
The Ophthalmiatrio Eye Hospital is the oldest Eye Clinic in Greece and one of the oldest Hospitals in Europe. It is offering continuously its services to the society for over 150 years.

It was founded on 1843 and on 1856 it became the official Hospital of the University of Medicine in Athens Greece, headed by the Professor A. Anagnostakis the father of the ophthalmoscope, and then by Professors of Ophthalmology N. Dellaposrtas, G. Gazepis, M. Kontoleon, G. Cosmetatos and J. Charamis.

On 1973 Ophthalmiatrio Eye Hospital became a private Hospital headed by J. Tsamparlakis who is now Professor in the University of Creta.

On 1985 the National System of Medicine embraced the Ophthalmiatrio Eye Hospital to its National Hospitals dividing it into two Clinics headed by Dr. A. Papageorgiou and A. Amariotakis.

Today the scientific contribution of Ophtalmiatrio Eye Hospital is appreciated and recognized by the best ophthalmological centers and it is considered as a center where the most recent methods of treatment and surgery are affored and a center where the education of the ophthalmoligists is excellent.

Ophthalmiatrio maintained by Apostolos Amariotakis, MD
© 1998 E-mail amario@ath.forthnet.gr
Page Created: 29/03/1998 Updated: 18/2/1999