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When a pregnant woman makes an ultrasound and she discovers its baby’s sex or when he is born, she has beginning a relentless process of baby’s taming that will be prolonged until him to become an adult, placing in the world one more human being candidate to live together with deep and endless inner conflicts.

It begins for the purchase or making its clothes that will be blue if it goes a boy and pink if it goes a girl.

Of course not all mothers will act this way, what I want to show is that he begins its life receiving an immense range of prejudice that gradually are going settled down in its psyche. If it goes boy it will use pants, if it goes girl, it will use skirts. To come to be a real man he will have to learn to represent roles of brave, active, warrior, fighter, ruler, strong, will have to dominate its feelings, to be a winner, to be rational, etc., we could make an endless list of attributes that will constitute in a type of desirable mental or psychological sex for the biological male human being. For the woman, it should not introduce that settled down for the man, she should learn how to represent the role of passive, fragile, receptive, sentimental, obedient, etc.

Our ancestral ones went on establishing psychological characteristics for the two biological sexes. Thus, so much the man as the woman needs to be built, educated and tamed for one or other function. They are conditioned to eternally represent the roles that were attributed to them, becoming unconscious actors, for a lifetime.

Thus, each one of us, starts to believe that sex includes in an alone thing: its physical characteristics and what it was taught that should be a man or a woman, concerning attitudes, acting ways and thinking ways. Aspects and mental potentialities, that nothing has there to be with sex. Does activity or passivity have sex? Which is the sex of tenderness or of dominance? Some give so much value to mental sex that get to deny its evident biological sex and they start to believe they are homosexuals.

That simple and evident fact can only be seen as cause of a lot of unreal and unnecessary homosexuality.

When a mother says: Mary, don’t open legs when sitting down! Or when a father says: Bob, you must be strong! What are they doing, educating or causing future conflicts? Actually, they are putting firewood in the bonfire of the eternal war between sexes.

I believe to be, in that ingrained and generalized thinking attitude one of the most important roots of an enormous range of problems they should exist.

On the other hand, it is very difficult to accept that it should not be like this, which can be in another way. What would happen if boys and girls were in the same way educated, being created conditions so they blossomed in them all the potentialities arbitrarily considered of one or of the other physical sex? Nobody wants even to think in that. God free me, it will be chaos!

I think it would be the best gift already given to Humanity. Our children would have opportunity to develop as more complete, more balanced, healthier, more perfect and more capable people. They would be also strongly rejected by those said "normal".

Fear of being rejected is one of many factors that do everybody proceeds as was established. Even if harming, everybody wants to be normal, well accepted by the group.

What does, that kind of education actually, it is to create a divorce between its left and right cerebral hemispheres, were are located the functions that wrong and arbitrarily we attributed to man and to woman. Man will be conditioned to use more its left hemisphere in detriment of the right and woman will be conditioned to use more its right hemisphere in detriment of the left. The use lack that originates by repression will drive unavoidably to a separation between them.

On the other hand, having in mind that man’s unconscious is represented by its feminine aspect, its own anima, all its positive potentialities falsely considered feminine will be repressed and there buried. The inverse will happen with woman in relation to its animus. Like this both will be mutilated creatures, because they were trained to repress positive and wonderful potentialities together with some negatives.

Modern efforts for women’s liberation have been resulting in the fact that women are learning how to represent masculine roles and man how to represent feminine roles. To change roles can result in an attenuation of some problems, but the conflicts generated by the masculine and feminine considered roles will continue, they will just change places. The war of sexes, originated misunderstandings in the way of seeing masculine and in the way of seeing feminine, they will continue eternally, as much as an external reality, in the day by day of both, as well as inside each one of them, where a psychic woman and a psychic man will accomplish the same war, they will live endless conflicts.

All sexual, religious, racial, social or ethnic discrimination drift of those false values that define men and women. All the blame complexes, of inferiority, of superiority, of winning at any cost, in the same way. All wars and diseases. All social, economic and cultural inequalities.

The excessive increase in value that in centuries we gave to man’s masculine aspects, reason in emotion detriment, left hemisphere in detriment of the right, resulted in building the "beautiful" world we have today.

Everybody is unanimous to think that world need to change, that humanity must be transformed, that man must change, but nobody admits that the first one to be reformulated it s himself.

Everybody learned how well to live a singular role that was he or she imposed "always to have Hope". It was made of Hope a virtue. Hope, wait, waiting that means paralyze, to wait that somebody appears to solve the problem. It is waited that a Messiah, a government, a ngo, a religion, a new political organization or the science, will solve the problems humanity lives together. They never solved, they will never solve anything while each other not to convince the only problem to be solved is inside of himself own. And it is the first to be solved, immediately, without wait.

Only and when each planet inhabitant is free of inner conflicts, they can finish the external conflicts and a new healthier humanity can be born.

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