The voices inside
hunt me in the night
those voices I hear
are causing my fear
The voices in my head
are driving me mad
and though I do what I can
I can' t get rid of them

Imagine you are sitting in the bus on your way to work!
Imagine someone sits down next to you.
Imagine this person looks at you and says: "You are ugly!"
Imagine the old couple in front of you turns around and agrees.
Imagine the busdriver shouts through the whole bus: " They are right, you are fat!"
Imagine yourself as you leave the bus, shocked and afraid.
Imagine the people at the busstop laughing at you and whispering: " Look at that digusting person!"
Imagine entering your room at work and feeling safe.
Imagine you pick up the phone and the person on the other side tells you that you don' t deserve to live.
Imagine coming home in the evening and your neighbour tells you that you are worthless.
Imagine lying in your bed, remembering this day and while you are falling asleep the words you heard repeating in your head endlessly.
And now imagine every minute of your life will be like this day. Then you know someone how someone with an Eating Disorder is feeling!

Of course the people around them don' t say all thes things, but the demons in their head do. And these demons are speaking much louder and much more intense.
It would be normal not to listen to these voices, but if you hear these things all day long, you will believe it.
People suffering from an ED have to learn not to listen to their demons. It will take a long time, but if it works out, the demons will disappear slowly.

The poeple who are having demons in their head, hear them talking.Mostly they don' t talk about it, because they are afraid that the others will think they are crazy.

So, if you know anyone suffering from an ED, take those voices serious. Noone who talks about these voices, is crazy,
Be patient with your friend, tell him/her that he/she is a wonderful, unique person, who deseves to life a happy life. This wil help to stop the voices, but it will take a long time.

I don' t know the best thing to do to stop your demons. The only thing I know for sure is that they are lying.
They lie to me and they will lie to you too!


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