From Sabotage to Success
I'm free

By Sheri O. Zampelli

Hello, if you're looking for the most up-to-date version of the From Sabotage to Success Web site, please go to: Once you're there, be sure to bookmark the new location.

Good News!

The new book, "From Sabotage to Success" by Sheri O. Zampelli is now available. Order today.

Stay tuned to this web site for infomation on upcoming workshops, media interviews and book signings. Sheri Zampelli frequently does free and low-cost workshops in the Orange & L.A. counties of Southern California. If you would like to receive up-to-the-minute information about these events, sign the mailing list today!

Regardless of where you live you can subscribe to the Sabotage2Success e-group. This group is lead by Sheri Zampelli. Members are person's like you who strive to overcome self-defeating behaviors and live a fuller life. We'd love for you to join us!

While you're here, be sure to check out the articles page for articles about becoming more successful. Also be sure to visit the book list for a complete list of reading materials and audio cassettes to help you move from sabotage to success. And finally, be sure to visit the links page to find out about other valuable resources on the web.

If you're tired of settling for less than your best or, if you sabotage your efforts at self-change stay tuned to this web site for information.

Each week Sheri will post a Tip of the Week to help inspire self-awareness and positive change. If you would like to receive each "Tip of the Week" automatically, sign the mailing list today!

Your e-mail address will never be shared with other companies and you can take your name off the list at anytime.


Sheri O. Zampelli is currently writing a book about credit card addiction. If you have a story you'd like to contribute to this book please fill out the Credit Card Survey. Sheri will contact you personally if she decides to use your story.

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Sheri Zampelli
Endless Possibilities

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