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Submit Your Own Story or Essay for This Site

We've all had experiences that are worthy of sharing with fellow panic attack sufferers. I would find it of great value to collect and share these experiences here on this site, for others to read and learn from.

What Kind Of Articles or Essays Am I Looking For?


Helpful information on how to overcome panic, agoraphobia, or any topic related to this site.

Your thoughts and ideas about Panic Attacks in general.

Describe in detail your first panic attack.

Anything personal, from your experience, that pertains to panic disorder, panic attacks, anxiety, phobias, treatment, medications (going on, staying on, or getting off of), etc.

Being pregant while having an anxiety disorder.


In depth scientific information about panic disorder, medications, research, treatments (new or old), etc.

How to Submit An Article or Essay

Email your your written, spell-checked, and proofread articles using the contact page, or by emailing me at panicmail(REMOVE EVERYTHING IN PARENTHESIS)@gmail.com

Formats accepted are: Regular email, PDF's, Word documents (.doc), Text file (.txt, .rtf), html file (.html, .html, etc.)

There are no size restrictions or word count requirements.

Put a copywrite on your work and when posted, your work will contain your copywrite.

By submitting an article or essay to my site, you are giving me permission to post it on this site, and you will retain ownership of the work, if you feel that you'd like it removed at any time, that is absolutely fine.

Anonymous submissions are accepted.

If you would like people to be able to email you regarding your piece, please include your contact information (at least an email address) in your work somewhere. That's it! All of those words boil down to the fact that it's pretty easy and unrestricted. Write it, and email it to me. I do, however, reserve the right to decide whether a submission is not appropriate for this site. Thanks! Lisa

