nessa - 09/27/00 06:49:12 My | Comments: Your web page looks interesting! I'll probably come back to browse some more |
jackie albertie - 07/26/00 20:45:56 My | Comments: Great site! I have had extremely bad anxiety attacks pretty much my entire life now (since I can remember). I'm on 20mg of Prozac and 30mg of Buspar/day. For a good 2 months I was on the right track, but about 2 weeks ago I have been experiencing them ore frequently. Your site made me feel better - I'll be checking back on a regular basis. Thanks! |
john - 11/17/99 01:35:51 | Comments: thought id say hi to my old girlfreind...hope you still keep up with internet like i tought ya...and hope your doing fine........i'll see ya some day John Micheal |
George Cadero - 11/08/99 11:28:33 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana, love what you have done here. This is a great site for PD. I'll have to forward this to a friend. |
Lita Trace - 08/27/99 17:15:44 My URL:/Nashville/1407/ My | Comments:
We enjoyed your site.
Jenn - 07/20/99 18:02:12 My | Comments: Thanks Sites like this make my day easier to know I am not alone ! Its been a tough road but I know we all can get through this together! |
David Larkin - 05/08/99 07:37:51 | Comments: If you want insane go to and check out this site. If you like what you see get their new cd The Fifth Jokers Card when it comes out. |
debbie - 04/28/99 05:08:18 My URL: My | Comments: enjoyed your page interested in linking to your page write back, |
David - 01/15/99 09:07:21 | Comments: Hi there! I have social phobia and often panic in social occassions, but am working on exposure therapy and sometimes find the tension go away by thinking in reverse eg 'bring on the tension ' rather than 'a bet i look nervous and stupid'. A rational change of thinking can do wonders. But you need to work on it and expect setbacks. Be well :) |
Joan Maslin - 09/30/98 19:16:49 My | Comments: Great page. Very informative and comforting. |
Leslie - 08/30/98 01:56:35 My | Comments: this is a great page!! You are not a Dr. trying to tell us what we are feeling- you have been there and I commend your efforts to helping others. good luck and keep on shining! |
Rodney Schultz - 08/13/98 22:58:35 My | Comments: Great page! With the strength of all of us, we can overcome all our fears. |
michelle - 07/09/98 15:46:10 My | Comments: Cool website!!!! Its great just to be reminded your not the only one suffering from A Panic disorder. |
michelle - 07/09/98 15:41:26 My | Comments: Cool website!!!! Its great just to be reminded your not the only one suffering from A Panic disorder. |
Janet - 07/08/98 01:46:07 My Email:CBC101 | Comments: Your web page is great ! I surf these areas because I have a fifteen year old daughter that suffers from panic attacks/anxiety/depression. It is so hard on her, which makes it hard for me. Doctors have put her on so many meds, she was like a zombie, h d to pull out of public school etc. Many times she feels like giving up on life because she's afraid of life being this way the rest of her life. Thanks for listening. Janet |
Phil - 07/06/98 18:43:18 | Comments: |
Martha - 07/03/98 05:54:52 My URL: My | Comments: I took the anxiety test and scored a 53 which shouldn't have surprised me did. I have had this disorder for many years. I would love to learn how to overcome this fear. It can be very debilitating. I am also a writer, (fiction) and so my imaginat on runs rampant at all time...which isn't always condusive to living a normal life! Thank you for sharing this web page and I hope to hear from others who share this PD. Martha~ |
Martha - 07/03/98 05:52:06 My URL: My | Comments: I took the anxiety test and scored a 53 which shouldn't have surprised me did. I have had this disorder for many years. I would love to learn how to overcome this fear. It can be very debilitating. I am also a writer, (fiction) and so my imaginat on runs rampant at all time...which isn't always condusive to living a normal life! Thank you for sharing this web page and I hope to hear from others who share this PD. Martha~ |
Janet - 07/01/98 19:28:06 My Email:CRUZZ7 @ aol | Comments: I really like your page. I have been suffering from panic attacks for the most of my life. I have tried prozac and St Johns Wart. Now I am not takeing anything. I do still have panic attacks. They are worst in the summer than winter.So now they are more requent. I can tell you that your relationship with God will help a lot. |
ksren - 06/21/98 02:25:47 My | Comments: Love this sight. I wish I had found it sooner. |
Michael Martinez - 06/18/98 03:13:48 My | Comments: I just saw you signed my guestbook, maybe a few months ago ( How are you coming along? -MM |
Irene - 06/11/98 02:29:04 My | Comments: Great page. If you know of any good reading on phobias similar to mine, please let me know. Thanks again, |
Allison - 06/09/98 22:37:06 My Email:Ederienne | Comments: I found your page via the online psych area of aol. I too am a 23 yr old female with PAD. I was diagnosed about two and a half years ago. It is good to find someone who is not only my age but also been dealing with the disorder about the same amout of tim . I plan to visit your page often to see how you are doing. |
Michael Serles - 06/09/98 15:36:38 My | Comments: Just remember"action conquers fear" I will include you in my prayers. Mike |
- 06/05/98 17:26:06 My Email:FJerene@aol | Comments: Great page, thank you |
- 06/04/98 08:42:48 My Email:AnimaIsRus | Comments: Hey Lana, I can't believe you put your pic on your website. Do you think that is safe? Yeah, yeah I'ma naggin ya LOL Talk to ya later. The Cope Brat. |
Becky - 05/31/98 21:37:35 My | Comments: My boyfriend juggernant gave me this address and I decided to check it out. It's a great site. I'm glad to hear you're doing well, and hope you continue successfully. |
Chris Egner - 05/31/98 20:12:19 My URL: My | Comments: Cool page! |
Lana B - 05/26/98 00:34:05 My | Comments: Hi my name is Lana too!. I have had PD for 9 yrs total and am not fully Agoraphobic for the last 2 yrs. I hate life and I fieel like my life is over and that I have not had a life for the last 9 yrs. I have tried everything (DR's, Alternative med, etc) to find a way to deal with this but it has not happened. |
Lana B - 05/26/98 00:34:00 My | Comments: Hi my name is Lana too!. I have had PD for 9 yrs total and am not fully Agoraphobic for the last 2 yrs. I hate life and I fieel like my life is over and that I have not had a life for the last 9 yrs. I have tried everything (DR's, Alternative med, etc) to find a way to deal with this but it has not happened. |
Allen - 05/25/98 15:16:27 My | Comments: Hiya, I made it :o) Very good page. |
prissy - 05/19/98 10:55:42 My URL: My | Comments: You have done an excellent job and this should be a great resource page for others! Thank you for sharing it with us. *hugg* |
JOHN - 05/16/98 02:48:24 My | Comments: very impressive, I would never have know about PD. I do have some insight now. |
Steve - 05/11/98 05:24:43 My | Comments: Hey baby. saw your page and wasthinking of you |
Dee Leahy - 05/11/98 00:26:40 My URL: My | Comments: Congratulations on a great and informative homepage. Keep up the great work. Cheers! :o) |
Kathy - 05/09/98 04:25:15 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana...Nice page...Interesting information....Good luck with your PD...Keep up the good work with your pages.... |
RUSSELL HARE - 05/08/98 20:38:38 My Email:RMHARE@AOL.COM | Comments: |
RUSSELL HARE - 05/08/98 20:33:57 My Email:RMHARE@AOL.COM | Comments: |
Jerry (Hi-Tek) - 05/08/98 17:08:57 My URL: My | Comments: Great page you have, really enjoyed my visit very much. Thanks for signing my guest book :)
Jan - 05/08/98 11:35:19 My URL: My | Comments: |
Dawn - 05/08/98 11:21:06 My URL: My | Comments: Thank you for signing myguestbook and nviting me to your cyberhome. You have some great pages here. I hope they will help many people - very informative :) |
Tammi - 05/08/98 00:31:20 My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/5869 | Comments: Hello,Thanks for visiting my page . . . I thought I would return the courtesy!J I have really enjoyed my visit.You have a great site.Keep up the great work ! if you have some free time please be sure to vote for me in the Dream Quest round for the web page warpath. Thank you again for sharing your site with me and those who come here. As always keep on dreaming *Tammi* |
Grandma George aka SC - 05/08/98 00:22:18 My URL: My | Comments: Thanks for inviting me to visit your homepage and for sharing. I enjoyed my visit. Stop by and visit me door is always open *smile* |
OceanAngel - 05/07/98 23:58:35 My URL: My | Comments: I was a prisoner in my home for 10 years. I had panic dis-order but never knew it until after I developed agoraphobia. It is so scary and now with the help of meditation and occasionally drugs like Xanax I do well enough to work full time out of my home |
Anita - 05/07/98 23:47:55 My URL: My | Comments: Dear Lana, What a wonderful informative site you have!! And talk about your letter came in with your link, I was on the verge of a panic attack! Go figure! I really enjoyed your poetry and Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow is a real favorite of mine...i actually calmed me down..I am worrying about it brought me back to the moment...THANK YOU!!!! ((((HUGS))))) Nita |
Melanie Tate - 05/07/98 23:24:10 My URL:/~thetatefamily My | Comments: |
Pandora - 05/07/98 03:26:20 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana You have an excellent website. I will call in from time to time to see more of your interesting pages. Greetings from Australia. Pandora |
Camilla - 05/07/98 02:03:39 My URL: My | Comments: great page... you won my award. keep up the great work. I'm sure you're helping people out there. Camilla |
Henry - 05/06/98 22:24:20 My URL:click on the banner My | Comments: Hey! Here is my Webring Want more hits to your page than you should join .EVERYONE is welcome.. |
wendy - 05/05/98 14:29:41 | Comments: There IS a rapidly effective treatment for phobias, anxiety attacks, and panic. Many have been CURED of these awful problems. I'm convinced that this is the best hope for a permanent cure for PAD. In my search for answers, the best thing that I've come across is a natural treatment called "Thought Field Therapy" or TFT. I first heard about it 5 years ago but thought it was bogus. They claimed a 90% cure rate with anxiety problems! Yeah right, I said! Out of curiousity, I eventually tried it and it orked for me. It eliminated my phobias and anxiety problems. TFT is a new all-natural approach not like any kind of talk-therapy, coping skills, hypnosis, or behavior mod. This approach works with the body's bio-energy system (related to acupressure). Anxiety is fundamentally caused by "perturbations" in the energy system which then leads to the chemical and psychological problems later on. You see, the body has a physical anatomy AND an energy anatomy. The energy is the deepest level of being. When the energy in out of balance, the physical anatomy ( hemicals, hormones, nervous system, etc.) is affected and you are vulnerable to anxiety problems. Fix the energy and the chemistry takes care of itself, naturally. Then the psychological part (negative distorted thinking) just goes away. The thoughts h ve no power over you anymore. Also these energy imbalances can be worsened by exposure to toxins. A toxin can be any food or substance that may be specifically toxic for you but not necessarily for everyone else. Identifying and eliminating the toxins paves the way for a cure to this hideous problem. There are numerous websites with more information about TFT: I urge you to look into this further and see if it sounds interesting. There is a book that I'd recommend. It's called "The Rapid Treatement of Panic, Anxiety, and Agoraphobia" by Dr. Roger Callahan. Everything comes with a money-back guarantee. I was skeptical at first but felt I had nothing to lose by checking it out. It has changed my life dramatically. I feel more relaxed and confident than at any time in my life. And I have learned how to use the techniques to help others with phobias, fears, and worries. Last month, I used the TFT "5-minute Phobia Cure" to treat a co-worker who had a fear of flying. He was going on vacation but was very nervous about the flight. He had this fear all his life. I treated him with the simple TFT procedure and in a few minute his fear was gone. He could not work up any anxiety while thinking about flying. When he returned from his trip, he told me he was completely relaxed on his flights to and from his vacation spot. It was effortless for him to feel that way since the treat ent cured his phobia at the deepest level (the bio-energy level). He was amazed and enormously grateful. I'm not a therapist or a professional. Not trying to sell anything here. Just a regular person who had anxiety problems and got rid of them with TFT. I want to spread the word and help others!!! Good luck and good health! |
Dody - 05/04/98 05:27:39 My URL: My | Comments: Thanks for making a page on this topic. I suffer from PD, and be does it suck... I'll definately be visiting your page often. |
jessie - 05/04/98 02:28:50 My | Comments: thanks for the great page, i have suffered for 10 years with anxiety, agrophobia, and last two months, suicidal thoughts, and depression about the future, i am anxious about the future every 3 minutes, can you help me figure out what to do? i have been o buspar for one week but still have panicy suicidal thoughts, should i go on an anti depressant? please e me back at thank you for any info you can help me with!!! |
Jo - 05/03/98 19:13:09 My | Comments: I was so glad to find your Web site. I have panic disorder and today was having a bad day. I plan on being back again. Thanks |
heather aka raven, fate's angel - 05/02/98 21:07:09 My URL: My | Comments: cute page :) |
Jen Lavender - 05/02/98 16:52:33 My URL: My | Comments: First let me apologize for taking so long to make it to your pages here~ I appreciate you stopping by and signing my guest book, but I have had a crazed life lately and am just now getting around to visiting sites!!! I really enjoyed my stay here and am o glad to see more sites involving PD on the net~ Keep up the great work!!! Also, I'd love to have a kitty via e-mail!!! *S* |
marcy - 05/02/98 00:43:25 My | Comments: i am new to the internet and have suffered from severe panic attacks for 4 years ill be back again drop me an email if you ever want to chat- i'm not quite sure how to get into the chat rooms- i only have web tv via a web browser hooked up to my tv thanks for letting me stop by |
Iceman - 05/01/98 15:01:55 My | Comments:
Sander - 05/01/98 10:24:09 My URL: My | Comments: Nice page(I've got that mouse too), if you have some time check out mine page too!
marty - 04/28/98 14:27:19 My URL: My | Comments: What a wonderful service you are providing. I am thrilled for you and wish you every possible personal and professional happiness. Yes the klonopin is doing it plus getting rid of that personal situation. You have a highly unusual job and I am proud of yo . My son is a vet and my daughter in law is a rn in the northern Va. area. I hope to have my domain registration soon since I also have a unique occupation, not quite like yours. a pleasure meeting you online, and viewing a wonderful web site. marty |
Mitch - 04/20/98 04:15:09 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana. Great page. I found it through another guest book. I'm really glad I did. I would like to talk to you sometime about PD. I think my son has a form of it. I'll ICQ you. Hope you don't mind. You can visit my page anytime....Mitch |
Wolfman - 04/19/98 05:45:11 My | Comments: Your page is Out standing and my heart go's out to you and your problems that you have.and I hope you have the life that you want! please come by the Wolf Zone |
danny - 04/18/98 16:44:07 My URL: My | Comments: cool page, i found it through another guest book, i rate yours a 6, im sorry to hear you have pd |
Stormtrooper - 04/16/98 10:35:36 My URL:/Pentagon/4965/stormtrooper.html My | Comments: Hi just dropped by to have a look, and I am very impressed with your site, please stop by my home some time and please dont forget to sign my guestbook and also dont forget to enter for our Awards. ONT> Regards Emeralds Cyber Secretary
Tim - 04/11/98 05:27:32 My URL: My | Comments: |
CyberTiger - 04/09/98 04:38:28 My URL: My | Comments: Hi...I think you page is really good. It must be hard to live with PD. I hope your strong, and you can live through it...I know you will =0) Nobody you know, CyberTiger |
Bobby - 04/09/98 02:02:09 | Comments: Hey Lana, You are a good friend, and you have a GREAT page...Luv ya! |
Gail - 04/04/98 05:25:16 My URL: | Comments: I liked your page! :) |
DocJohnson - 03/27/98 00:03:43 My URL:/SouthBeach/Lagoon/1389 My | Comments: Wonderful page!!!!I just thought I had to check it me on ICQ and we will chat if you would like....592207 |
Mike - 03/26/98 17:55:54 My URL: My | Comments: I had never heard of PD before wandering into your page. I hope you help a lot of people with this info. |
Ellen - 03/25/98 08:58:58 My URL:/SouthBeach/Palms/5263/ My | Comments: Hi Lana.. you are truly a brave lady. Truly inspirational! I wouldn't be able to cope if I were you. Please take care; I'm sure you will triumph over PD one day. :) |
Ellen - 03/25/98 08:55:27 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana.. you are truly a brave lady. Truly inspirational! I wouldn't be able to cope if I were you. Please take care; I'm sure you will triumph over PD one day. :) |
Raimundo Filho - 03/22/98 04:58:15 My URL: My | Comments: Congratulations Lana. Your homepage is very useful for people with panic disorder. Be very happy! |
Tim - 03/21/98 18:15:46 My URL: My | Comments: |
Cindy - 03/20/98 07:59:12 My URL: My | Comments: Lana - I really enjoyed surfing through your page and thanks alot for all the wonderful links! You've put alot of time into this and I sure do appreciate it. |
Angela - 03/18/98 03:56:38 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana, thankyou for signing my guestbook, you have a great page here! :) |
Bangarang - 03/17/98 22:47:46 My URL: My | Comments: A wonderful page, I'm Manic/Depressive but went through a period of panic on one of my swings...I't hard to understand unless you've been there...just keep up the good fight. |
Nancy - 03/17/98 16:58:59 My URL: My | Comments: Your site is a wonderful help to those with PD. I learned a lot about this disorder. Your ten commandments I'm sure are helpful to those with PD. Keep up the good work! Good luck to you in the future. |
Rich - 03/16/98 22:10:07 My | Comments: Hey I really liked your page.I`m trying to build mine now and know what it is like to panic trying to do it.:)Take it easy. RICH |
Dave - 03/16/98 11:48:14 My URL: My | Comments: Thought I had better siggn now as I tend to wander through links. Have enjoyed my stay so far and unless I get sidetracked I will be staying longer. Love the mouse on the first page too :)) Great page people never cease to amaze me. Dave |
Stacie - 03/16/98 02:54:45 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana. You have a very nice page and it looks great! Keep up the great work! |
Carol - 03/16/98 02:37:30 My | Comments: Great site Lana...very informative!!!!! |
Michelle - 03/15/98 16:33:01 My | Comments: |
Emmeke - 03/15/98 16:33:53 My URL: My | Comments: Excellent resource. Keep up the great work :) |
Kristan - 03/15/98 16:29:50 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana, Thank you for signing my guestbook and for the invite. You have done a terrific job here. Keep up the good work. Hope many will be helped with your love and encouragement. :-) |
Syd - 03/15/98 16:10:48 My URL: | Comments: I had never heard of PD before...very informative site. |
Gill - 03/15/98 16:11:47 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana, thankyou for signing my guestbook. Also for the kind comments. What you didn`t say was that you also have a great site!!! God Bless You. We can overcome. |
Denise - 03/15/98 16:10:51 My URL: My | Comments: Great Site! So glad you stopped in so I knew your site existed!! |
Snoman - 03/15/98 16:06:57 My URL: My | Comments: I like your page. |
End Time Ministries - 03/15/98 16:05:37 My URL: My | Comments: Be Blessed! |
Annika - 03/15/98 16:06:08 My URL: My | Comments: Hi there! Very nice homepage. You've done a really great job with it. Keep up the good work. I enjoyed my visit. Greetings from Germany. Annika |
Ellen - 03/15/98 16:04:48 My | Comments: I love your site Lana! Love You.....Ellen |
MYSTICAL ENCHANTRESS - 03/15/98 16:03:47 My URL: My | Comments: thanks for signing my page. *S* i added you to my icq, i hope to get to know you better. i have a few friends with PD. it is serious and i admire everyone who has it. you have a great site, keep it up. |
Maria - 03/15/98 16:02:13 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana, thanks for the invite to your homepage (via my guestbook - which I appreciate you taking the time to sign!). I can't imagine having to go through panic disorder attacks. Very frightening! How great that you are letting other people know more a out this issue. Take care, Maria :O) |
Crystal - 03/15/98 16:00:31 My URL: My | Comments: I know what it is like to live with someone who has a panic/nervous disorder. My dad has agoraphobia (not sure on the spelling) it affects him truly. It is the one phobia that actually alters the body's chemical make-up, and the big factor is panic attack . It was hard growing up, but we all loved him and understood his problems, and for that, he is strong and fights it everyday, but I am proud of him, and no matter what, we will always be by his side. Good luck and I think it is wonderful what you are doi g here. It's a good service to have...for those who suffer and aren't quite sure if they are the only ones going through hard times. Keep up the great work. |
Joe - 03/13/98 02:30:23 My | Comments: I found you on Andersons homepage. Glad I did. Just took the "strees test" from Midwest Ctr. Wow,I'm a 60. (All 4's) No wonder I'm a wreck. (Now I'm worried that I don't have the money for their 'at home program'. Wish I had your strength. Hopefully m life will change for the better. (Right now , I don't see it). Lot's of Luck, with your PD. I might be a lost cause. I'll surf in now and then and see how your page is doing. (Sorry this message isn't as perfect as I'd like it to be.) |
Wind Dancer - 03/13/98 00:57:08 My URL: My | Comments: Hi! Thank you for coming to my page and for signing my guestbook.Your page is extremely informative on PD.I also went and took the Personality Test and the IQ Test.Now I don't feel so smart...hehehe =) C'ya,~ Wind ~ Dancer ~ |
Nancy - 03/12/98 19:55:18 My URL: My | Comments: I loved your page. Very informative. Thanks for stopping by my page. | - 03/12/98 19:51:12 | Comments: |
boydy - 03/12/98 19:24:27 My URL: My | Comments: hey lana nice page. By the way thanks for signing my Guestbook! |
mike donovan - 03/12/98 18:10:02 My URL: My | Comments: hey thanks a lot for signing my book and stopping by my page. you have a neat page and a lot of interesting things to say. i'm glad that i got to stop by and check it out. keep it real. mike d |
andrew - 03/12/98 17:59:42 My URL: My | Comments: hi lana informative page [[[ ]]] big hug from me andrew xxxxxxxxx |
Courtney - 03/12/98 17:33:37 My URL: My | Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook... your page has brought alot of useful info into my life.. and I thank you.. *s* |
Allie - 03/12/98 12:08:34 My URL: My | Comments: Hi, great page. I had never heard of Panic disorder before. Good luck with your treatments. Thanks for signing my guestbook. |
Sam and Jen - 03/12/98 10:58:27 My URL: | Comments: Hey, nice page here. I'm really getting educated on Panic Disorder. Thanks for signing Sam's guestbook! |
John W. Camp - 03/12/98 00:22:46 My URL: My | Comments: Returning YOUR VISIT. Very glad that I did. You have a tremendous and beneficial site. Keep up the good work, WILL RETURN??? |
Gary - 03/12/98 00:06:17 My URL: My | Comments: I enjoyed my visit to your place. Hope you will drop by my place sometime. |
Jim - 03/11/98 22:54:01 My URL: My | Comments: G'day Lana,You are one strong and beautiful woman, PD should be scared of you,,lol,. Really nice page, i'm impressed. i'm still trying to figure out how you got my homepage,, btw, thanks for signing it. Good luck in future. All the best from Oz ( Australia ) |
viper - 03/11/98 15:30:23 My URL: My | Comments: I liked your site it was very informative. |
Melissa Morris - 03/11/98 15:27:24 My URL: My | Comments: Cool page!! Thanks fer goin' to mine. Please come again soon! |
Jamie Brayden - 03/11/98 14:22:53 My URL: My | Comments: Lana, thanks so much for visiting my pages. It's always such a delight to see a new addition to my guestbook. I think your pages are terrfic. You may only be 23, but you are wise beyond your years. "Remember the Light and draw Strength from it!" |
Rob - 03/11/98 06:13:19 My URL: My | Comments: Nice page. I like it. |
Tom Cadero Sr. - 03/11/98 06:11:31 My | Comments: This site is an excellent idea. It helps to know others are maintaining a life inspite of their anxiety, panic, and terror attacks. |
George Cadero - 03/11/98 06:10:05 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana, what a nice web site, for such a worthwhile purpose! It's basically Excellent!! Thanks for visiting my site and allowing me to experience yours! The best to you....George |
- 03/11/98 00:30:55 | Comments: Hi, you have done a wonderful job on your site..enjoyed my visit very much, great info and alot of helpful links,keep up the great job :)as i to suffer from PD..I know this is a worthwwhile site..have a good day!! :) |
Bill Smith - 03/10/98 23:16:14 My URL: My | Comments: Thank you for visiting my home page and your sweet comments. You have a great looking home page yourself . I enjoyed looking around. I really enjoyed your pic. You are a sexy beautiful looking girl. Come back and visit my page anytime. KISSES AND HUGS |
Rhino - 03/10/98 04:21:51 My URL: My | Comments: Thanx for hitting my page. I thought I would do the same for you. give me an "uH=oH" at UIN 6873311 Anyone else out who is bored, come take a look at my page. I want to get my counter up to 1000 before 04-01-98. It's a bet I have going, so send the UR to all your contacts for me thanx |
Madpuppy - 03/10/98 03:21:08 My URL: My | Comments: Well who do we have here?*smile*Such a pretty and yet a nice little lady*smile* I am really happy you stopped by the dog house *smile*As you can tell i am a happy guy most of the time.*grin*I must say that you do like cat's*grin*I think i could get to lik this place.If you don't mind me saying so.Well If you do.Then well it's to late now*grin* Do you have ICQ?If you would like to chat sometime.Please feel free to E-mail me or you can get me on ICQ*smile* I told to anybody and everybody.Well that's if they talk back*lol* Sorry a little joke there*smile*So if you get time please feel free to say hi*smile*have a nice day your friend and mine me*lol* Ray aka Madpuppy |
Larry - 03/10/98 03:00:43 My URL: My | Comments: Hi, Lana.... Checked out your page; it's filled with some very useful information. You've done quite a job on the page! Keep up the good work! |
Mike Brown - 03/10/98 03:01:04 My URL: My | Comments: Very nice site Lana, I would like to put a link to it in our agoraphobia and panic links page. If this is ok would you email me and let me know please. |
Diana - 03/10/98 02:41:25 My URL: | Comments: Nice job! Very kind of you to take the time to make this page. It's a tough subject. I know... |
Alton the Great - 03/10/98 00:06:00 My URL: My | Comments: Thank you for signing my guestbook! you have a informative page and by now I know more about PD. :> Thanks for the link! |
Jammer - 03/09/98 23:13:11 My URL: My | Comments: If there’s one thing I’ve learned since I’ve been visiting people’s pages is that there are a lot of strong people out there, and you are one of them. It was very eye-opening learning experience. I enjoyed your poems very much and I’m so glad you visited my page, signed my guestbook. That way I was able to find your excellent page so much sooner. I really hope you have a wonderful day. |
Tina - 03/09/98 22:13:46 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Lana! I just wanted to repay the favor and stop by your site and sign your guestbook. Thanks for the invite and thanks for signing my guestbook! Stop by again! :) |
Anne - 03/09/98 18:43:58 My URL: My | Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook. I found your site very interesting and helpful. |
Seahorseman - 03/09/98 18:17:52 | Comments: You really need to change the color combination in your guest book. The way it is now makes it almost impossible for an old geezer to read ..... Old Sea |
DocJohnson - 03/09/98 09:33:53 My URL: My | Comments: Got the link to your page off the ACLIO homepage... Wonderful Place, isnt it? If you would like to chat, Cookoo me at #592207 ;-) |
Gitte - 03/08/98 23:36:04 My URL: My | Comments: Thank you for another site for us Panicdisorder and agoraphobia people.didnt know so many famous people had it, at least we are in good company:) God bless you Gitte |
Gabi - 03/08/98 05:09:57 My URL: | Comments: Thanks for the visit to my page. Thought I'd come by and check yours out. Great stuff on here. Keep up the good work. I'll definately be back. |
Cherri - 03/08/98 02:14:59 My URL: My | Comments: Hey, you have a great page too!! Keep up the good work :) |
deborah - 03/07/98 21:08:55 My | Comments: hey Lana you're page is great! filled with lots of great info on panic/anxiety! i'll bookmark it. |
Jodi - 03/07/98 18:43:28 My URL: My | Comments: Your page is excellent! You have such wonderful information for people with panic disorder, I especially like the fact that you can share your experiences with different meds. This is truly a great page, I will add it to my list of panic links. |
Rhonda - 03/07/98 09:06:06 My URL: My | Comments: Very imformative page. I will visit here often. Stop at my site soon to sign up to receive a Freedom From Fear Site award. Should be ready in a few days!!! |
Redbudster - 03/03/98 05:18:28 My URL: My | Comments: This is not your ordinary webpage but then you don't sound like your life is anything but ordinary. Enjoyed my visit here and leaving with a little more info on PD then when i came. Never even realized it existed. Good luck to you & best wishes. By th way does that cat ever get dizzy. |
Joel Kerbrat Sr - 03/03/98 03:36:37 My URL: My | Comments: I thought I would check out your web page.... I am 42 married with 2 teenage boys and we all three are tired of the chain mail on ICQ. My UIN is nick is rifter hope to talk to you soon |
susan - 02/21/98 02:13:14 My | Comments: what a great job. especially love your mouse..thanks for your help and thanks to cope susan |
April - 02/16/98 02:58:38 My | Comments: Great page Lana...I have book marked it, and will guarantee you, I'll be back:) |
Darrell - 02/14/98 03:28:57 My | Comments: This is really an awesome page...very informative. Looks like you put alot of effort into it...good job Lana... |
Darrell Sellers - 02/11/98 02:30:22 My | Comments: Hey gorgeous...seen it but wont be able to look just yet...I will come back soon... Luv ya ---Darrell |
David Alfano - 02/08/98 08:20:26 My | Comments: Hi Lana!! Nice site!! Talk soon! Love David |
NAN - 02/08/98 03:45:02 My Email:JADELOVER1@AOL.COM | Comments: Lana... Love your is informative and offers great suggestions and hope...We can learn to live with this Panic monster.. we are both living proof of that... we have learned to COPE!!! :) love ya.. Nan |