Venue: Conference Room,. Perak Community Services Hospital, Jalan Kampar, Ipoh, Perak
The dates from January to June 2004 are as follows: (Please check with Dr Lim Hock Ghee for details HP 012 5570753)
January 11th, February 15th, March 14th, April 11th, May 9th, June 13th
All interested GPs & primary care doctors are welcome to join the monthly mentor sessions to find out more about the vocational training programme.
CME Activities - All Invited
We have incorporated into the monthly mentor sessions the following CME activities which are open to everyone interested. (CME points provided).
CME January 2004
Date: January 11th 2004
Time: 2.30pm - 4.00pm.
Venue: Conference Room,. Perak Community Specialist Hospital,
Jalan Kampar, Ipoh, Perak
Topic: Initiating insulin therapy in Type 2 Diabetics.
Speaker: Dr Letchumanan, Consultant Endocrinologist, Hospital
CME March 2004
Date: March 14th 2004
Time: 2.30pm - 4.00pm.
Venue: Conference Room,. Perak Community Specialist Hospital,
Jalan Kampar, Ipoh, Perak
Topic: Office Gynaecology. Menstrual Disorders in Primary Care.
Speaker:. Dr Divakaran, Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics &
Gynaecology, Perak College of Medicine
Prepared by SC Chan.
Enquiries (HP 017 5780089)