Here's the story, of two good friends, who were able to adventure to Hawaii in early March of 1999. They boarded their first plane, bound for Minneapolis, not looking forward to the many hours of plane flight, but knowing their destination was worth the discomfort. Once in Minneapolis, thinking they had plenty of time during their layover, they wandered about the airport. Soon discovering they were the last to board the plane to Honolulu, almost missing their flight..*g* And after another 8 1/2 hours, they landed!! Tired, and warm from wearing their winter clothes, they were so excited when exiting the plane. And to be greated by a very friendly native of Hawaii, receiving their lei's and kisses, they started off on their adventure. Oahu was waiting for them! And so we go.......on our adventure through the pictures you will see in the next pages. Enjoy, I hope as much as we did.

Sue and LaDean enjoying Hawaii!!
> Sue and her new friend at the Hula Show!

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