Chris' Diabetes Links Page

Chris was diagnosed as an insulin dependent diabetic 12 years ago.  This was a huge shock for us, as we had never had anything to do with diabetes before.  We had just had Lauren and life was looking wonderful - then bang! 
I've set this page up to help people learn and understand a little more about this life-long disease.  Unlike myeloma, diabetes can lie quietly in the background, and some people may not even know they have it, but left untreated, it can do some pretty serious damage.
Chris has four insulin injections per day.  His regime includes Humalog
insulin, a fast acting insulin, immediately before meals, and Protophane, a slow acting insulin, before going to bed.  Good control of diabetes is essential for good health now, and in future years.
A diabetic MUST have regular visits with a specialist in diabetes.  Chris goes to the IDI
, International Diabetes Institute, and has regular eye checkups as well.  We have many fundraising events to help find a cure for diabetes.  One of our favourites is the Walk For the Cure.  This is now a very profitable and regular event.  Many celebrities give up their time to join in the fun and games.  Great prizes can be won too!
I've listed some great sites where diabetes is explained simply and easily.  Also included is a page put together by a boy of 15 who has diabetes.  It's a great site for kids, parents - anyone, who wants to know a bit more about diabetes.
Please have a look around these links.  You never know who may be diagnosed next!


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