[ Fractals ]
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This site is now also being developed at Freeserve which is quicker for UK users.... All the HTML should now work, so go there. Development will cease here, except for WebCam updates!
visitors since November 18th 1997.
The WertPerch site provides links to sources on fractal maths and images, humour, Nottingham, Coeliac disease and Multiple Sclerosis, and inevtiably, me (Kevin Weedon).
If you know of anything interesting or helpful about any of these linked topics, please let me know. I'm open to suggestion, criticism, bribes and flattery. Not that I get much flattery :^( You can also arrange to have changes to this site mailed to you.
NEW!Monthly Horrorscope... right here.
In my flat...
Nottingham forecast
European satellite photo
On Mars
| Web Roulette Spin the WWW Wheel of Fortune. Will Lady Luck smile or frown?
| Debbie's Page Debbie is transexual, and a good friend of mine. This site is truly inspirational - go there.
| The Church of the Quivering Otter OK, it's funny. And serious. But not useless...
| Castle Gormenghast has to be the funniest single site I have seen in ages... You must go here - this is how the Web should look... PootPoot.com" ...and this is an alternative view of this page! |
"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves
on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - Susan Ertz
"I don't believe in God because I don't believe in Mother Goose." - Clarence Darrow
"Don't drink your lava lamp" - Kevin Weedon
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