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Hepatitis C (HCV)

Who, What, Where, Why, When?

This site is for information and sharing only.
It in no way takes the place of medical advice.
I have my experiences listed, and then some links for you to explore!

Who Has HCV?

Here's the scoop. I have HCV. Many people have HCV. Many more don't know they have HCV. Get tested! Who is at risk? YOU are. Many activities put you at risk. See below for some risk factors.

What is HCV?

Simply put, it is inflammation of the liver caused by blood to blood exposure to the Hepatitis C Virus.

Where did I get it?

Blood transfusions in 1978...16 units. Where else can you get it? Through tattoo's, IV drug sharing, sharing of razors, toothbrushes, military vaccinations (with jet injectors), manicurist equipment, Health Care workers (accidental needlesticks) and there are many folks with unknown origins.

Why did _I_ get it??

The 16 units of blood saved my life. Things happen for a reason. I've lived 22 years thus far with this tainted blood. Both my parents and I agree that if I/they had to do it all over again knowing what we know, we would.

When did I get it?

At the age of 12 years, 15 years ago in July, 1978. When was I diagnosed with it? October 3, 1997. When will my life be normal again? Never...sometimes ignorance is bliss...;P! Not really...but HCV affects almost every aspect of my life. My husband, who is HCV with a HCV positive wife. My family, who, like me, knew so very little about this, but are learning, worrying, and supportive. My career...a recent RN graduate (1997), "the world is my oyster" attitude...and now, acknowledging my limitations. My friends. I give them information here and there when they ask for it. Everyone, my husband, my family, my work, my friends, all are imperative to beating this virus. And for that I thank them all. A footnote to this... I've finished treatment and moved on in my career. I will describe below how the treatment worked on my journal page.

What happens now?

I had a liver biopsy in March, 1998 that showed mild to moderate liver disease. BTW, the biopsy was ultrasound guided and wasn't too bad at all for me. I was screened and started a 48 week clinical trial on the 3x3 combination treatment of Interferon Alpha 2b and Ribavirin. That meant daily doses of oral Ribavirin and 3 million units of Interferon injections I gave myself three times a week. I started October 2, 1998, one day shy of discovering this disease in 1997. I finished treatment September 1, 1999. I am extremely pleased to write I have responded to treatment and there is no detectable virus in my blood! YAY! No on knows for sure how long I will last this way, but I am certainly willing to accept that for right here, right now! Note: my latest test in August, 2001 revealed my PCR is still negative for HCV! Final Note: My liver doc says I'm 99.9% "cured" as they don't have any data for long term follow up yet (since I was one of the first).

Link To More Of My HCV Pages

My Journal Notes

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