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Year Round Events

The club sponsors 6 Year Round Events on the island of Oahu (in the State of Hawaii):

Year Round Events (on Oahu)

The club also sponsors  Year Round Events on the Island of Hawaii (the "Big Island"):

Year Round Events (on the Island of Hawaii, the "Big Island")

These events sanctioned by the AVA and the IVV are eligible for credit toward IVV Achlevement Awards 

The year-round-event is a non competitive walk, which can be walked any day and as often as desired by the participant.
PARTICIPANTS: Everyone may participate. Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
REGISTRATION: No pre-registration.
IVV Credit Only $2.00 ; "B" award and IVV credit $4.00; No award or Credit FREE; IVV Event or Distance Book $5.00 each; Hat Pin $3 .oo
All walkers must use a "START ENVELOPE" even if no award or credit is desired. All "START ENVELOPES" must be turned in at the end of the walk.
IVV EVENT CREDIT is limited to one per year. 
DISTANCE CREDIT is unlimited and IVV CREDIT fee of $2.00 must be paid each time course is completed. However the course can be completed twice in one day for one fee.

The content of these pages is presented for informational purposes only. Please verify any information with the appropriate persons or publications.  The Menehune Marchers assume no liability in presenting this information.   Corrections or comments, and any additional data should be sent to:  mark-brasher@hawaii.rr.com

Date Last modified: 11/04/00