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Beginning of Szondi Movement in Romania


Before the 1990s, Professor Dumitru Ivana was one of the very few psychologists in Romania who knew know about and applied the Szondi test in  psychodiagnostics. Because of the total lack of communication with psychologists in other countries, due to the communist regime, he had somehow to "rediscover the wheel". however he succeeded to find  some new and interesting implications of this method.
In 1996 Professor Ivana took part at the  Szondi Congress in Krakow, with a contribution called "Heuristic Hermeneutics in the Clinical Application of Szondi Test". After his return, he decided to set up a Romanian Szondi Association to apply the theory and practice of Szondi's system. To realize this project, he started to give some introductory lectures about Szondi at the Hospital "Gh. Marinescu" in Bucharest. His auditory consisted of  10-15 Psychology students from various Psychology departments in Bucharest. Some of them started to be interested to use the test in clinics and in their scholar experimental researches.
In September 1997, Professor Ivana extended the lectures, and consequently, the number and the quality of the students got better and better. (they came from different faculties:  Psychology, Medicine, Social Sciences and even Theology and Mathematics. but even practitioners in Psychology and related fields participated). By this Szondi's test and ideas have spread more and more.

 The only introductory book on Szondi available in Bucharest was Susan Deri's:   "Introduction to the Szondi Test" (the French translation), which became the focus of attention. (Nicu Dumitrascu translated parts into romanian for students who could not read French.)

 Professor Ivana contacted Dr. Jüettner at the Szondi Institute in Zurich, who showed an interest of the idea to set up a Romanian Szondi Association. Dr. Jüettner kindly helped us by sending three original tests and some books.

As a consequence of the discussions between Professor Ivana and his main disciples  Mathematician Dan Dediu and Psychologist Nicu Dumitrascu, three main fields of interest have arisen:
1. To compare the Rorschach and Szondi test
2. A neurobiological and evolutionary approach to Szondi's system
3.  Setting up a Szondi test interpretation computer program in English.

At the same time, we laid the foundation of the Status of A future Romanian
Szondi Association.

1998 became a turning point for the Romanian Szondi Movement, when Dan
Dediu contacted by e-mail the Swedish editor of the Szondi Forum. The editor reacted very positively and sent us many articles by e-mail concerning the latest Szondi developments. In May, Dan Dediu met him in Paris and discussed some problems concerning Szondi developments in Romania.
he assisted us also to get hold of the French translations of "L'analyse du destin", some copies of "Dialectique des Pulsions" and the interesting Szondi computer- scoring program developed by dr. Karl Louvet.

From dr. Juettner  prof. Ivana got Juettner’s german synthese of szondi works (Zusammenfassungen).

We were especially grateful that dr. Jean Mélon made it possible for us to get hold of all the Cahier articles and lectures by way of the Szondi forum.

By way of the Forum we learned about the "European Meetings" in Lausanne.

Due to the Szondi Forum and the goodwill of all these important people involved in the International Szondi Movement, our Group has got a strong impulse for further development.

In July the Szondi Forum editor visited Romania and kindly took with him a lot of very interesting psychology books as a donation of his and his wife.
He met separately some members of this Romanian Szondi Group and discussed with them specific problems concerning psychology and psychotherapy. After this, we organised a conference with the most enthusiastic members of our group and he was questioned about his experience of psychotherapy in the West. The greatest success of this meeting was that we learned know about new psychotherapy approaches directly from a therapist who had worked many years as a diagnostician and had a great experience with group psychotherapy. From our side we informed him about the actual situation in Romania.
We are very happy that thanks to all these kind donations a Szondi Group's Library could be set up and began to extend.

Goals and current works

Our most important and immediate goal is to legally found the Romanian Fate Psychology and Analysis Association, and we hope to achieve this great goal until the end of this autumn.
The "European Meetings" in Lausanne became an extra impetus for us to start to think and work very hard.

·  Psychologist Nicu Dumitrascu, our Szondi group secretary, is especially interested in studying the correlations between the Szondi and Rorschach tests in order to find some useful clinic applications of both methods.

·  Mathematician Dan Dediu works for the moment in trying to find a general evolutionary foundation for Szondi's drive theory and the neural mechanisms selected to embody it. This might give a new perspective to understanding  Szondian psychodiagnostic.

·  Professor Dumitru Ivana is leading a research on the P vector, putting accent on the Cain component of the human spirit for the 1999 Memphis International Szondi Congress.

·  Undergraduate in special pedagogy Mirela Galca is at present trying to use the Szondi test possibilities as for professional selection and also for marriage counseling.

·  Psychologist Adriana Mateescu is studying "script analysis" (Eric Berne) in the light of Szondi's ideas.

·  Undergraduate in special pedagogy Gabriela Romanu is applying the Szondi test to the "children of the street", endeavoring to better understand their special psychology.

·  Psychologist Mariana Mardale used the Szondi test in a series of ethnographic studies that implied the inhabitants of various regions in Romania.

· Psychologist Geo Ghidanac is using the Szondi test while studying the prisoner's psychology.

All the others members of the Group (Marian Vulpe, Monica Lungu, Gabriel Ungureanu, Costea Mariana, Alexandra Dima, Cristina Iacob, etc.…) are now trying to better understand this new and powerful method of psychodiagnostic.

Even we who have come further in our studies are now trying to better understand  Szondi's psychodiagnostic and therapy in order to find new useful applications in abnormal and normal psychology. Hoewever we are suffering from a lack of specialized training. We would like to follow an official Szondi training program and thus to get the official acknowledgment for applying this method in practice. Meanwhile, we are also trying to get the rights to translate the works of Szondi and his followers in Romanian.
Our best efforts is to make ourselves (as Szondi practitioners) as useful as possible. Our future association will not have only a theoretical orientation , but the most important goal will be to adapt Szondi's method to the Romanian psycho-sociological realities.
At last but not the least, we wish to affiliate to the International Szondi Association as soon as possible.

All the members of the Romanian Szondi Group wish you "good Szondian fate"
and the best "choices" in life, friendship and so on!

Our contact e-mail address is

     980801, Bucharest, Romania.


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