santa Parade in the USA! It was great weather for it and I also got to see many fun things. We also went to the Festival of Lights Parade on Saturday. What real fun there was there. We took munchies and hot chocolate and got to see many, many, lighted floats.

November 25th, 1999

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and relatives. I love you all. Hope you all have a fun and safe time.

November 23rd, Thanksgiving is coming up soon. We all will be going to grannies and meet up with my Aunt and Jesse. We will go out to eat and enjoy the day. One of the fun things about this holiday is the fact that after Thanksgiving Day, the Santa Clause parade comes to town. It is the oldest Santa parade in the United States. They really have a large parade. Then, on Saturday, we usually go to the Festival of Lights Parade. This is really, really,fun. It is a nitetime event and they have all kinds of lighted floats and fireworks. The weather is supposed to be great and so, we are all hoping for a fun time.

November 20th, things went well for mom yesterday. She had a procedure done at the hospital. The doctor sewn her cervix shut and this will make sure that my new baby cannot start to come out like I did when moms cervix started to dilate back then. She stayed in a nice roomo too in the mother/baby unit. The same unit she stayed at 2 years before. In fact, I even got to meet some of the nurses who took care of mom while she was carrying me. I also met the nurse who actually took care of mom the very 1st nite she went to the hospital. That was when she was having a small amount of bleeding at 23 wks and when the nurse checked her she said this was not good. And so, on went the story of moms 2 wks sitting on her head before I was delivered. She did very well.

November 17th, today I went with my mommy to her doctors office. he checked her out and made sure things were going swell with her and my baby she is gonna have. You know, my little brother or sister. I also got to hear the heartbeat. That was really neat and sometimes, mom tells us that the baby is kicking. How neat. I cannot wait till I see my little baby.

November 15th, 1999
Today my mommy turns 30! You still look like your'e 21(so daddy says so). We are so fortunate to have you here with us. I love you mommy. I hope you enjoy your day.

To all my relatives alive and gone, I wish them a happy Vet's Day today. I also wish to thank those Vets In do not know. Thank you for defending our freedoms and our country. ~Scott

November 10th, lots have been going on lately. Dad is sick with flu symptoms again. I am really into Blues Clues. I love watching the show and have my very own thinking chair to sit in. Mom and dad has put up the Christmas decorations. We have lights on the outside too. I like them, they are really pretty. Our house has all kinds of Christmas stuff in it. Mom loves Christmas and it shows. I will be getting a Christmas picture taken soon. Mom is sewing my outfit that I will wear. It is a pair of overalls that have snowmen and winter stuff on the print.

November 1st, wow! I had so much fun this halloween. I dressed up as a clown and even had some paint on my face. I started the day out by going to the NICU and taking some halloween cupcakes to the nurses. They remembered me and I enjoyed seeing them. Then we went to mu cousins house and picked him up and we all went to the Ill. State Museum. That was really exciting and there was a part in the museum where the exhibits were all dark and we were to shine a flashlight through the exhibits to see all the animals there. They also had many treats. After coming home and taking a nap, we went to see Nurse Connie. She was really nice to me in the NICU. She invited us over to her house so she could see me. That was really fun. I cannot wait till halloween again next year!!

Happy Halloween to all my friends and relatives!! Hope it is safe and fun for all. ~Scott

October 29th, boy I cannot wait till this Halloween. I will be going to the state museum to do a Halloween festivity. Then we will go to the NICU to pass out treat to the nurses there, and then I will go visit one of my favorite nurses, Nurse Connie, at her house. Then top off the night at home watching the other kids come to our house trick or treating. It should be quite some fun day.

OCTOBER 25, 1999
It was 2 yrs ago today that I was born and my folks were under some extreme stress with me being in the NICU. Today, they have different stress. I am running around, trying to talk more and have no fear. I have accomplished so much in the last year and will continue to grow up. I am becoming more independent, yet still love to be held my mommy and daddy at times. Wow, 2 years old. I thought I would never get this old!!

October 24th, today was my 2nd birthday party. It was in the theme of "circus". I got lots of toys and clothes. We had gondolas and chips and of course some great tasting cake and ice cream. Most of all I really enjoyed seeing my family and friends. I want to say "THANK YOU" to all who took time out in their day to come to my party.

October 21, this coming weekend we will be going to grannies. We will be celebrating my 2nd birthday too! How exciting! I cannot wait. To see everyone again like last year and all my cousins and friends. It should be a fun time. Halloween in just around the corner. This year I am going to dress up as a clown. I will go visit some of my neighbors and a special nurse named Connie. Connie was one of the NICU nurses. That should be fun. I am talking better these day. I say thank you, I love you, welcome, all done, gone, and many others. I am climbing all about on the playground equipment at the park these days. Dad has taught me well. Now he watches from a distance with a twinkle in his eyes when I am playing.(I know he is happy for me)

October 15th, today was a really fun day. For their wedding anniversary, mom and dad, Jesse and I went to the zoo, lunch, and Lincoln Memorial Garden. That was really a neat place. Had all kinds of trails for us to walk along and the weather was so beautiful. The weather is suppose to get nasty soon. I sure hope it doesn't.

OCTOBER 14, 1999
To my mom and dad on their wedding anniversary. Congratulations to you both. You guys are pretty special to me. Well, your'e my mom and dad!! I love you!~Scott

October 10th, today I had breakfast with dad and guess what I had?? I had cold cereal with milk! It sure was yummy. I am doing pretty well. I eat with utensils pretty good and use my sippy cup(the no dripping type) I have added some new words to my vocabulary. I say some relatives names, baby, no, and buddy just to name a few. My folks have 9 rools of film to get developed of me. As soon as they are ready dad will put some new pics on these pages.

October 3rd, A lot has been going on. Mom and dad have been trying to get ConCait's bedroom ready. I have been cranky. I don't know why. Could be this cold and rainy weather. The park days seem to be slowing down. Today my Aunt Monica moved back to Springfield. YAY!! They have a house next to the park. I cannot wait till Jesse and I get older, we will go there to play.

October 1st, 1999
A big congrats goes out to my buddy who lives next to me. He was born today back in '97. He is a cool dude too!

September 25,1999
Isn't that exciting! This day next month I will be 2 years old!! Mom and dad are gearing up for my party and they are pretty excited about it. Also, the big news of the month, I am going to be a big brother! WOW! So, as you can imagine, it is pretty hectic around here. Dad has put a link to ConCait's website at the top of this page. Con(for Connor)Cait(for Caitlynne). There you can read about ConCait's progress in my mommas belly. Interesting ,eh?

September 15th, guess what exciting news we got today? Kodak has permanently put my picture(my 1st swing) on there millenium photo quilt. That is really neat. Dad says one day that picture of the quilt will be on Life magazine or at least in it. You can go to my picture on the quilt at the link above.

September 11th, 1999
Happy Grandparents Day to those who I have heard a lot about and wish I had gotten to meet.
Grandma Peggy~ moms mom, mom says I look like her when I get up from sleeping.
Great Grandpa Art~ a man I have heard dad mention he wished he had known him longer.
Great Great Grandma Mabel~ sorry I missed her. I know she did get to see pictures of me but we never got to go see her.
Grandpa Penman~ dads dad, sometimes mom and dad wonders if I have his temper.
Great Grandma Vesper~ she would have really enjoyed me. Perhaps her "oranutang junior".

September 11th, at grannies and will be here for a few days. My great aunt passed away yesterday and we will be pretty busy with all the upcoming events. Dad is talking about this giant playground in the park that they call The Castle. We are hoping to be going there tomorrow. Also, we will be taking grannie out to dinner for Grandparents Day. That should be fun.

SEPTEMBER 10, 1999

In memory of my Great Aunt Lual who passed away. I will grow to cherish the moments I spent with you.~Scott

September 4th,1999

Today we had a special thing happen. We found out today that mommy is pregnant. I am gonna have a brother or sister!!! How exciting ,eh? I know dad and mom are pretty excited. Mom is about 1 month along. I am kinda hoping for a sister.

September 4th, my, how we have been pretty busy around here. For starters, I went to the doctors with mom for mom and found out she is borderline diabetic. Which means she has to eat a better diet and healthier and take some pills to control her sugar level.(I always did think she was a sweet mommy!)I was very good for her while we were at the doctors and dieticians office. I have started to eat at the coffee table these days. I sit on a little stool(actually the potty chair that also is a step stool) and have supper with my daddy. I eat with a fork and spoon. I am pretty good at it too. I also have found out that I like to sleep in my pull out pooh couch. It is quite comfy. I am waving bye now. I love to climb. I will climb anything just about. Learned to climb down the stair of the slide at the park last week. That is fun. I am looking forward to halloween. Mom says I am going to be a clown. Dad has put my new studio pictures on my FAMILY PAGE finally. Go see how cute and good looking I am!!

August 28th, did not go to see granny. Instead we stayed home and I played my usual self. Mom bought me some new jammies. They are neat.

August 25th, went to see my Great Aunt in the hospital. She is hanging in there. I gave her the new studio pics of me we just got developed. She liked them. I got to see my great cousins and uncles also. We had a smooth trip. We also went out to dinner with my grandma and my dads friend. That was fun as usual. I was sure tired when we got home.

August 22, not much going on. Mom and dad bought a bicycle helmet for me that actually fits my head. My cousin Jesse rode his bike without the training wheels for the 1st time yesterday. We were all proud of him. The weather has been fantastic and I think today we will be going to the park for a picnic and bike ride. Also we will feed the ducks there. That is always a good time. My Great Aunt Lual is not doing too well. She is in the hospital and the doctors were not able to help her. She is so sick they won't even let her go home. My dad is planning on taking us to see her this week. We will be going to grannies next weekend. We have my new studio pics now. Hopefully, dad will get them scanned very soon so they can be put on my websites.

August 17th, the weekend was a blast. Started it off with the State Fair on Saturday when Stevie and my Uncle Joe came down. We all went and so did Jesse and my Aunt Monica. That was sure fun. I even got to ride on a horse carousel thingy. That was fun and had good food to eat too. Saturday nite dad's friend came in with his wife and Sunday morning another couple showed up. Man, this house was packed. Dad and his friends played a game of home run derby and he sure did get sun burned. I will wear sun screen if I go out in that sun. Wednesday, my Aunt Lisa and her boyfriend Tim are coming down to visit and they are planning on going to the State Fair with Mom and I. So, I suppose I will get to have some more fun again.

August 14th, 1999
Sad news.Mom has started smoking again. A complete failure and disapointment to me. I don't want her to die and she will if she does not stop. Maybe one day she will stop again, FOR GOOD! Momma, please stop.~Scott

August 13--FRIDAY THE 13TH--
Hope all is well with you all. So far we have had good luck here. Usually superstition says that strange things happen on Friday the 13th, but so far here maybe we will start a new tradition. My cousin Jesse and Aunt Monica have been in town all week. She is buying a house here in town. YAY!!!! Saturday my mom and dads friends and Stevie are coming to town. We will go to the state fair. That should be really fun. I cannot wait. I also should be getting my new studio pics soon. Dad will have to put them on here in the FAMILY section.
August 12th, Jesse, daddy, and I all went to the state fair opening day parade. That was really fun. Had lots of firetrucks and police cars. Horses, clowns, and bands. I enjoyed the bands. The state fair started today. We will be going with some friends who are coming down for the weekend.
August 8th, the zoo was really fun. I really liked seeing the peacocks that were walking around the grounds and I liked the tiny deer looking animals. The horses were pretty big. Kinda scary. The weather was really swell and soon my cousin will be in town. next weekend we will be going to the state fair.
August 7th, today is a bit rainy. We were going to go to the zoo for the 1st time this year, so hopefully we still will be able to. Dad repainted a rocking horse that springs back and forth. My Aunt Monica brought it home to me and it sure is fun to ride on. I got some new sandels and guess what.They light up! Yup, sure do. When I walk they light up. Pretty cool, eh? I really enjoy this carriage when mom and dad goes bike riding. I just sit and enjoy the ride. They seem to tire out a bit, but I don't know why. I don't tire out at the least. hahaha

Happy 2nd Birthday Raymond!!!!
August 6th, 1999
Happy birthday to my buddy Raymond. He is 2 years old. He too was born premature and really has done great. Maybe someday I will meet him. He also has a new sister. I would like to meet her too.

July 31st, My dad put new pics of me and also SIMBA, our new kitty. You will have to go to my FAMILY page and see. I had a new studio picture taken last week. Dad will put that on the pages as well as soon as we get them back. I am talking more these days. Sometimes I just don't know when to stop chattering. Hehe. I am gonna need to get my hair trimmed again. Once I have had the trimmed haircut, it is easy for it to all grow back.

July 26th, 1999
Happy Birthday Grandma!!!!
To my Grandma, You are the best Grandma a little guy would want. You always feed me well and let me get away with stuff that mom and dad won't let me do.I love you so very much!!!

July 24th, having a great time at grannies. Her b-day is on the 26th but today we took her to lunch and had her open her gifts. I love her so. She is really funny and makes me laugh. Moms aunt and uncle will be having their wedding anniversary bash this weekend too. That should be fun seeing everyone again especially the ones that have not seen me for such a long time. Dad has got new pics scanned so look for them within my homepage.

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