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Psychology & Mental Health

Self Acceptance - Freedom For Fearless Expression

Mar 23, 2007, 23:27

When a person acts with complete confidence, even for insane purposes, it
fills a void in us. Charismatic individuals make their followers do insane
things by the force of their personalities. It proves the point that the
force of a person's will, of his self acceptance, can be so strong that he
can change the view of the masses. He can convince people that what he is
doing or saying is beautiful. People become fully accepting in his presence,
falling prey to his complete self-acceptance! Later on, they might wonder
how they could have fallen under that spell. Self acceptance is very
attractive. The one who is most congruent will control the situation. If
your frame is strong enough, you can get away with anything. Self-
acceptance gives you the freedom for fearless expression.

The expression of complete self acceptance is the inspiration that we all
crave so much. When we see others expressing themselves with self-
acceptance, we feel a sense of acceptance towards what they are doing too.
When we see it in others, we feel it in ourselves and for them and the
universe. In that state, we feel acceptance for everything that that all is
perfect. There is no rejection for those who have complete self acceptance
and they can express themselves fearlessly. Self expression is total,
immediate and without conception of time. You've got to have complete self-
expression in order to fully communicate what it is you want to communicate
to another.

Most of us think that the right to create is for others, not for us. But
inspired people show us by example what is possible for everyone. It's as
though there is a cosmic bank somewhere in the universe where the great ones
have their accounts. The currency is unlimited creativity and ideas. The
rest of us are always trying to borrow from their accounts. Do not borrow
from anyone else's account. We cannot recreate. We must create. Have the
attitude that no one before has ever done what you are doing right now.

You have to have the arrogance to do what you want to do. Behind every
action that you make and every word that you say is the belief that "this
is the truth". Do not believe in wrong actions. Believe that they are right
ones because you are the one making them. Authenticity comes from the
permission you give yourself to be a genius, to take something that is
considered junk and proclaim "this is beautiful". Power comes from being
yourself. You can never get it by recreating. You have to create. For
something to be real, it has to come from within you. Do not fear mistakes.
There are none. Act as if you just didn't have a care in the world!

You experience an absence of effort in the absence of caring. In the absence
of fear and expectation, things become quite simple. In the inner space
there are no conditions, no requirements. You just Are. You are making
conscious contact, forming an informational highway, with the higher, or
inner self. This is the spiritual connection that many speak of as the
primary force in their actions. This is what is known as letting go of the
Ego. You must surrender the need to be good, otherwise you can't really let
go! You remember experiences not by how well you acted, but by how much you
let go. Those are usually the best experiences anyway. When you let go you
feel free as a bird.

The right shot at the right moment does not come because you do not let go
of yourself. Do not wait for fulfillment, but brace yourself for failure.
The harder you try, the worse you do. When you take a chance, leave fear
behind and go with the flow. You'll usually land on your feet. You can't
plan your response or you'll lose the moment. It is an instantaneous thing
that comes out of you. Without fear you are free to be real. Fear lurks in
the mind. If you want to be free, master your mind. The reason why we
procrastinate is not because of laziness, it is a sense of being
overwhelmed. In fear we expect, with love we accept.

To love is to accept. Self acceptance is self love. You love yourself when
you accept yourself. You can't accept if you judge. You have to accept
without judging. When one is not expressing himself, he is not free. When
one is not free, he cannot express himself. To express oneself honestly,
not lying to oneself, and to express yourself honestly enough, is a very
hard thing to do. You can't express yourself freely unless you accept
yourself completely. Express whatever wants to come out. Accept it with
love. Accept the good and the bad with equal love. Without needing to be
good, you act from an effortless space. Self acceptance leads to Authentic

Expectations create agitation in the mind. When there is acceptance, there
is peace. Expectation exists when there is fear. The fear of not getting
what we want. We think that if we have enough of what we want, we will be
safe. But from the inner space, one realizes that everything one needs and
desires already exists within. Creation comes from nothingness. Results
create expectations and it's important to always return to a state of no
expectation in order to create once again.

Jesus said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added."
He also said, "The Kingdom of God is within." Our true fulfillment is to be
found in the Kingdom, and that Kingdom is within ourselves. The Inner Space
is the place where joy, pleasure and fulfillment worldly and otherwise are
available in unlimited supply. Acceptance of these gifts allows the flow to
increase. Performances given from this state are said to be greatly
inspired, leaving their audiences profoundly moved.

The secret is to be completely at ease with yourself. How others feel when
they are with you is influenced by how you feel when you are with them. Be
comfortable with yourself in order for others to be comfortable with you.
You have to be at ease with yourself in order to be at ease with anything.
There are people who are considered to have a sense of presence because
they move with complete self acceptance.

You should not seek external things in order to obtain an inner state but
you should seek the inner state in order to manifest external things. A true
master is not just a master of technique or language, but of himself. He can
sit serenely in the center of that space while performing his actions to
perfection. This is a state of selflessness and absolute concentration. One
may perform all actions in the state of ground level zero. Do not be
attached to the future with anticipation and worry, or to the past with
longing and regret. But remain in the present. Move towards your desires
while being perfectly centered. Acceptance leads to unfoldment of Spirit
within you.

We give up our power by allowing stresses to get out of control, and by
habitually saying no to people and circumstances. We can always regain our
power simply by remembering to breathe fully and freely, by letting go of
tensions in our bodies, and by opening to and accepting all that life
offers. Identify a current problem or difficulty in your life that is
causing some degree of emotional distress, from a minor annoyance to a
raging upset. State it in a few concise words such as "I did not get what I
wanted", "I failed", or "I hurt someone that I love". Say to yourself, "Even
though (the problem), I fully and completely accept myself."

Don't think of future endeavors as a test of your past achievements, or it
will invalidate you in your own mind. Instead, think of it as the beginning
of coming to terms with what's been holding you back, and taking powerful,
positive steps to correct that and move forward. Be brave, be patient, and
most of all, be loving to yourself throughout.


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