Genesis House is a Clubhouse, a place for adults to come together to provide mutual support, to celebrate accomplishments, and to regain self-confidence. Our Clubhouse helps members move beyond their illnesses by focusing on member strenghts, talents, and abilities rather than symptoms. All of the work performed by members at a Clubhouse is necessary to the operation of the Clubhouse. At a Clubhouse members gain confidence through shared experiences and opportunities to discover or rediscover personal talents.

The Work-Ordered Day

The work of the Clubhouse is performed by two units:

The Clerical Units consists of members who do record keeping, computer work, filing, letter writing and advocacy, photocopying, a monthly newsletter, attendence records, telephone/secreterial tasks, purchase requisitioning, outreach to members, creation of member I.D. cards, and monitoring of petty cash fund.

The Kitchen Unit plans and prepares daily meals for clubhouse members, purchases and orders food, washes dishes and cleans the dining area, and operates a self-supporting snack shop.
