03/10/00 03:26:37
| Comments: Bless you, David. Thank you for sharing your story and for drawing attention to sufferers of brain injuries. You're very brave |
| Comments: David, thank you for sharing......I also know what it is like to look normal on the outside.....people tend to judge before they know about you......and they don't understand how you can be disabled because it isn't anything they can see.........here is a gift from KIA |
| Comments: Yes with this problem Alzhiemers every one heads for the hill they want nothing to do with you... Shove them in a place to die...Not me i stand with my mate no matter what...That's what God wants of me... Reiko~san |
| Comments: I think you have done a good job here. You are right when people don't see certain injuries or disAbilities! See my disAbility page ok? People don't want to see the handicapped, or imperfect, it could be them! The injury to my head did not cause my di eases it did cause eye & hearing changes, migraines. I lost a whole month of my life forever. I wish I could work a real job but I can't so my job now is to help people where ever I can, however I can. You have to believe that you will get better, mayb not perfect like before but better. Come visit my site, and e-mail me if you like. Big hugs to you and here is a little something for you! |
| Comments: David, Your site touched my heart. I came to visit you after you signed my guestbook and it took me a couple of days to figure out what exactly I wanted to say to you. I guess the best way to sum it all up is to say that I admire your courage and hope that you will take a minute to visit my other site and see what I left there for you. http://www.geocities.com/frenzforever_2000/david.htm Hope you have a wonderful day! |
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| Comments: Just wanted to say hello and send you some cute cats. Mine are the two on the banner. They are a great comfort to me. They always know when I am having a migraine and pay special attention to me.
How they sense this is beyond me. I hope today finds you feeling okay
| Comments: I enjoyed your website David. You have a great attitude! |
| Comments: David, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I've enjoyed visiting your site. You truly possess inner strength. Take care, Pam |
| Comments: David, the story of what you have been through is very touching. You're a true survivor! Your comments on suicide are so true...it's a selfish act. I don't have BI but I do have an invisible disability and I know how what you mean about looking normal b t not feeling it.....and not being able to get others to understand. But, there are people in this world who care. I'm very fortunate to have met many of them on the net. And, I, too, have a supportive family. As a member of Kindness in Action I would like to leave you a gift. The best of luck to you as you journey down the road of life. |
| Comments: Hi David: I enjoyed visiting your site and reading your stories very much. Thank you for sharing your inspiring stories. I can understand how difficult and frustrating it must be for you dealing with your injury, and the lack of understanding and consider tion from other people sometimes. Hopefully we can all come to be more kind and considerate of others. My best wishes for you in the future.~Walter~ |
| Comments: We at KIA are just ordinary folks trying to share a bit of kindness. Everyone has a "disadvantage" in life! Some are just more visible than others! |
| Comments: Hi, That is a cool site you have made,keep it up and thanks alot for sharing. |
| Comments: Hello! Thank you for sharing your story with us on the Web. I didn't suffer the way you do, and I found a way to get away from my problem (to a degree) but know that I do understand others not understand the "looks fine" stuff! I ran into that within m own family - still do - some just don't believe me! But then I played "okay" for so many years it came naturally after awhile! I wish you much good luck and continued improved health through the years! Your story has helped me remember that mine was s mething so "easy" to deal with compared to others out there still stuggling day to day to just do the "simple" things in life! --Donna |
| Comments: Thank you for sharing your story with us. You serve as a reminder that we "Must never give up". When I see a car parked in a handicapped zone, I often hear comments that the occupant doesn't look disabeled. But some things can not be seen wiith the eye . Everyone needs to learn to be more tolorant and understanding. The best of luck to you always, Allie |
| Comments: David, your story is terrific, I love the way you speak of not trying Suicide! I have a brother n law who was in a motorcycle accident about 14 years ago, he has brain damamge and also lost his right arm, and the doctors say they only expect him to live t be about 40. He is 37 now and we cherish every moment with him. He has a lot of memory loss and doesn't remember much of what we say to him at times, but he did get married about 8 years ago and has 2 beautiful children. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! |
| Comments: David, your site is fantastic. You should be very proud of your achievement. Well done and keep this fantastic work coming. |
| Comments: David:I signed your guestbook when I was a member of another group-08/13/99,I only had one website at the time(Parenting With an Illness),now I have a second website and webring.What really affected me from the first time I read your page,was that you sta e there are many people who will take advantage of you,I'm sure your right,but not all of us,I am leaving you a gift from my website/webring,please come visit,now I know you can't read alot of pages at once,but please bookmark it,and read at your own pace I think it will make you smile,its all about kindness. |
| Comments: David..I read your stories and appreciate the honesty you exibit in sharing at this level. No, we don't understand, because we have never experienced anything like what you go through. But thank you for taking time to try to make us understand. Please k ow that my understanding is very far from complete.......but I do care. God bless you, my friend. |
| Comments: Hey..I like your work ..Keep it up..When u get a chance check out my site at the above url and sign my guestbook..I like your site..Later |
| Comments: My husband is still in the coma state from a bad head and brain injury. I'm looking for some support to get though this. He needs all our prayers. thank you. |
| Comments: My son (18 at the time) had traumatic closed head injury from an auto accident 2-1/2 years ago. Both frontal lobes were severely injured. Severe trauma to back and sides of head. In medically induced coma 4 weeks, in rehab 4 weeks. All facial bones we e shattered. Brain was visable through nasal cavity. Platform that brain sets on was broken. Surgery to rebuild platform and brain repositioned. Surgery to rebuild eye sockets and facial breaks. My son has physically come back to much of what he was efore (some facial disfigurement) the accident, he holds down a job, has tryed college courses but is unsure and uncommitted to what his future will be. Has major problems coping with emotional matters and anger. Can not talk with mother who is overly p otective (physco). Mother worries that he is associating with people that don't really care about her son. Signs that he may be using marianna are strong. Something in your letters remind me of my son. How old are you? Sorry to go on and on, I really idn't mean to go into such detail. The bottom line....I enjoyed reading your commentaries. |
| Comments: David I followed the link you left when you signed my daughter, Alicia's guestbook. I was very moved by your writings. I can't personally know what you or my daughter is going through with a TBI. I can only see her pain - emotional. The fact she feels so lone. Please keep writing. You have alot to offer - attitude is recovery! |
| Comments: Excellent site David and I appreciated your comments in my guestbook. I liked what you wrote on you site--it seems to me that it's not 'society' that is at fault for the mistreatment and discrimination--it's individuals within that society and they need o be held accountable. For example you talk about Workmans Comp trying to force you back to work--that's not an abstract entity--there are real people making that decision to make themselves look good and they are downright evil. Where I work Workmans C mp in run by a sociopath; the site I feature (Massachusetts Dept. of Mental Retardation) is run by people that not only don't care but use the disabled for their own end purposes. So I guess that's my main thought I wish to share--to hold these individua s accountable and to remember you are entitled to the same benefits and income now as before your injury and anyone who differs with that should be viewed as an enemy--not one in need of education. |
| Comments: hi david i finally found it to your site and found it very moving. we are certainly the invisible 'handicap' and i agree that the hardest thing is the expectations of others do take good care |
| Comments: David, you have more courage than anyone I know. From what I’ve read in this guestbook, you have touched a lot of lives. I am very proud to have you for my brother. I’ve never really talked to you (or anyone else) about how your accident has affected my life, so here I go… My brother (David) and I are 2 years apart. We grew up doing a lot of things together (school, work, dancing and just having fun). To date, I an relive the day I got the call that my brother had an accident and that’s when my life came crashing down. I had sooo many mixed emotions, mad at the world, mad at God for letting this happen. I remember driving down to RI every weekend in tears with an emptiness in my heart, I can recall the songs that played on the radio. My mother took me aside one day and made me aware of how angry I was acting. I even wondered why God didn’t just take him to heaven. Now I know that God works in mysterious wa s and I thank him a million times for letting my brother live. Things have changed so much, he keeps to himself a lot and we don’t spend as much time together. One thing will never change, though, that’s the bond my brother and I have. It pains me to know that he’s suffering soo much and there isn’t much I can do. I have never had a brain injury, but I can relate to the families of those that have. I LOVE YOU BRO!!!! |
| Comments: Thank you for visiting my angel pages...this is a re-visit for me. I enjoyed it very much. Wishing you the very best. |
| Comments: Very nice job David. We're neighbors--I live right in Somerville. I would take issue though that it's society that doesn't care or that is blind. It's individuals that comprise this society that don't care (usually through personal greed rather than la k of education) and that need to be held personally accountable. It's always a mistake to blame an institution, a society, etc.--it's the individuals who comprise it that are each personally responsible and accountable for the pain that you suffer as a r sult of their behaviors. |
| Comments: David, your website is full of great thoughts and useful information. I can see from your writing that you share from the heart. Thanks for all you do my friend. Keep on the path. Toby PS: The link I left is one of my fun sites..sometimes I must get away from the tbi..lol.. |
| Comments: I was deeply moved by your Website, David. I can relate to being very ill and the doctors saying there is no cure. I want to tell you that nothing is hopeless. Jesus still heals today. He healed my of fibromyalgia in Oct. 1997, and my sister in May of 1998. You've sought Jesus as your Savior, now I pray you will seek Him as your Healer. May the Lord bless you abundantly and make you a blessing to others. |
| Comments: Dear David, Your site is WONDERFUL! I'd like to link you to my site and vise versa. How about it? Love, Karen |
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| Comments: I don't know what URL is or Browsers or links. I don't want to tell my story now but that it happened many years ago. I love your web page. I read almost all of it. Maybe later I can tell you about me. It's hard even this way. Take care and I'll be ack. Julie |
| Comments: David, this is a great site! It gives people the opportunity to share and get info. I like your new guestbook-it is colorful and well designed. There are so many people out there like us that feel alone and isolated. This is a great place to share. |
| Comments: David, Hello, the dates on this are old, are you doing better now? I keep learning so I was wandering. You said you took hours on the one page so I am guessing but since you wrote it in 98 maybe it would be faster for you now? Thanks again for answering my letter about Dr. Miller, Katrina |
| Comments: David, I have met you before at the Burlington brain injury group as well as last night at the meeting. This is the first time I have visited your page. Nice Job! I have not worked on my web page too much because I've been designing pages for some other friends. I can be emailed at the gpjb@netzero.net I gave you last night or at greg@gregballard.com. they both go to the same place. Keep up the fight. I will stay in touch. Greg |
| Comments: Hello David. I couldn't sleep tonite so went to a message board and it led me to your website. I love what you have done.I have a daughter who is18 who had an injury at age 8 and she is still like an eight year old in many ways. But she- just like you- lo ks absolutely normal and so people don't understnad sometimes. Most of the times. She can be very loud and ride and inaappropriate and people that don't know about her head injury just think she is a bad kid. Even those who know us seem to have a block wh n it comes to understnading why someone maybe can do something one day, but not the next, or how hard it is for them to concentrate, or to stay focused on something long enough to get something done, without forgetting what they were doing! The blindness ou spoke about is terrible and if it was just average people being ignorant about TBI, I could handle that. What makes me angry is that the schools and doctors and agencies that help people- don't know much about TBI and many people don't get the help the need because they look fine- or can carry on a conversation for 5 minutes. I have found that in teaching people around us aboutTBI-they have had their eyes opened, but sometimes, David- people are not just ignorant- they are plain stupied and cruel. That is why having support is so important. I am so glad you have a family that you can count on. Many people don't. I also think that your experience is very common with Brain Injury and others might relate to it.I am including a link to a website that I thin you would really like and they would love to have your contributions.They have a list of over 300 stories by brain inury survivors and chat rooms and message boards for caregivers and survivors. I have found it to be a really freindly place and many peop e email you on a daily basis if you post there. I think you should put you articles and stories there. Everyone who joins gets their own homepage free! I am going to have my daughter look at your website tommoroow. She will really like it andeven tho she s much younger than her years- she has an understanding of what Brain injury has done to peoples lives and will love to read your site. She is working on her story to put on the story board.God Bless and I hope you visit that site!-Teri |
| Comments: Great site. My wife with the esception of some facial scarring looks as she did before. The only outward appearance change is the leg brace, but as she got stronger even that was not very evident. It is extrememly difficult to deal with when everyone sees her as the same, but she is not. We have four children (6,8,10 and 12) and this sort of drastic change in their mom is hard to deal with. Anne now 17 months latter has every week physio 3 times, speach therapy, neuro pysch, cognative training etc. It will be a long road back, and still unsure as to where that road will end. Thanks for getting back, and we all will go on the best we can. All the best DOug |
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| Comments: Thank you for visiting my angel pages and to thank you especially for all that you are sharing...Thank you for your special and caring ways. Dee |
| Comments: David you have a very nice web page. I love the courage you have and I know you touch many others with it. Stay strong and God bless. |
| Comments: I look forward to reading the things you have here. |
| Comments: David, Thank you for taking the time not only to post this site, but for taking the time to point me in the direction of others who would like contact. I was T-boned by a brand new driver that ran a red light at about 55mph. All that I can say is that when I re d it, I immediately identified with all that you have written. The words could have been my own. Hang in there and know that you have truly encouraged me to keep on learning about my new self and surviving the aftermath of the storm. |
| Comments: Looking for support and help from other adults that have helped children that have TBI. We are also back to home schooling our grandaughter...so any area of support would be useful! |
| Comments: Hello Everyone my famous question is Where is everybody? I know, This is a hidden injury for some like myself. People I'm still here Y2K, The computers are still working. Hello... Please come take your time read all my inspired true stories and sign the uest book or just view it? Thank You all and Bless.... David R. "Surviving" |
| Comments: I had a TBI on 6/18/93 in a horse riding accident. |
| Comments: Hi, My name is Anthony and I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I had a massive Brain Injury two years ago. I am doing much better now woth the help of the support that I receive, prayer, and meditation. E-Mail me if you wish. E-Mail address is sept231997@yahoo.com Take Care: An |
| Comments: Hi, My name is Anthony and I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I had a massive Brain Injury two years ago. I am doing much better now woth the help of the support that I receive, prayer, and meditation. E-Mail me if you wish. E-Mail address is sept231997@yahoo.com Take Care: An |
| Comments: you seem like a very strong person to survive what you went through. i hope my son is as strong as you because i know in the future he is going to go through alot. he is only 2months old. |
| Comments: Greetings... |
| Comments: We never seem able to really let go. Will we die still thinking of ourselves as TBI victims? |
| Comments: David, You are truly an inspiration to others. Keep up the work and the FAITH. |
| Comments: David- I really liked your story WHY IS SOCIETY BLIND? My dad had an accident which led to a traumatic brain injury, so I can fully relate to your viewpoint. I am making a presentation at graduate school on TBI on Wednesday night and I am going to use your sto y as an opener. I wish you the best. I hope that one day I can make a difference as a special education teacher -realizing and being educated on hidden injuries such as yours and my father's. Thanks for your web site! |
| Comments: Hi, You did a great job on all your stories, but the CHOOSEN ONE is the best, I hope you don't mind I printed it and shared it with family & freinds. Keep up the great work,good luck on your goal. |
| Comments: good job |
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| Comments: Hey I thought I signed this once, but as you can tell it didn't save. I am a surviving member of the TBI club, lol, and I live each and everyday as if it were the same lifestyle as before. Which is kinda difficult sometimes, but hey man shit happens. I do 't get headaches anymore, and the memory isn't nearly as bad as it used to be. But I still know whats happened, though people around me could never guess. Anyhow, I'm not a pro at signing guest books and I might not have done a swell job here, but hey the es always a first time for everything. Much Love Angela |
| Comments: You have a great site here |
| Comments: Thanks for your e-mail and for telling me about your site. Good work! |
| Comments: I am a caregiver my wife had her wreck 7/24/97 My time off is spent with her I get tired at times. Sometimes it seems too much, but to see that face when I get home from work it it all worth it. I love her very much |
| Comments: Thanx for signing my gbook. I like your page very much! It's great, keep it on! |
| Comments: I enjoyed your page. However, I would be very intersted in the area of your brain damage. My husband was injured in 1994, however, he has had multiple shunt revisions whereby he now has the brain damage due to hydracephelus..He had to medically retire but does work elsewhere part time. He has severe mood swings, difficult to live with, and suffers from depression. Is there any help out there for family members of survivors? |
| Comments: Thanl you so much for signing my guestbook!!! I'm glad I stopped by for a bit...take care of you! "JW" |
| Comments: David this is a nice page but there was no story or pictur about yourself or your TBI |
| Comments: Followed link from the Hemiman's guestbook. Even though you can't say I have had a Brain Injury (although chemically speaking it is I suppose) I feel an empathy with anyone who has suffered and come out the other side. I have had my illness for about 11 y ars and I am now (after a few false starts) rebuilding my life and Jay Enloe has been a particular influence in giving me the determination to shrug off the illness and the stigma that society places on it. |
| Comments: david, the site was GREAT! enjoyed reading it immensely. look forward to new updates periodically. take care, Kristy |
| Comments: Very effective site. It's nice to read from some is/has been there. Jay |
| Comments: I was browsing for a friend and came across your page. It's wonderful. Good Luck David! |
| Comments: I was browsing for a friend and came across your page. It's wonderful. Good Luck David! |
| Comments: I think this is a wonderful site....I am a surviving TBI chic for almost 4 years. Life has become a little harder, but like the pharse goes, "if life gives you lemonds, make some lemonade!" ML, Angela |
| Comments: Hi David! Thanks for stopping by my site! Just taking a peek! I can relate BIG TIME to why society is so blind! Well, that's what WE'RE here for, right?! To 'EDUCATE' them! Keep up the good work! I'll be back to look some more! toodles.........bj |
| Comments: my brother has just started rehab after being in a coma for 3 weeks. I don't know how to support him without making things more difficult for him. he is not able to talk, walk, eat, but I believe he will great strides soon. how do I help him and be there for him without fustrating him?? any sugestions welcome. My email is kimer55@hotmail.com. my brother is 28. "they" say he has a good chance for a full recovery. What does that mean? |
| Comments: We been through what we have been through because we can handle it! I Corinthians 10:12? says that God will never allow us to subjected to more than we can endure. Jay |
| Comments: Hello people: Its me again signing my own guest book no, our guest book. I want to thank all of you for signing. I want to thank my sister Milly from the bottom of my heart, for making this site possible. Also for putting up with me. I know I'm a hard per on to put up with some times. This site was down for a couple of days, and I was acting up. Now it's up + running again. Thank you God..... |
| Comments: HI David, Well, I finally got to every page. Your web site is very poignant and moving. I loved it...every page! I can identify with much of what you discuss...."have been there....done that". I have a big favor to ask of you, but I think I'd rather do it on your email. Meanwhile, PLEASE JOIN THE BRAIN RING. MY HOMEPAGE HAS DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO DO THAT! Love, Karen |
| Comments: HI David, Well, I finally got to every page. Your web site is very poignant and moving. I loved it...every page! I can identify with much of what you discuss...."have been there....done that". I have a big favor to ask of you, but I think I'd rather do it on your email. Meanwhile, PLEASE JOIN THE BRAIN RING. MY HOMEPAGE HAS DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO DO THAT! Love, Karen |
| Comments: Both my grandparents were born and raised in Lynn. Never been up that way but hope to someday. Enjoyed reading your stories. They help. Mark |
| Comments: Hello, We make medical beds & cribs for kids and adults with cerebral palsy,MR, brain injury etc. Please contact me if you'd like info, thank you! Pho 800-873-4273 ext 267 Fax 716-896-2579 Hard Manufacturing, 230 Grider St Buffalo, NY 14215 |
| Comments: My son has a severe TBI from a car accident. I am just looking for information to help him. |
| Comments: Hi David, I can't find a bold icon, or underline, or any of those icons that we usually see in Word 97. I am so glad you replied me regarding why you don't enter the chat room. Hope some day you will be able to. I have to go to school this AM so don't hav the time right now to thoroughly explore your web site but am very much looking forward to doing so as soon as I get the time to be thorough!! I promise and then I will sign your guest book AGAIN and give you some feedback! Please ask mal to email me and or to give me HER email address. Thanks a bunch. Karen |
| Comments: I like reading about people that have gone through the same thing. I know what it feels like when they dont understant and you feel like you are lone. Thanks for the story Good Luck Amy |
| Comments: i sustained my injury simply by having the flu and fainting, pretty scary huh!!! anyway i am still unable to work so i'm trying to teach myself how to use a computer, therefore i don't know the difference between a browser and a link. or much else for t at matter. any suggestions or sites reccomended. i'm also interested in talking to other people with brain injuries. ---starla--- |
| Comments: I was in a snowmobile accident 12-10-98 and suvered a fractured skull which of coarse lead to other problems. I am still recovering. |
| Comments: Thankyou for sharing. My son was in an accident and suffered a TBI. I get so tired of hearing "He looks fine to me" and I know he does too. Why can't people realize that some injuries are not visible. Thanks for sharing and caring |
| Comments: Good luck! |
| Comments: Ready 2 Go Travel is your CRUISE SPECIALIST. We specialize in luxury cruises but, sell ALL major cruiselines at a discount. We offer free, no obligation quotes and personalized service. Please visit our site today and contact us about booking your crui e vacation. We service the entire USA from our New Jersey location. |
| Comments: You are doing a great job educating the public. Keep up the good work! |
| Comments: I haven't fully looked through your page. But so far it looks great!! When I am finished I will let you know what I think of it all. |
| Comments: Thanks David for sharing some of your deep feelings so honestly and openly. I'm still in the stage where it is so difficult for me to find the words to express how I feel, but your site is an inspiration for me to try once again. It also took me several weeks to do pages on my website. It was such a struggle to find the words and then put them correctly in writing; something most only take for granted. God Bless! |
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| Comments: Hi David, my head injury changed me and some of my disabilities are invisible but I also have visible ones...particularly my limp. I wish all my disabilities were invisible because even though I'd still be disabled, people would think that I was "normal" and I would be accepted. But I'm not. When people see something wrong, they are afraid, and only the rare few treat me like everyone else. I have almost no friends and I don't go anywhere or meet anyone. I used to think "why me?" especially since this was not an accident--I was born with it! And for two years, I thought it was all a dream and that I'd wake up to my normal life. But even though I have all these set backs, I'm still actually a very |
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| Comments: hi t here--what an informative site you have--I am so glad that I dropped in to visit--I would love to have you keep in touch so I know how you are doing--take care of you |
| Comments: Thanks for sharing it was very enlightening!! |
| Comments: David, I really thought your site was great. I to am a tbi survivor, and fortunately I have a husband who is very supportive. My brain injury was not found for three years. I had a fall and the doctors just told me that my headaches were from stress. ut I found a neuropsych who is fantastic. Since we found that the brain injury was there, life seems a bit clearer now. I thought I was loosing my mind. Now that I know what is wrong, I am trying to gather as much info as I can. I am also trying to he p other people who suffer from this type of injury, and educate others who want to understand. Keep up the good work David. And God Bless you too!!! |
| Comments: It's nice to know that the things I feel and go through are not just a figment of my imagination. David, you have been an inspiration to me! Please keep up the good work and keep spreading the information. Thank you so much! |
| Comments: It's nice to know that the things I feel and go through are not just a figment of my imagination. David, you have been an inspiration to me! Please keep up the good work and keep spreading the information. Thank you so much! |
| Comments: Dear David, I am so proud of you. What stamina and courage it takes to work so diligently to share with others. You are a remarkable asset to your family and friends. You are in my thoughts and prayers. |
| Comments:
What an inspirational site you have. Thank you for trying to educate us. |
| Comments: Thanks for putting up a site like yours. I think it's a very positive move towards helping people understand you and others with a condition similar to yours. You are a very brave and special person and I admire you for it. I wish you well. |
| Comments: I admire your strength and courage...I had a close family member that went through the same thing. Just remember, all the adversity builds character.God bless you and keep you.
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| Comments: This is a great site that you've made here. It has taught me a lot and I'm sure that it will teach others so much in this area. |
| Comments: What an inner strength, you have encouraged me, and your positive outlook on the changes in your life..well has given me alot to think about..and for that thank you. Lord Bless you..and if you update your pages...would love to be invited back. Thank you...Lyn |
| Comments: I knew that I went through my "experience" for a reason. I was always the type that would never listen to anyone; so to get my attention took something extreme - like getting hit by a taco truck. However, that few seconds led to a 2-year recovery and a ch nge in my life for good. Because of that incident, I am now a chiropractor, I found the "husband of my dreams", and I have adopted a totally different attitude toward life. I've found that recovering from a H-I gives one a new perspective. |
| Comments: I found it a fantastic site. Very meaningful and well done. |
| Comments: I found it a fantastic site. Very meaningful and well done. |
| Comments: I remember finding your page along time ago,and your doing great,your page looks good and expresses so much honesty.Keep up the good work!My page has moved,but is still called "Parenting With an Illness".This is something for you,because thier are still s me good kind people in the world! |
| Comments: This last year has been one of the hardest. I've had 8 surgeries this year 6 of which were this past June. I developed a hematoma (bruise on the brain) which caused my speech and hand function ( ie. typing, writing) to be impaired. Right now I am on short term disability. So right now I cannot work yet. I feel weak all the time and to be honest I don't think I'm done with the surgeries yet. Anyways, just wanted to update my situation here, if anybody wants to chat just e-mail me. By the way, David are you on ICQ if so what's your ICQ #? |
| Comments: Get in touch. We need to make our voices heard. |
| Comments: I havent had a look around but it looks good |
| Comments: I would love to read more. There is more after this like you I beleive it's a second chance at this life. to see the world from a different perspective. I'm can only walk with a walker so people want to know what happen to me so I guess in a way with a head injury thats a plus!"Ha" I'm lucky I did not lose my humor! |
| Comments: David R. re: your email of 3 Aug. to violet re son David. Pleased to sign your guest book. Pleasure to write to you.I have no doubt you will be around the world, twice, at least. Congratulations. |
| Comments: I'm very new to the internet and it is filling a big hole in my life.Your great website was one of the first I visited, and I'm already making friends from your guestbook. Thanks! |
| Comments: Thank you for your stories _ I am a student studying psychology and hearing your experiences help me understand just a little of the tbi experience Take care Annie |
| Comments: Looking for a support group for myself and my mother, who has also been traumitzed by this event. Seeing me in the hospital, looking like death and having the Doctor tell her I may not survive or recover. |
| Comments: Hello David! How wonderful you are to have achieved your own website, and to be so active on the net. My friend Sharn sent his very first email to you and was thrilled to get your reply- from the other side of the world. There aren't any support groups th t he knows of around here, so I think he might be inspired to follow your example and start one up. The net is opening up the world to him. Thanks for all your effort. Keep up the good work on number one- you! (you're worth it!) Your new friend from 'down under'- Honour. (ps. I watched a partial lunar eclipse earlier tonight, in a clear sky. It was special.) |
| Comments: Never give up!!!! Just Keep on Truckin! |
| Comments: Dear David, Thank you so much for sending me the link to your web page again (I couldn't get to it from your post on the message board). I saved it in my favorite places until I had time to take a good look at it, and I am so glad that I did. I think that it is onderful that you have put together the short stories to shed light on what it is like for you (or anyone) to live with a brain injury. My advice to you, would be to concentrate on taking care of yourself, cherish the people that are there to support you in your daily life, and to hell with the people who don't understand. Yes, people do need to be educated, but there are people who wil never understand because they dont want to, or are just unable to. My philosophy that I live by is that I was not put on this earth to please or be like by everyone. I have wonderful friends and family, who love me for who I am. And that is all I r ally need. You sound like you are doing a wonderful and courageous job of going on with your life since your accident. I hope that you continue to have a positive attitude, enjoy your life to the best of your ability, and maybe even educate a few people along the way! : ) Take Care, Laura p.s....I am from Waukesha, Wi. which is about 20 miles west of Milwaukee, home of the Milwaukee Brewers, and of course, Miller beer..lol : ) |
| Comments: In 1984, these guys offered me a ride home from this club i was dancing at. I got in and they proceeded to move on. A couple of them began to hurt me!! so, i had to escape!! out the car door!! Have all my looks intact but now on-wheels. am still 38-26-36, pat benetar do, brunette. ill send u one of my stories i know you'll luv |
| Comments: God knows how you feel even when no one else does! Keep up the good work. Mary |
| Comments: I want to thank you for the information that you had written on the message board. I thought that I was the only one that felt the way that you do. I ask myself every day why did the accident have to happen to me? I was in a car accident on January 30, 19 7. It has changed my life. I was in my third year of college. I am just returning back to college. I tried to take one course in the summer of 1997 but it didn't work. I am in school but I feel lost. I believe that things happen for a reason but I am just trying to figure out why. |
| Comments: When I woke up I thought it was 1983 (lost ten years memory temporarily) and Reagan was president! |
| Comments: Hey David You have a very good website and it's very interesting reading. I like your topic about Suicide (Not doing it). Keep up the good writing and best wishes to you. Thank you for visiting my website by the way. Bye! |
| Comments: I suffered from a brain injury in the year of 1996, as a result of an episode of meningitis/encephalitis. For the following year I suffered from a form of amnesia, where I could not remember anything shortly after it occurred. Some of my long term memor es have also been completely lost, and others I can only remember in bits and pieces. I lost the ability to block out distractions; resulting in my concentration being so poor that I could not read one single sentence to the end. My thinking process seemed to work in slow motion, and when I tried to think it was as if I had some sort of m ntal block that made this a near to impossible task. My personality had also changed in a number of ways, including some of my basic belief's. And I have a balance disorder and other health issue's. I still have signs and symptoms of brain injury; technically speaking the neurologist's call it central nervous system damage. But with a lot of hard work and effort towards my recovery, I have achieved quite an improvement. I use memory aid's as a means to substitute for my disabled memory; as well as different types of exercises, herbs, vitamins, and dietary corrections. I have tried several types of medications as a means to control my symptoms which included daily headac es; and although it is a trial and error process, some do work. It is extremely important that a person research the different types of medications and possible down side of such. I began to discover the new person that I became at the age of 41; this is the person that survived. It bothers me when people believe there is nothing wrong with me; but I am the person who is doing everything that I can to present this picture of mysel . It can be a lonely existence to live life pretending; at times even to myself. But also a growing experience that would not have been possible had I not survived. Most important I have learned to appreciate life in itself; with a new understanding th t short of death I will survive just about anything. |
| Comments: please check out the website for an innovative approach for cognitive rehabilitation Thanks |
| Comments: My sister Colleen was injured on 7/2/98 in an accident that killed both my mother and father. I will be 50 years old this year so I certainly was blessed & fortunate to have enjoyed their company and love for so many years. I have a brother and three ot er sisters, three children and a surviving grandmother! My dad used to drive us (kids) crazy by singing (off-key) "Counting your Blessings" whenever we would complain about a problem. I think I finally get it. It is almost a year and although I can see in Colleen's eyes that she is there we are unable to communicate with her. Her husband has been able to bring her home but he is doing most everything himself...and luckily Colleen gave and gave and has many friends. Melanie and cousin Marty are consist nt helpers to Ron and I try to be there as much as possible ... guilt is a constant battle. Please any survivors...e-mail me and give me advice on attitude or whatever that I can do for Colleen ... I don't know what she remembers, understands or is aware of. I just keep talking and hugging...cause those are two things I am good at. Thank you D vid... that's my son's name. We named him David Nathanial; I later found out that David means 'beloved' and Nathanial means 'gift of God'. Truly all that I have been enriched by is a beloved gift and that now includes all of you. This journey is defini ely enlightening because of the pain and struggles ... and how I do most appreciate the small bits of progress and light and flowers these days. Thank you. Mo |
| Comments: A very honest,easy to understand page.Have you ever thought of a mesage board?I would be glad to tell you how,its much easier than a webpage,lol,trust me,I have both!!My website and message board are called"Parenting With an Illness",mostly concentrating n physical illness. |
| Comments: I really liked your page. Stop by and visit some time! Robin |
| Comments: i got encephilities in 1987 was a senior in colloge would like to here from people i have seizers and cant get out much also have menorey loss and balance loss if you write i will write back tony bubbat@wcoil.com |
| Comments: would like to here from people that would like to write need some frends as i think we problee all do |
| Comments: After 30+ years on Motorcycles I got hit on my Bicycle, ARG! Oh well at least I had a Bicycle helmet on that gave its all for me. Helmets do help! Dont let the last name fool ya, I realy am Irish & got the Temper to prove it. "It's easy to be pleasant when life flows by like a song. But the man worth while is the one who can smile When everything goes dead wrong. For the test of the heart is trouble And it always comes with years. And the smile that is worth the praises of earth Is the smile that shines through the tears." - Irish Proverb |
| Comments: After 30+ years on Motorcycles I got hit on my Bicycle, ARG! Oh well at least I had a Bicycle helmet on that gave its all for me. Helmets do help! Dont let the last name fool ya, I realy am Irish & got the Temper to prove it. "It's easy to be pleasant when life flows by like a song. But the man worth while is the one who can smile When everything goes dead wrong. For the test of the heart is trouble And it always comes with years. And the smile that is worth the praises of earth Is the smile that shines through the tears." - Irish Proverb |
| Comments: After 30+ years on Motorcycles I got hit on my Bicycle, ARG! Oh well at least I had a Bicycle helmet on that gave its all for me. Helmets do help! Dont let the last name fool ya, I realy am Irish & got the Temper to prove it. "It's easy to be pleasant when life flows by like a song. But the man worth while is the one who can smile When everything goes dead wrong. For the test of the heart is trouble And it always comes with years. And the smile that is worth the praises of earth Is the smile that shines through the tears." - Irish Proverb |
| Comments: Dear David, I will be e-mailing you within the week or if you prefer you may e-mail me a message. I may also at times send you a letter through the United States Postal Service. I hope to hear from you. Joe |
| Comments: David, Thank-you for posting this page. I am a psychologist in Canada who is doing a presentation on Living Life after Brain Injury. I was wondering if I could pass on your website address and story to the audience. It will be mostly healthcare providers and would disguise the information. Thanks, |
| Comments: I am more than willing to chat with anyone who is feeling low because they are wrestling with the effects of brain injury. It is often "invisible" I began with slurred speech, rotten memory, both short and long term, and terrible despair. I felt I'd bee chucked onto Society's scrap heap. I am currently writing a book about it all with the hopes that it might help someone in a similiar position. My brain injury was unusual - diffuse - and therefore I can remember some things but not others. Any way, e ough prattle. I'm more than happy to converse with anyone who's in the same boat. Regards, Joan Rosser |
| Comments: Well, my dear, we are all out here, one big happy family of people that are different. Ignore the things you can't do well and concentrate on the things you can!!! Life is for the living, so enjoy each day of life you own! |
| Comments: Hello David R., Thank you for visiting my Brain Injury site http://travel.to/brain and signing my guestbook. I thought I would return the compliment, visit your site and sign your guestbook as well. Your site had a profound effect on me because I have also survived brain injury... 15 years post injury. David, I had 5 years of retrograde amnesia so I also felt very much like a new person following my injury (I simply can't call what happened to me an "accident"). Frequently I tell people that brain injury is more than just a bump on the head... it is about loss of self, about break down in meaningful relationship and also presents barriers to gainful employment. But it is also about human triumph over adversity, t is about new beginnings, and new friendships and new possibilities. You have a great attitude David R. and you have so much to contribute. How very lucky your support group in Lynn Mass. is to have someone with your enthusiasm and your passion for life. |
| Comments: |
| Comments: MY Mother 80 yrs. had a stroke 1/30/99 wiping out speech/swallowing/walking. The right side is paralyzed. She was manager of a store until this happened. She still retains her memory & can recognize everyone. The sad part the damage was so severe the rogress is slow. She can sit up from 3-5 hrs keeping her balance in a wheelchair. She can reach the petals on the wheel chair withour losing her balance. We are having trouble finding therapy for her because of lack of insurance and she does not qualif for medicaid funding after l00 days. ( She is partly covered now) She has been dropped once from therapy but we transferred her to another Nursing Home and the therapy was restarted but I fear her progress will continue to be slow and they will drop h r again. Do you have any encouragement for the family. There are five children and all of us participate one way or the other. The Doctor said she should be able to walk again but keeping her leg and arm from contracting until she does is one of the big problems. She also has a g/tube and we wonder if she will ever eat again since it will soon be 3 months already. If you have any encouragement or vital information please e-mail us. Thanks! Glinda |
| Comments: Greetings David, Just stopping by to let you know I'm checking all my links again. Nice to see you are still close by in HotSprings. Keep up your writing, and if you have more to share please let me know. I bid you Peace and Harmony, Rose |
| Comments: You are in my thoughts and prayers, whether you be Light Chosen or Cowan. |
| Comments: Thank you so much, David. I am a 2 1/2 year survivor and started meeting others on here. I've sent them this site addy as a "Must Read". Amen to getting people educated about this injury. I've asked for people to contact me regarding it. I not only li e it, but I gave presentations on it and consider myself fairly knowledgeable. I look forward to the possibility of increased "social interaction" from this. I'm still in training. :) |
| Comments: Oops sorry, I forgot to tell you about your stories. They are flabergasting, I can see some of myself even in the stories. You really hit home with me on those. Well if you would like to chat I have ICQ, #22768655, and aol messenger GARF45. Chat with e anytime about tbi. |
| Comments: My homepage is just personal info and some games. But would like to chat about tbi with you. I have ICQ and aol messenger. You can type me an email to let me know if you would like to chat. |
| Comments: David, I have never heard anyone else decribe their injury as dying and being re-born as a new person. This is the subject of my Psy'd thesis. I had my hermorage 11 years ago. I spent the first 6 years recovering my body and the next 5 (and counting) recoverying my mind. When I tell people that I am a new person, they don't beleive me. Most put it down to being the only way I can accept mysel . I was very happy to read what you wrote. Thank-you, Robin |
| Comments: This being Disability Awareness Week, it has been brought home to me how fortunate I have been in overcoming or coping with right lateral paralysis, apraxia, expressive aphasia, transient global amnesia, coma, brain stem injuries, temporal lobe injuries. 'm alive! I live! I reach out to others and give as I have received. It truly is a long and winding road...K.C. |
| Comments: i was really touched by the stories here and could feel them all, because i live them all |
| Comments: Hello David, Glad to find your site. My son has tbi and also a spinal cord injury. He is a paraplegic from the same MVA that also caused his brain injury. I`m always looking for friends in TBI. May God bless and keep you. Ruth mother to Josh |
| Comments: Bravo David! Keep up your writing. It is wonderful. |
| Comments: The past couple of years have been hard. I've had 7 surgeries 5 last year and 2 this year. This year has been especially hard because since my last couple of surgeries I've been having trouble writing and talking. I've just now gotten to where I can drive again. I'm suppose to go back to work on the 19th of April. I have a feeling it's going to be very hard getting back to normal. By the way, I'm 26 years old and I've had a total of 17 surgeries because of hydrocephalus. |
| Comments: Thank you for sharing your stories. I was able to read three of them this evening. I wanted to read more, but my brain is really shutting down. Again, thanks for this web site. God bless. Regards, Cj |
| Comments: Great Page with lots of great Pages! |
| Comments: Enjoyed learning the feelings of other survivors. |
| Comments: David, I really enjoyed your true stories. Be blessed, Your friend, Sharon |
| Comments: Hi Dave Like your home page , you did a good job. Lots of Love Take Care Cathy Logan aka cattie ='.'= |
| Comments: You my friend have put a lot of work into your website and it will educate the people who are lucky enough to come and meet you in this way. Keep on the path my friend, Toby |
| Comments: I don't know if TBI is a type of injury , what do you mean? Julie |
| Comments: I am Donna, the mother of Elisha 13, pronounced (E-licia) but the spelling is from the Bible, anyone want to talk,feel free to e=mail us. |
| Comments: Just wanted to sign your guestbook, for my daughter, who is 13. a wonderful kid, who is greatly loved. Her name is Elisha, pronounced (E-LICIA). IT'S FROM THE BIBLE. |
| Comments: Hi David, I noticed you signed the guest-book for the Recovery Awareness Foundation. Thank you for visiting our web page. I haven't had a chance to look over your entire site yet, but I will. Keep your Hope, Love, & Faith - Recovery is a long process t at never stops! |
| Comments: |
| Comments: I too feel like I've been given an opportunity to reinvent myself,most days I'm optomistic, but also have the dark days of despair, but I think grief is a part of healing I'm finding out so much more about brain injry fom the survivors than any doctor wou d ever knowwe are notvictims of brain injry We are SURVIVORS be proud of that accomplishment! |
| Comments: I suffered a brain injury in 1992 when I was rear-ended by an 18 wheeler. The injury altered me permenently. I currently live in the mountains to enjoy as "stress free" a life as I can. Thanks David for sharing so much of yourself. It always gives me trength to know that there are other people out there who go through some on the same "crazy" symptoms as I do. I am lucky to have a lifetime support system in my man Russ and a wonderful dog Chief who always finds a way to keep me smiling when the "bad rain days" happen. I received little help from the judicial system. Partly due to the "invisibilty" of my injury. I am left unable to hold down a full time job, and finances have been a struggle. As for neorological help... well I barely have money to eat so the doctor visits have abruptly stopped. If anyone has any information on possible ways I can afford much needed therapy please contact me A.S.A.P. I always say that I met death face to face, Life is the hard part...death is easy. I've never bee one to take the easy way out of anything. Thanks again for sharing David. I also have book-marked your site and plan to visit often. Best wishes to all fellow survivors and their sometimes over-burdened families. |
| Comments: Hi just found your page. Am computer illiterate and hope not to make any politically inciorrect moves. Thanks for letting me see your stories, maybe we can find a way to become so visible that instead of surviving we are sharing a new reality. so much to o , so few to remind me to do it |
| Comments: Good site. Good information which I will be reviewing. It's a slow process but keep trucking, you'll get there before you know it. God be with you. |
| Comments: What a powerfull survival Story you have David, as a survivor myself for 17 years now, and having found my way back to working and caring for myself, long slow struggles on a road full of rocks, I would like to assure that we get improvement as we learn t compensate, slow oh so very slow, but things get easier as we rebuild and redefine our new selves. please take heart and encouragement ... G-d Bless... |
| Comments: This is a great site for brain injured people like myself. anyone interested can email me at labell@bit.net.au. |
| Comments: This is a great site for brain injured people like myself. anyone interested can email me at labell@bit.net.au. |
| Comments: hey there: don't be scared-just be yourself. Keep humor, smiling,music, and communication in priority. No on is ever alone in anything-the world is just too darn full for that kind of thinking. Be good-be alive. |
| Comments: Hi, You wrote about some things in your life that are very similar to my life. I was involved in a motorcycle accident on Nov. 28, 1979. It was not my fault to be in the way of a car who said I didn't have my head light on. I am still recovering today fro many of my broken bones and related injuries from the accident. I have had several more operations in the years following my incident. No one knows what we have to deal with every day of our lives both in sleep and being conscious. I wish you good luck i your life and to keep on living and growing towards a better world for your self. |
| Comments: David, sharing you thoughts with others will help many along their path to recovery. Thanks for all you do. I have booked marked you site and will come back to read the re t of the articles. Keep on the path. |
| Comments: Great site ! ... DAVID ! Keep up the good work, (writting). |
| Comments: |
| Comments: anytime you need a friend to talk to you can always e-mail me tracy |
| Comments: keep up the good work as a link like this is gread for people with t.b.i.like myself Lyn |
| Comments: keep up the good work as a link like this is gread for people with t.b.i. Lyn |
| Comments: Great page! David, you are truly an inspiration to many and you words speak of your wisdom. Thank you so much for sharing yourself with the rest of the world. Best wishes and hopes for you in the future. |
| Comments: i liked all i read, and i am inspired. corny, but true--thanks mother love |
| Comments: this is tonys mon he will write latter tony got viral encephalitias when he was in college has lost all college years but as the years go by this happned in 1987 he gets better the Dr told me the brain will heal and he would get better i think this is tru . seizers are way down from 30 a mouth to 4 0r 5 a mounth to keep this short ill write again latter sandy |
| Comments: Hi David:) Long time no see...lost you way back when 'puter crashed for the last time:( How are you and you sister?? I post VERY seldom at MGH now...but read off and on and caught you there.....(yes...2 & 3 ARE important!!)*grin! Have read all your words here...and am feeling alot of different emotions over all you are dealing with. First thing I want to say...I know PERFECTLY the ways of Worker's Comp....DON'T STOP FIGHTING!! I know that sometimes you may just feel like giving up and giving in...but you can't:( You just can't. And as far as "fighting" goes...I KNOW you have alot of that quality inside you!! Have you tried SSI yet? It's not much money...but that medical is worth it's weight in gold. I could have never have made it ithout it with all the surgeries and hospital stays and equipment that my daughter needs. I myself have some pretty bad medical problems and have since lost my regular medical to an HMO.....and I am desperately paying for it health wise now. I have Emphys mia, a degenerative bone disease, and also have severe migraines and perephrial migraines...so I understand about the headaches:( They can really incapacitate you...and I have almost wrecked several times when they came on suddenly while driving:( I also understand more now about what you mean by "taking care of No.1".....in your case it's imperative:( Heal where you can...stay strong....and what you can't heal, fight. There's a reason for everything, and yours may be in helping others deal with br in injuries as well as to educate ones who don't understand. That's very important. My daughter may be severely handi-capped......but she has opened so many's eyes....including my own. As for my son...you just wouldn't believe how many people think a chil that has ADHD is just needing a good "whipping":( So maybe he will be a teacher as well later on? I pray so..... I was so happy to see your words again! I want to say alot more, but I'm hogging your GuestBook, so will go for now before I totaly take it over:) Take care of you, and please stay in touch? If you have time, take a glance at my Poetry & Writing Forum URL above...there's alot of good people there, and some you may even recognise:) Your Friend.....Janet |
| Comments: Hello everyone It's me David R. Yes signing my own guest book. I want to Thank all who have signed and those that will. I'm glad to know some people understand , what I'm going through? LATER David R. " Still Surviving " |
| Comments: David Keep up the good work. I sure can relate to the headaches although I no longer get them. Struck by mv age 5. Now have epilepsy but doing well. I think you are doing great to be able to write as well as you do |
| Comments: Learning lots.....my best friend,companion,and love of my life was injured in boating accident in July this year. Want to know as much as I can.....would love to hear from survivors as that is the closest I can come to "walking a mile in Gary's shoes" |
| Comments: I was inspired by your writings. I too believe that people look at you and think, if you look Ok, then you are Ok. WRONG. I had a car accident a year ago and now suffer from some short term memory and daily headaches. People, even the nurses say, well I forget things too and I just cry and tell them that I had a very sharp memory before this accident. I did tell one nurse that she needed to do some research on Head Injuries. She was sad she made me cry and told me she would research it. I am in my thirties and was crushed when the doctors told me I had hydrocephalus after leading a very healthy life. I am in pain everyday with headaches, nobody seems to understand, and I refu e to take the medicine unless it is excrutiating pain. I am tired of these headaches. Anyway I am glad I found your webpage and hope you are in good spirits, I try to keep my head up. Please email me, I would love to be your penpal ;-) Laura |
| Comments: Hi David, I like your site and your poems! Keep up the good work! |
| Comments: i like you poem of support it gives me hope see you in aol chris |
| Comments: David, thanks for commenting on my poems on the Harvard Web site "Window on My Mind". Keep up the great work, and I'll be praying for all of u |
| Comments: Some awesome stories! |
| Comments: David you have touched me, I love you. I also asked myself why am I still here. I appreciate things a lot more. But still have not really slowed down, which I hopefully will some day. The job the kids the house. so much to do. Still why, questions, but like you I believe that we are here for a reson our lord has choosen us for a reason I just hope to God that I do what he intends me to do. Again I love you very much. Keep up the great work. |
| Comments: Good job David, keep up the good work!! |
| Comments: Hi David, I finally came to the library to sign your guest list. See you on Sunday. Eric Gonzalez |
| Comments: David, Nice page!!! I enjoyed each and everyone of your stories! I'll get back to you in a bit with some information on a lady who runs a TBI home up there someplace, perhaps in Andover or maybe Lawrence!!! I'll dig through my stuff and see if I can find t! |
| Comments: Thanks for signing my page on this past Halloween (one week ago today). I've been meaning to send to you all week but our new house is taking a bit of work! There are some LINKS on my page but perhaps they're too far from you (Canadian) |
| Comments: Great page David! |
| Comments: David, I just want to say WOW! great job. I will share your stories with my support group next week. Do not stop writting you are good. I am hoping that my support group will get as much from your writtings as I have. Well done. Thank You. |
| Comments: Read your stories!! Hey you sound like me :) |
| Comments: David..very good insight for me to understand what it is like to live with BI.. Thank you for writing it |
| Comments: You write very well! I read all of your stories! Thank you for sharing your feelings with all of us! |
| Comments: Enjoyed reading your stories...can really relate to "Work,Work,Work". Nice site; will look forward to new additions! |
| Comments: Great site, good luck! |
| Comments: hi David ! I read your posts at MGH and they are so good ->as this site is too:) Best wishes to all your endeavors ! |
| Comments: David, Your stories are great! Keep up the good work. Love You "T" |
| Comments: Hi David! I spoke with you last night at the B.I. Support Group held at my apartment complex (Warren House). Fantastic web site! Take care, keep in touch & have a great weekend! In faith~ Jennifer :-) |
| Comments: David never stop striving. Remember though God is number one and He is always taking care of us all. We just "can't" see him. Our society doesn't stop to "smell the roeses", so they can't even begin to see us,the invisable soilders. Fighting everyday battles,warring against predjudice,ignorance, and our own pain. I can understand your fear or suspisions of "friendly folks", but you can't let that fear disable you. Your heart,spirit, and instincts will guide and protect you. If society is going to change, it will be one person at a time. Meet a person, mirror us ll, and make a change. I have a different diagnosis than you, but very similar circumstances. I "look fine", some days I feel fine. There are other days, when I "look fine",but my arms don't work, I can't walk on these legs, and I try to remember life before the seizures cam . Keep writing, keep reaching, and keep on keeping on. |
| Comments: Very interesting stories, I hope many viewers have the opportunity to read and share their experiences with us! Good job and keep up the good work David! A friend for life! |