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Self-image is a complex issue that has a way of permeating our lives like a tapestry of color intricately woven into every aspect of our lives. Self-image serves to define the content of our character and at the same time defies being encapsulated, it comes with a value judgment attached to it and yet it cost you nothing. For centuries one's beauty or lack thereof has served as an outward measure of the person inside. If you were beautiful then success and intelligence was associated with this and sometimes if you were unimaginably beautiful then you were considered less than intelligent, simply because how could one so beautiful have it all brains and beauty? In the worst case scenario if you did not fit the dominant culture's view of beautiful then you were deemed less than intelligent and a few other choice descriptive terms best left forgotten were used to define you. Our perception of ourselves is one of the single most powerful life altering catalyst that serves to build or to destroy our lives. We live in a society that advertise,"image is nothing, obey your thirst" and yet our every waking moment is bombarded with images on television, magazines, bill boards and newspapers. However, we can not completely blame the media for our image consciousness either, because there are other equally powerful opinions that play a role in creating our perception of ourselves. The opinions of family, friends and even strangers commenting on our outward appearance serve to impact on our view of self. Yet we all have potential for being beautiful in our own eyes, but we consistently find it difficult to trust and believe in that being the only view. The healing of the wounds bought on by a narrow view of beautiful starts to occur when we start to seek out an internal reference of being. Only then can we start to believe these words.....Never be content with someone else's definition of you. Instead, define yourself by your own beliefs, your own truths, your own understanding of who you are and how you came to be. And never be content until you are happy with the unique person you are...AUTHOR UNKNOWN. As I struggle each day with my own self-image conflicts, I am reminded that I have no control over other people's thoughts or opinions, but I do influence my own. I also trust and believe in one universal truth which rings true always....BEAUTY IS IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER...........Fujicat.

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