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The notes in this page are the reading material that will be used for in class. Please click and download the notes for respective week classes.

Reference books used during preparation of the notes are as follow:

  1. C++ How To Program. Third Edition. Deitel&Deitel. Prentice Hall. *recommended
  2. C++ In Plain English. Second Edition. Brian Overland. M&T Books.
  3. Pengaturcaraan C++. Edisi Revisi. Rodina Ahmad et al. Mc Grawhill.

You are advised to have at least one reference book for your own revision. Please note that the reading materials provided here are not thorough and complete. Therefore, you need to come to class to take extra note for further understanding. You are also required to attend weekly class-tutorial for hands-on exercises in the computer laboratory.

Also, please note that the notes are written in Bahasa Melayu as it's the requirement of the faculty. You may write your courseworks in either English language or Bahasa Melayu and mixed-language is totally not accepted.

The notes are mostly in term of ms word file. Some might be in term of power point presentation slide. Please check your note and download it before you come to class.

Bab 1: Pengenalan Kepada Komputer dan Pengaturcaraan
Bab 2: Pengenalan Kepada Bahasa C++
Bab 3: Struktur Kawalan I
Bab 4: Struktur Kawalan II
Bab 5: Fungsi I
Bab 6: Fungsi II
Bab 7: Tatasusunan I
Bab 8: Tatasususan II
Bab 9: Penunding
Bab 10: Jujukan
Bab 11: Teknik Berorientasikan Objek I & II
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