My Fight with Obesity and Apnea

Hi there I'm Norm

I was born in November 1951 to two wonderful parents, perhaps too wonderful. During that time and era I guess it was thought that having a cute chunky baby was considered to be very healthy for the child. Little did my parents know it would lead to a long life of obesity. I never lost that so-called baby fat and I grew up always being on the chunky side.

As time went by my parents tried to put me on diets to get my weight down to normal. I wasn't what you would call obese but I was always overweight. As in almost all cases of children being overweight, I developed a complex about myself but no matter what I tried to do I just couldn't lose the weight to be like other kids. Later in life I grew up to be a big guy but I felt pretty healthy and strong. It wasn't until the last 10 years that I really felt I was becoming obese. I had injured my back on my job and I decided to change my career. I attended night classes and took some accounting courses to prepare myself for this change. Then one day opportunity knocked on my door and I was offered a position as a bookkeeper. So, I took the position not realizing of the long hard road that was to come.

I thought it was great to be able to sit at my desk all day and not have to work hard physically. Well because I had never given a thought to exercise I would just go home at night and I would feel tired from the tedious task of working with numbers all day. Instead of going out for walks or doing some kind of exercise I would just sit and watch television. That was the biggest mistake of my life. I started to put on weight and this led me to my fight with SLEEP APNEA.

I had been hospitalized in 1996 with bi-lateral pneumonia and the doctor told me that if I had waited to go to the hospital one more day I would have died. So after being in the hospital for 3 weeks I thought that I would be ok. I could never have been so wrong. I was in and out of the hospital every 3 months because of low oxygen in my blood. Finally the doctor ordered a breathing test and I was diagnosed with having emphysema but nobody could understand how I could have it because I had never smoked. I was put on oxygen around the clock and I finally decided to get a second opinion from a specialist. This doctor immediately looked at my x-rays and told me that I didn't have emphysema and he diagnosed me to have a sleeping disorder called SLEEP APNEA.

I went for a sleep study at the hospital then I was put on a machine called a CPAP which forces air into my lungs (go to the links on this page for more info). I now sleep much better and feel more rested. I am now losing my weight and in time I should be able to get my life back again that I feel had been taken away by this terrible disorder.

I had never imagined just how much being overweight can do to affect your life until this happend to me.
UPDATE: AUG.11, 1998
Since being on my CPAP and oxygen I have been on the road to recovery. I went to the doctor last Thursday and had great results. He has reduced my oxygen usage to only needing it at night or when doing very strenuous exercise, and I have lost 27 pounds which alone has helped me gain more stamina. My blood oxygen level is remaining in the 92% to 97% bracket which is excellent. Maybe someday I will be rid of this horrible nightmare and have a much better life for myself.

UPDATE: AUG.10, 2001
I have been without oxygen for 2 1/2 years now, I have been working part time for a college, along with taking college courses seeking my degree. I still get bronchitis every spring and fall and usually get admitted into the hospital for treatment. This year has not been a very good year so far, I have been bothered with kidney stones and diversticulitis. I was in the hospital for 9 days and 8 days with nothing to eat or drink except for ice chips and the IV feedings they were giving me. On Aug. 22, I have to go for a cystoscopy for the urinary tract at which time the doctor will retrieve one of the kidney stones. I also need to have surgery for the diversticulitis, which the doctor will be removing about an 18 inch section of the lower intestines. It will be a very high risk surgery and I know that all of my friends are saying special prayers for me. Especially my very best friend in British Columbia, Terri.

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