All these poems mean a lot to me for a special reason!
I hope you like them as much as I do!


When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you' re trudging seems all uphill.
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want smile but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if yu must, but don' t you quit.

Life is queer with its twist and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck out
Don' t give up though the pace seems slow
You may suceed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the cloud of doubt,
And you can never tell how close you are
It may be far when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when you' re hardest hit
It's when things seem worst You must not quit.


Suicide - really no solution?
No way out of confusion?
They say with trouble you must cope,
for every problem there is hope.
They say the sun also shines for you,
but it' s hard to believe that' s true.
No solution, but salvation?
Or causes this more complication?
They say nothing can be worth it,
that for it your life shall quit.
But you are only feeling week,
can' t fight, can' t seek
for a solution or a healing
from all this painful feeling.
And when you fight against this pain,
and you know your efforts are in vain,
then I understand how you want commit suicide
and just stop this senseless fight!
-- Mary--


Do you remember ...
...the first step you took?
...the first time you got on the school bus?
...your first friend?
...the first book you wrote?
...the first time you shot a basketball, went to a dance, or wore a swimmsuit?
...leaving elementary school and moving on to junior high? you could never leave your mother' side?
Do you remember...
...the first time someone made fun of you, and you realized what it meant?
...the first time you inspected yourself in the mirror, poking and squezzing?
...the first time you cried yourself to sleep because you were hideous looking?
...the first time you ran a mile, or did a set of 100 crunches?
...the first time someone complimented you on a weight loss?
...the first time you went down a size?
...the first time you looked in the mirrow and no longer saw yourself?
...the first time you stood up and the room turned black for a little bit?
...the first time you lost control and how sore your throat was?
Do you remember... you lied to your friends about food?
...trying to hide, to pull away from everyone?
...the world swirling around, and you so all alone, afraid and tired?
...wanting to cry and not being able to?
...the pain you feel now, knowing that nothing had changed?
The pain and nothing has changed -- it has to end somehow, someday -- but you' ve been saying that for so long!
I no longer care how it ends, it just has to stop! Please let it end. Let me sleep in peace -- no more crying, no more nightmares, no more looks of shame, no more lies.....
--author unknown--


The letter is already written
but she doesn' t dare to sent it
she knows she can give, she can love
but what if he also doesn' t love her.

Once again she won' t bear the looks,
the looks, as if she wasn' t there
what did she do, why is she punished,
will he just laugh at her

She is seeing perfect slim models
in glossy magazines, the men going mad
She imagines to be in lovestories, She desires closeness, security,
but she seems to be a spectator anly
Why can' t nobody see her in a different way
But who believes in miracles

She is just no barbie girl,
her strong points are quite, covered
The handsome guys they never ask
where she is and what she does

The indifference and the teasing
were what she swallod
That she is unworthy and distusting,
she someday just believed

Once again she is standing in front of the mirror,
And once again she cries out helplessly
And once again she curses discouraged, is getting in rage
This damned life is so mean.

A lot of people are standing in front of the mirror.


Do you know how it is ......
...... when all you want is to fade away?
...... when all your feelings are dead, because hunger is all you fell?
...... when the worls turns black everytime you move?
...... when the scale is your best friend and your enemy?
...... when you feel completley alone and isolated?

Do you know how it is .....
...... to feel guilty after every bite you eat?
...... to be afraid someone heard you after leaving the toilet?
...... to hate your reflection in the mirror?
...... to cancel a date with friend, because you feel to uncomfortable to go out?
...... to know that it' s wrong what you are soing, but you con' t stop it anymore?

Do you know how all this is?
No? Then how can you say, you know what I' m going through?
by Andie


I found my Body locked in a cage .
It started out at such a young age .
Food was my friend and emeny as well.
I thought no one would be able to tell.

Empty and lonely ,fragile and lost.
In the Golden Cage I became tossed.
I had to have people ,take me kindly by the hand.
And try to help me and get me to understand .

The Golden Cage I thought would be broken and lost.
I thought I would be nothing but ground and moss.
The Cage was my emeny and not a true friend .
I figured one way or another it had to end .

So I broke the cage and shattered the glass.
I found it hard and a termendous task.
Now I can say my life ,would have been lost .
If I had not shattered and broken the Glass.

By Deborah Lea

Please check out the second page, with wonderful poems, which were written by a friend of mine!



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