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 Sept. 30 - Oct. 6, 2002
Volume 2, Issue 40

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Help for prostate cancer that has spread to bone

SEATTLE ­ Oct. 4, 2002 -- A drug shown to benefit women with advanced breast cancer may also help men with advanced prostate cancer that has spread to bone, but not without side effects, according to a new study.

Breast self-exams don't increase survival

SEATTLE -- Oct. 1, 2002 -- One of the largest populations studies ever undertaken has found that, women taught to practice breast self examination more often detected breast tumors than women who did not perform the exams, but did not detect the tumors early enough to make difference in survival.

New discovery of gene's role in tumor formation

COLD SPRING HARBOR, NY -- Oct. 1, 2002 -- In a discovery that could lead to new anti-cancer drugs, scientists have found that a gene, long known for its role in cancer development, is essential for growing the added blood vessels tumors need to continue growing.

Trio of studies highlights progress for breast cancer

ORLANDO, Sept. 26, 2002 -- A trio of presentations at a breast cancer conference here point to new, less invasive procedures that may save women from unnecessary surgery in the near future.

Soy lowers estrogens associated with breast cancer

LOS ANGELES -- Sept. 23, 2002 -- Postmenopausal women who regularly consume tofu and other soy-based foods have significantly lower levels of a class of estrogens normally associated with breast cancer risk, according to a new study.

NCI launches major screening study

Washington, D.C. -- Sept. 20, 2002 -- The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has launched the largest lung cancer screening study it has ever undertaken. The researchers will enroll 50,000 current and former smokers in a comparison of conventional x-rays and spiral CT scans to determine which, if either, is more effective in reducing lung cancer deaths.

Vitamin D for prostate cancer trial gets under way

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Sept. 19, 2002 -- Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University today launched a national study to investigate the effect of high-dose vitamin D in combination with the chemotherapy agent docetaxel (Taxotere), for patients with advanced prostate cancer.

Mammogram interpretation varies with experience

SEATTLE -- Sept. 17, 2002 -- Younger, less experienced radiologists had two to four times more false-positive interpretations than older radiologists, a new study reveals.

Heart disease gene linked to prostate cancer

BALTIMORE -- Sept. 15, 2002 -- Researchers have discovered that mutations in a "heart disease gene" may also play a role in hereditary prostate cancer.

Hormone therapy doesn't interfere with mammogram

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Sept. 12, 2002 (Cancer Digest) -- Whatever else hormone replacement therapy may do for women, it apparently doesn't not interfere with mammography screening for breast cancer, according to a new study.

Herbal prostate cancer preparation contaminated

SAN DIEGO -- Sept. 10, 2002 (Cancer Digest)-- A chemical analysis of a recently recalled herbal dietary supplement commonly used to treat advanced prostate cancer, has shown that the supplement was contaminated with the synthetic drugs including anticancer drugs.

New drug for fatal complication of stem cell transplants

BOSTON -- Sept. 6, 2002 -- A drug extracted from pig intestines reduced the risk of death in patients who experienced a severe and often-fatal complication of stem cell transplants.

Majority of adults with cancer use alternative therapies

SEATTLE -- Sept. 4, 2002 -- More than 70 percent of adult cancer patients in western Washington use alternative therapies and almost all report substantial improvements in well-being as a result of using alternative medicine, a new study suggests.

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Cancer Digest
(206) 525-7725
Last modified: 26-Sep-02
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