MS Links

I have visited all of the links listed below in my own search for answers. I hope you will find some answers while visiting them. But...most of all I hope that you will find hope and encouragment! A positive attitude goes a long way with MS. Remember that you aren't in this alone!

Teva Marion Partners

Makers of Copaxone.

MS Watch

This site is provided free by the makers of Copaxone for all MSers. Included on the site is a chat room, personal email service, a journal to keep information on symptoms, and much more.

Disability Issues

Incredible list of links all with a personal editorial by the sites author, Katherine Walden. Thanks Katherine for the wonderful information!

Hereditary Biochemical Multiple Sclerosis

Very interesting site. Definitely food for thought.

MSers Chat Room by:Klinks-N-Co

MSers chat, email and lots of free services.

MS Support Group Message Board

Password protected bulletin board.

MS Education Network

This site is packed with information! Archived on the site are personal experiences with MS. (You will need to have RealAudio to hear their personal accounts.) Also check out the archived radio discussions on MS. Great information and heart warming stories.

International MS Support Foundation

Tons of informatiom! Make sure to check out "The Doctor's Corner"! This site has more information than any other site I have visited. Take the time to visit the MS Bulletin Board it is a daily stop for me!!!

This site offers regional information and support to those who have MS.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Cutting edge information on MS research. Must see!

The American Academy of Neurology

Great source of information. Make sure to check out ALL of the links that apply to MS!

National MS Society

Information on local resources and more.

Biogen - Maker of Avonex

MS information and links. Avontex (Interferon beta-1A) drug therapy for MS.

Berlex - Maker of Betaseron

MS information and links. Betaseron (Interferon beta-1B) drug therapy for MS.

American Medical Association

Archived articles from the Journal of the American Medical Association and a helpful online doctor finder. Not a lot here on MS.

New England Journal of Medicine

You can order reprints of articles that have appeared in the journal, for a fee.


Medical dictionaries and news. Searchable archives. Lots of MS information.

The Myelin Project

Research on myelin - the insulating sheath around nerves.

Colorado Health Net

MS Information and an excellent reading list.

Hope these search engines make your surfing a little easier!

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If you would like to add a link, please send me an e-mail and I will get to it as soon as I am able to! Some days are better than know how it goes...

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