I have often wondered "why" we are the chosen ones from our injuries, for what is the real reason? I don't know! I don't keep asking myself "why me?, why me?," anymore! No, the question is "why" am I living? What is my purpose on Earth? Well, now that I am here, after my accident, "everything" in my Life has changed, but not for the worse. The day of my accident was the day that I died and was reborn into a newer person. I was chosen for a reason and maybe the reason is the innocence of Life, a miracle of a rebirth of and within myself. For me acceptance was difficult and I have begun to be more verbal and more powerful with my thinking (coming up with wonderful ideas for my support group). Now if I can get somebody to hear me it would be worth all my mental Brain Power!
Last Revised: Sunday, February 15, 1998