Hello, Please let me know your thoughts

Gauri Gadgil - 10/31/99 15:42:06
My Email:chroma_systems@vsnl.com
I think that it is time that you wrote to me. I am your cousin and think your son is adorable. Myna

Elly - 10/11/99 14:17:32
My Email:e.harrison@ucl.ac.uk

Harshad Kamat - 07/23/99 16:04:40
My Email:harn@goa1.dot.net.in
It was nice to see Hrishikesh! What about Uma's photo? We need more details on her.I have joined NIIT & should be able to do more justice to this equip later.

Leroy J. Pletten, Ph.D. - 01/04/99 18:02:03
My URL:http://geocities.com/WallStreet/Market/4809/lpetition.html
My Email:lpletten@tir.com
As The Crime Prevention Prevention Group, I like your website. TCPG supports the eradication of tobacco. Websites elaborating this principal and court precedents for same, are at http://www.smokescreen.org/?crime and http://geocities.com/WallStreet/Mark t/4809/lpetition.html elaborate. Deaths from tobacco are "natural and probable consequences" (term defined in standard legal dictionaries such as Black's Law Dictionary), so are intended, hence, constitute murder and, worldwide, genocide. Wherefore TCPG supports prosecution of tobacco p shers' principals and accessories, preferably in countries with the death penalty, pursuant to The Nurnberg Trial, 6 FRD 69 (1946) international crimes precedent. Re nations without such a penalty, TCPG supports arrest of tobacco pushers principals and accessories whenever they are found to have criminally conspired to export the product to other nations, and their extradition to countries with such a penalty.

O. Wilson - 12/14/98 09:45:26
My Email:ornettew@carrera.co.uk
just visiting

Atul Walimbe - 11/09/98 18:26:15
My Email:atul.s.walimbe@intel.com
I got the URL from your folks in Goa, and thought I'd check it out! Enjoyed visiting the page and finding out all that you are involved with.

bhawna sirohi - 10/24/98 21:41:52
My Email:bhawna13@hotmail.com
Hi! Its a very interesting and educative read, will be discussing my views with you later

Ajay M. Vaidya - 09/02/98 06:17:35
My Email:amvaidya@mailindia.com
Great!! How did u do it?

Rajoo - 08/12/98 12:07:21
My Email:rdhume@phil.com.sg
I shall send you some more gifs by mail to put up on your site

- 08/08/98 20:45:01

Baba - 04/22/98 03:51:43
My Email:sgvaidya@bom2.vsnl.net.in
Good, very good !! I have visited this for the first time. Has anyone put the voices on the Home Page. May be it is worthwhile putting the voices " shun the tobacco induetry. " Down with cigarette industry" Baba

Prakash C. Gupta - 04/19/98 07:51:22
My Email:pcgupta@tifrvax.tifr.res.in
Interesting home page. Keep building it up.

sanjay - 04/13/98 09:41:16
My Email:sanjayapai@hotmail.com
Hi I enjoyed your page

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