This is a page that you can read first hand experiences from others concerning the medications that they have taken. It doesnt matter how many drug guides or whatever you look is always helpful to hear first hand experiences. BUT, please keep in mind that we all react differently to different medications, so if you read that someone had a bad effect, that doesn't necessarily mean that you will have the same effect. I would also like to thank you all who contribute to this page by sharing information about your meds....and if you havent done so yet....please go to the "SUBMIT MEDICATIONS" area on the index page and do so.

KLONOPIN:(Lana) This med. is in the class of BZ's...they are actually my favorite class of meds. for panic disorders. I really loved the way it worked, it was my "wonder drug" for a while. The bad side though, was that it began to have an anorexic side effect with me, and it got to the point where I would get nauseas and sick just to smell food, so eventually I had to discontinue using it.

PAXIL:(Lana) This is an anti-depressant with a prophylactic use for anxiety. I used this for 2 years with little side effects from it. I did experience weight gain, and some tiredness. After using it for the 2 years, it started to lose it's effectiveness, and I discontinued it. I can tell you though, the withdrawal was NOT a fun thing!

XANAX:(Lana) This med. is an anti-anxiety agent, a sedative/hypnotic. I only used this on a couple of occasions, and I would place it under my tongue for extreme panic. It did seem to do ok.

GABA:(Lana) This is an amino acid (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid). I presently use this, and I have found that it does pretty good for me. Not only do I experience a lower level of anxiety, I have noticed my mood is alot more elevated than usual, and I have just a better feeling of well being. It is used in the treatment of Anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and mental retardation. It is also used by body builders for the fact that it decreases body fat, and increases body muscle.

DESIPRIMINE(David Alfano) By far desipramine has worked better than Buspar, Prozac and Toflinal.

XANAX(Karen) This is my "wonder drug" just slip it under the tongue when anxious. I have to say Xanax is my "little piece of sanity" to get me through those hard days.

ZOLOFT(April) This is an anti-depressant also, that is used for anxiety. It does help to keep the panic attacks down to a minimum, but it has my sex life completely shot! But that's ok, sometimes we have to pay small prices like that for sanity, and my husband is very understanding.

TRANXENE(Jodi) From what I understand, tranxene is a modern version of valium. It is a tranquilizer, and for me is not a HUGE help, but does alliviate some anxiety. I do believe that there are much better medicines out there for panic. It makes me sleepy, and I only take it when necessary.

XANAX (Barbara)Has been the only medication to date that has helped to curb the amount of attacks I may have without any side effects.

XANAX (Tom Cadero Sr.) This drug kept me out of any anxiety. I felt wonderful while taking it. Then I got hooked on it. It was terrible getting "unhooked".

NORTRIPTOLENE(Tom Cadero Sr) This is a non-narcotic wonder drug. A doctor took me off of xanax and put me on Nortripene over 4 years ago. I've never had anxiety or panic since.

KLONOPIN (again) (Lana) Well, I decided to give Klonopin another shot. I have been on it again for about 4 days, and I have noticed that I am alot calmer. I have also noticed a decrease in my appetite, but not the anorexic affect as before...I will keep you all updated.

Alprazolam .25 mg( takes forever to kick in.

Mantra Meditation(SummerChild) When I meditate with the mantra it calms me down so I can face my anxieties. Its much better than pills.

BUSPAR(Marcy) started taking it approx 8 weeks ago has helped somewhat but I still have a long way to go.

CLONAZEPAM (someone) Iam not so sure, I feel the same, but knowing I am on this med. I convince myself it's working. I been on it for 2 years. but i still get aniexty. and believe me I have the most boring life, so I don't blame it on my life being stressfull, it's the panic attacks I stress about. I have't got a panic attack since being on this med. but I fight like hell not to have one, since I seem to set myself off anyway. I still can't go anywhere alone. I am scared I'll get one and the more I seem to fight it the more I feel like passing out. I do get headach alot everyday. I really love those days when nothing bothers me. feeling so great. I wish sometimes I would break a leg just so I can vocus on that pain then the one in my head. Tell me about my med. and what it suppose to do. It says it a movement disorder med. I don't think I have that. Just make the sysptom go away. tell me how to do that.

BUSPAR (Beth) I've been taking Buspar for about a five weeks. During the second week it seemed to be somewhat effective, but the following weekend I had several panic attacks and generally felt uneasy. My dosage was increased to 45mg a day from 30mg and I haven't noticed any difference. the side affects have been minimal. Sometimes I get dizzy and I've been having chest pains for the last week, which only increases my anxiety. From what I've read on the internet & books, Buspar is only effective for people with GAD not Panic Disorder.

XANAX & PAXIL (Jen) I have been on paxil for 2 months.I felt like myself for a week, like i could take on the world.I am still taking it but dont feel that i dont really think it is doing anything to help me. I am also taking zanax this has worked wonders for me.I dont have attacks when i take it but i dont take it often because i dont want to become addicted to it.I do have a hard time without it.

NARDIL (Janis Johnson) I was very afraid of this med. because there was a whole list of other meds.(over-the-counter and prescribed)that could NOT be taken with Nardil. The consequences ranged from escalated blood pressure to death. Also every food I loved could not be eaten such as cheese, chocolate, pepperoni etc. I ordered a fish sand. from McDonald's without the cheese and ate half of it before realizing ther was cheese on it. It caused me to vomit profusely. I took the med for over a year before P.D. was under control.

PAXIL (Danny "Coyote") Paxil was an excellent med for me for panic and phobia. I have had phone phobia most of my life and didn't have it when I was taking the Paxil. It also gave me hope for controlling my panic. I have had panic disorder for 18 years. I quit taking Paxil because of SSEs (sexual side effects). I could not function sexually after I had taken it about a year.

EFFEXOR (Danny "Coyote") I started taking Effexor after I had sexual problems with Paxil. Effexor never controlled the panic as well, I took Ativan (lorazepam) occasionally while on it to get by. Effexor never seemed to help my phobias at all. It elevated my blood pressure so that I needed meds for that too. I also had more side effects with Effexor than Paxil. Mostly sweating, almost constantly and an acrid smell to the perspiration. I had lots of nights when I could not sleep well when on it. After that, I weaned myself off Effexor and started St. John's Wort.

ST. JOHN'S WORT (Danny "Coyote") This herb has worked better than most meds I have taken. I didn't have an side effects from it that I can tell, but I was on other meds so long that it may just seem so minor in comparison that I haven't noticed any. I tapered off Effexor and started SJW as I was reducing the Effexor. I started out with very low doses and worked up. It took about two weeks to feel any effect. But after two months, I was feeling better than I had in a long time. I feel like I have my panic under control and without prescription meds or scrutinizing doctor visits. It doesn't do much for phobias and I still have some confrontation anxiety but all in all it works very well. I occasionally take some Kava Kava or one of my slowly dwindling Ativan tablets, but I only need that once or twice a month.

DESIPRAMINE, XANAX, EFFEXOR (Chuck R.)Used desipramine (400 mg) and Xanax for about 5 years with no problems. Went to desipramine (400 mg) exclusively for five years. Everything was great. No panic attacks and very few symptoms. Then it stopped working in the fall of '97.
Now I am on a combination of desipramine (300 mg) and Effexor (225 mg). I am symptom free most of the time, but not as good as I was the previous 10 years. The goal is to get me on Effexor exclusively.

KLONOPIN, PROZAC, ZOLOFT (William) I first started on Klonopin and Prozac. I stopped tacking Prozac after a year. I am still on Klonopin and will start taking Paxil in a few days. I've been on Klonopin for 4 years and it has been wonderful. I was able to do all the things I wanted to do. I even went to myself!! Before the meds I would have panic just thinking about it. Lately I have had a lot of stress in my life and have had a few panic attacks. My doc wants me to start on Paxil. I sure hope it is going to work without a lot of problems. I gained about 40 pounds on Prozac. Zoloft made me feel awful. Oh well...I guess I will find out in a few days.

PROZAC (unknown) It has helped me tremendously, the combination of Prozac, 15 mg and therapy has essentially kept my panic disorder in remission...I am able to think through my anxieties and control them, instead of them controlling me. I have no side effects and have been on it for a year.

KLONOPIN(Sherry) hello i am new to this but thought i'd put in my 2 cents worth. i have had pd for about 10 years and until 4 years ago i just suffered,went to emergency rooms and thought i was dying. doctors finally said you have this disorder and it must be treated or it will get worse. i have been on klonipin for about 2 years now with the dosage at 2 or 3 mgs. per day. it is the best med. for this problem in my opion and i am panic free. i don't care if its addictive because it helps me function in all areas. i will go to doc after doc if i have to. thanks for letting me have my say!

SEROXAT(Mimi)I've been taking 20mg of Seroxat, or Paxil as it's known in the USA, daily for about 6 months and have improved at least 200% so far, and still getting better. I had a few weeks of side effects (no appetite, queasy, sleepy) but that's cleared up. I can't begin to tell you how many things I've done in in life since taking it, how my moods have improved, how I can calmly realize I'm not having a panic, I'm just hungry and/or tired. I don't know if it's the same strength in the USA, but here in the UK it's excellent. And the best part is, I don't feel drugged or feel that I'm drugging myself to calm down- it's made me feel clearer and much more confident. I'm just sorry I had to see 5 American doctors and get nowhere for 10 years before moving to the UK to be treated -free!

KLONOPIN & DESIPRIMINE(Terri) I have been taking these meds for the last 6 yrs. I have tried to wean off them 3 times and the panic always came back. I spent a year last time going off real slow but it didn't make a difference. The doctors say I have severe panic attacks and will probably have to stay on a maintence dose for the rest of my life.

LORAZEPAM (Sunny) Take 1mg a day. Works fine.

XANAX & KLONOPIN (Cheryl) I used Xanax for about 2 years. It worked great in the beginning but after awhile I needed to increase the dosage for effectiveness. I was started on klonopin about 3 weeks ago and feel much better. I weaned off xanax in these 3 weeks and have it only for emergencies. Other than being tired from the klonopin, I feel much better. I had a brief trial of BuSpar but had terrible side effects from it. Severe dizziness, nausauea and headaches so I went off of that. Just on klonopin now and feel like I am getting my life back!!!

KLONOPIN (Sierrah) i suffered from panic disorder for over 10 years, it started in my early 20's, i went to therapy and refused, don't ask why- to get on any med's. finally last year after suffering for so long my psych. put me on klonopin and i thank the day he did. i have been able to function like a normal human being, i have had no side effects and take the prescribed dosage. i have found klonopin to be a god send.

ZOLOFT (Randi) I have found Zoloft to be extremely effective in combatting panic attacks. In the past 7 months taking it, I experienced 1 attack & that was in the beginning of treatment. I take 100 mgs/day & 10 mgs Buspar 2x/day.

XANAX & KLONOPIN (Eileen) Xanax too addictive and the rebound effect was worse than the panic. Now taking Klonopin. It is great and helps so much. It is longer acting and keeps obsessive thoughts from being there thereby staving off the panic attacks, which come maybe once a month now. Would like to get off them so I can see how the "real" me is but too afraid.

BUSPAR & KLONOPIN (Kathy) BuSpar was awful, did nothing to control anxiety and gave the worst side effects! The klonopin was really helps the pa's and general anxiety. I just wanted to comment, to the "unknown" person who posted about clonezapam, what you are taking is klonopin! Clonezepam is the generic name of klonopin.

PAXIL (Allison) I have been taking Paxil for a little over two years. It seems to work but I have noticed a signifigant weight gain among other effects. I have tried repeatedly to go off this drug but I get overwhelmed with depression which only brings the anxiety right back.

VALIUM, TRANZENE, PROZAC, & ZOLOFT (Tammy) So far none of these have worked for me in the least. I just went to the Doctor today and recieved Paxil and Xanax. And was also given a referral to go to another doctor because the "doctor " I saw was not that aware of Panic Disorder. I had to tell him about meds I found on the web. I will keep you posted as to how these new meds work.

ZOLOFT, ATIVAN,& TRANXENE (Jenna Wilson) The only major side affect I feel is one of detachement and because of this, I am slightly agoraphobic.I think it might be the Zoloft.

ATIVAN(Diane)After trying several different medications, this one seems to work the best for "stage fright" type symptoms for the anxiety you get while thinking about doing something scary. It's helps get you out the door. I still get PA's while on it but it does seem to be the best so far for getting me out. Hope this helps.

KLONOPIN (Frank)not worked as well as i thought.

SEROXAT(paroxetine)(Cheryl) i have been taking paroxetine for 3 years is an anti-depressant and non-addictive, it is available free here in England on the NHS and works wonders. it takes about 2 weeks to take full effect and can cause a queasy feeling in the first weeks but this goes away.i havnt had a full blown attack since ive been on it although i still feel anxious sometimes. the drug is beleived to work by increasing the amount of seratonin in your brain, the bodys natural happy drug, i would recommend it for those that dont want to take tranx (valium) which make you sleepy. i call it my sanity pill, lol, which is how i feel (sane and in control )...hope this helps cheryl xxx

XANAX and also PAXIL for depression(Shelsal) xanax worked fine for panic and anxiety. I have suffered for 9 years. But for the past 5 months I have depression. The Paxil works ok and I also take klonopin for mood swings. I still get skipping heart beats from the panic and shortness of breath. Does it ever end?

PAXIL & XANAX (Karen)My attacks started again and I went to the doctor. I was a wreck. I wasn't eating or sleeping. After some blood work I was diagnosed as starting Menopause. She prescribed Zoloft for everyday and Xanax for real bad times. Zoloft did not agree with me at all, so she switched me to Pacil. l I feel very good on pacil and I rarely take the xanax. She gives me 3 refills on the xanax before a certain date. That date usually comes before I have finished to first bottle.

ATIVAN, BUSPAR, KLONOPIN, & ZOLOFT(Skip)ativan-nothing for panic- buspar is a joke for panic. klonopin worked pretty well taken with ativan klonopin+zoloft panic free after 16yrs

PROZAC, PAXIL, NORTRIPTALINE (Jayne) prozac made me sick to my stomach. Paxil,i don't remember. Nortiptlean was the wosrt dry mouth, sick to stomach, blurred vison. Now on serzone and all i want to do is sleep all day.

PAXIL(Lori Ann)it help me but no sex drive, and bad dreams.