
Our Three Guys...


Buffalo, Doris and Stick!


We have three wonderful cats, Buffalo, Doris and Stick. They are spoiled, warm, cuddly little fur babies that add so much to our lives.

Buffy...born February 14, 1994. A pure black cat with cuddly little sqawks! She joined our home 10 years ago after Buddy's playmate, Mandy, died of cancer (Mandy, our 12 year old cat at that time). We went to the SPCA and adopted Buff. I observed this cage of 5 black kittens. Bruce wondered what was taking me so long. I finally picked Buffalo, after watching her and the other kittens intently. Buffy fits into our family. She has her array of toys she plays with and used to love a good "Bite the Dad" time when she was younger. Buffy is also the cuddly "Chicken Beeg", squawking when she wants to cuddle up. She often is "Mole Beeg", climbing under blankets to sleep. Moey Beeg! Biglet! Bigger! Biggernut! Geeney! Bean! Leeny Bird! Beegy Bird! Mr. Beeg! Gus! Elliot T.(Theordore) Beeg! Lil' Bit! Beeg Nut! Super Bit! Buffalo! Bumbleluffalo!

Doris (Sarah) and Stick(Emily)...born September 8, 1998. They are from the same litter. We adopted them from the SPCA January 8, 1999. They are tortoise shell girls...now are both spayed and declawed like Buffy! They love each other so much and play so well together. Buffalo mostly just tolerates the other two "boys".

Doris is the clumsier of the two. A DMH, with HUGE paws, she looks dopey! But she really isn't, and she is such a darling! She has a little baby purr, and speaks very little. Her nicknames are SarahSaurus, Sarah Lee Poundcake, Sarah Evans, Sarah McLaughlin, Sarah PC (for Sarah, Pussy Cat!), Saretsky, Birdsky, Thara Thaurus, Dara Doris, Doris, Dori, Paddlewheeler, Fuey, Day, Daaaarrrraaaaa - Dara - Doris, Baby Day, Bubba Dubby, Dee Day Dubba Dee Dubba Dee Day Dois, . Dara's favorite toys were Bic Pen tips and the Buddy Doll (a stuffed animal that looks like Buddy) but are now the coloured mice I buy in droves for them to play with and her scratch mat/ball!.

Stick is all feet! A DSH, she is the talker of the two. Very lippy in fact! She has a deep, loud purr and loves to cuddle! Nicknames include EmZilla, Emma, Emmylee, Emmy, Zilla, Zill, Zilly, Dilla, Dilly, Dill Pickle, Lips, Lipstick, Dippy, Dipper, Dipstick, Bips, Gips, Mips, Vips, Stick, Stickers, Gomez, Gustav, Gooey, Stis, Stisby, Missy, Missyfur. Her favorite toy is rolled up paper. She carries them in her mouth back to her Dad, and sometimes her Mom. She also is rather fond of her eraser she carries off of her Dad's desk! She is the rowdy one that dares to defy!

We love and spoil our cats with toys, snacks, and lots of love! We couldn't imagine our home without them. And because we aren't having children, these little fur babies reap the many rewards!


Our Lost Friends

Buddy...a 17 year old orange tabby with personality. She was my cat since the day she was born to her mom, my cat, Tiana. Tiana was killed when Buddy was 3 weeks old. I became Buddy's surrogate mom. Buddy was an outdoor cat, but enjoyed the indoor life for 9 years. Buddy was Garfield with an attitude. She loved to watch the birds outside and chatter at them. In May, 1998, Buddy had a CVA, otherwise known as a stroke. On December 6, 1998, Buddy was getting weak, her fur was unhealthy, she slept all the time. She weighed only 5lbs. December 12, 1998. Buddy had bloodwork done. She was in kidney failure and had hyperthyroidism. December 26, 1998. Buddy got very sick Christmas day...hardly able to walk, not eating. She howled a pain cry. We decided to end her misery. She was euthanized December 26, 1998. We were with her and held her afterwards. We walked with her to the Rainbow Bridge and sent her over it with her favorite blanket. She's now a little orange angel, free of pain, frolicking with her mom, Tiana, Mandy, Benji, Meiko, and the humans whose lives she touched, Grandpa Jakey, Grandma and Grandpa Skinner. Rest well little Buddy. Such a funny duck! Bertamer! Bertie Higgins! Litter Buddy! Litter Guy! Pee (from Wimpy)! Buggernut! Bud Light! Buddercup! Honey Butter! Gubby! Seymour J. Pee! Spoticulating Roterium!

Mandy...she was a calico kitty, very beautiful, so much her mom's girl. We adopted her from the SPCA when Buddy was only two months old (in 1981), and Mandy (Barney) was the same age. They grew up together. Amanda started vomiting in the beginning of March in 1994, and became sick very quickly. We took her to our wonderful vets and through bloodwork, x-rays and a barium swallow, we found out Barney had a duodenal obstruction (a mass in her intestines). She had surgery to remove it and it was malignant. They figured they had it all. She came home, did great for two weeks, then started with neurological problems. She had problems walking, holding her head to one side. We took her back to the vet the beginning of April (April 4, 1994) and they confirmed our worst thoughts. Mandy's cancer in the intestine was probably from metastasis from the brain. She was dying. I held her as she gratefully fell asleep from the medication in the IV, never to awaken again in our world. She now is an angel, who loves to visit me in my dreams. Amanda. Barney. B. Bird Cat. Gindy.

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