Thank you for visiting my web site.

My name is Nicole Boyko, and I am a graduate of Northeastern University in Boston, MA where I earned my Master's in Physical Therapy in 2002. I designed this web site during my second year of college as a resource for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy students.

During my career as a Physical Therapy student, I found that I spent a great deal of time doing research on the internet in order to keep up to date on current issues in physical therapy. Unfortunately, too much of my time was spent lost in Yahoo or Google trying to find reputable sites with the kind of information I was seeking. That's when the light went on, and I decided to write this page for my benefit and yours.

Please take a few moments to look around. I have designed this site so that it has two distinct parts. In the first part, you can learn more about me and my clinical experience. Included, you will find:

Background information about me

My resume - both in HTML and downloadable MS Word formats

PT Presentations- available in downloadable format

The second part contains links to resources for the PT student, the practicing Physical Therapist and anyone else seeking information about the field of Physical Therapy. This includes:

Nicole's Guide: This is a compilation of links to sites that I think have the best comprehensive resources concerning Physical Therapy.

For the PT Student: links to pages run by and for PT students, Nicole's picks for Universities with excellent PT programs and other useful resources.

Areas of Interest: links to areas in PT of special interest to myself including TBI, SCI, Women's Health and Fibromyalgia.

Alternative Therapies: featuring links to great Shiatsu, Massage Therapy, and Reflexology Web sites and more.

I hope you enjoy my website.


Nicole M. Boyko, MSPT