The following are some of the key websites related to the topic transpersonal. There many others, but some of the sites listed here will lead you into many other sites. We wish you fruitful browsing.

Transpersonal Psychology Links This website deals specifically with transpersonal psychology, but it also provides details of general transpersonal interest.

You might also want to try this other well designed and scholarlylink. It is operated by Michael Dani in the UK

This link takes you to the Mindbodyspirit Internet Directory, operated by Jack Schouten, an author and spiritual teacher. It contains links to Australasian websites.

Grof Transpersonal Training Stan Grof is one of the great contributors to our experiential understanding of the transpersonal realm. At this website he announces his system of holotropic breathwork.

The Association for Transpersonal Psychology is one of the major institutes of its kind in the world. It publishes The Journal for Transpersonal Psychology, the leading journal in this field in the world.

There appear to be only two sister transpersonal institutes across the Tasman in Australia the Australian Transpersonal Institute and Australian TransPersonal Association, both of which seem to have similar goals and aims as our Institute. Both organisations can be accessed through the above website.

One of the major theoreticians in the transpersonal disciplines is Ken Wilber. Although this website is that of a major publisher, and not Wilber's own, it will give you some idea of the range of thought of this man.

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