Minerva's Links


A bit on FITNESS...

...though many of us actually want meat on our bones (because we know what's good for us), alot more are trying to loose extra pounds each day (more than is actually healthy). Being fit does not mean being skinny. And you don't have to look like the model of a magazine cover (chances are we never will). What we should strive for is just being "healthy".

Being healthy does not mean you have to starve yourself. Exercising regularly and eating right can help you balance your weight and loose extra pounds (those which you don't really need).

Starting a regular workout is difficult. You have to really want to do it. Otherwise, you'll start only to realize you've stopped after only a week or two.

It takes discipline on your part to get started and stay motivated. Before getting started, try doing a little research on ways you can go about achieving your goal of personal fitness. Find out what would be a safe weight for your age & height group. Also, find ways you can change your diet without having to give up delicious meals. Then make up your mind, and DO IT!
Me riding bike along Redondo Beach


FitnessLink™ - Information and tips on starting a regular workout.
Fit Pregnancy - Are you pregnant? This site will help you stay fit through out the entire nine months.
Men's Fitness - Great site for men's fitness stuff!
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Colors By Name, from msdn online:Web Workshop - Great place to find color names for web page design. It shows you how each color looks and gives you the name for it.
JavaScript Made Easy - If you need JavaScript for your web site but don't know much about it, this place will give you all the scripts for you to copy & paste into your documents.
Mike Mosley's Web Site - Are you new to computers and/or the Internet? Visit a friend's site for good info on getting started!
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The Family: A Proclamation to the World <(---Don't click on this...hehehe (you know you're gonna click on it :-) You're not only going to click on it, you're also going to read it, analyze it, absorb it, enjoy it and feel good about having read it, (You know you want to!). Then (after having read it), what are you going to do?


KidsHealth.org - Good site for kid's health concerns.
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La Cocina Mexicana - I love cooking (and eating) Mexican food. This place has good recipies for delicious Mexican dishes.
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Last Updated: September 3,1999


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