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For Those in Transition: A Light in the Darkness

Dec 9, 2007 - 12:55:04 PM

Copyright © 2007 Fia Crandall

There are times in your life that you come across more difficult challenges. These challenges can test your faith in yourself and your trust in the Universe. The challenges that shake your foundation for you to see that it isn't as stable as you once thought. The parts of your foundation that you had leaned on for so long are suddenly not so stable.

Sometimes challenges come to help you to shake loose those things in your life that are no longer beneficial to you. Recognize that this is all a part of growth and it is a good thing, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time. If you are facing such a time, realize that nothing leaves your life unless it is time for it to. And nothing leaves your life unless you really are opening up to the possibility of something truly better and more rich and fulfilling in its place.

And in these more difficult times, the darker times where confusion, uncertainty and unknown seem to be wherever you look, know that this is only transition time. And that transition only leads you closer to the life you long to live. A life filled with all of the wonderful things you have wanted for so long.

The thing is, if you ever want to get to your dream, you must go through transition. And while most of us prefer to feel steady and stable, allow that need to be set aside and trust in the process of life.

Transition is necessary. Facing the darkness of confusion is necessary to help you dissociate from what has been and to begin to open to what can be.

Some people call this the void, because you look around and don't see much. You have no idea what is to come.

Yes, you may know what you want, but you see no signs of it coming.

Remember that the void is necessary. It is the transition between what has been and what is yet to come. Welcome it and allow yourself to be in this uncertainty. Any rushing or attachment can cause limitation and lack in your future.

While allowing yourself to be in this uncertainty allows you to be aligned with and open to the pure potential of this time.

And in letting your need for certainty go, you allow your future to be so much brighter. In relaxing in this time of the unknown, you allow your life to move more toward the infinite, the unimaginable, the Divine.

Be easy with yourself during this transition time. Allow the purpose of this time to be served. Be open to the unfolding of that absolutely amazing life you've been wanting for so long. Release your need to know it all. Trust spirit. Trust life.

Trust that you are always taken care of and are always being guided to your true desires. And with that trust comes the possibility for much greater depth and dimension to your life. Enjoy the gift of this time.

Allow yourself to be cared for by the Universe, rather than being comforted by the old comfortable familiar. Let the silence of the unknown deepen within you. Feel the potential of this time and rest in it.

Know that even the darkest times are a gift. Be willing to see the gift of this time and it will be given to you.


Fia Crandall is an Intuitive Coach and Healer who helps spiritually conscious women with the challenges that come from being on the path of creating their most amazing life.  Receive her FREE E-Course "3 Keys to Manifesting Your True Desires" by visiting:

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