Mysterious Symbols

Are they the energy?

Today someone asked me about the use of symbols. In every form of energy work lately, there seems to be a lot of symbols associated with it. While looking over the Isis Seichim attunement process, I am overwhelmed by the number of symbols I have to work with. So are the symbols important to be able to send energy? Do you have to use symbols to send energy?

My answer is no. What I teach my students is that the symbols are tools. They are kind of like mandalas in that they enable us to focus fully upon the process, get our very active minds out of the way, so the energy can flow. However, you don't need symbols to work with any form of energy, to send energy, or to receive energy. They are very useful if you have a difficult time focusing, but the same results will occur if you don't use them, at least from my experience. The symbols are focusing tools.

Personally, I prefer to be present with the energy. It is such an incredible experience. It's peaceful, loving and very insightful. I find that when I don't use the symbols, I am much more in tune to the person I am working upon. However, this doesn't mean I don't ever use them. Sometimes I feel very drawn to do so, and I've found that the symbols I'm drawn to use are the ones that are easily affiliated with movement such as the Power Symbol, the Fire Serpent, the Infinity and the Tibetan Master symbol. Probably I feel this way, because I used to study dance. I love movement, and movement is an incredibly powerful tool to use during treatments or initiations.

Some of the things I notice about the energy when I'm fully present with it is how it feels, what it feels like as it's traveling through me and into the recipient, the sound of it, what it looks like, and sometimes the smell and taste. I can also tell which sense the recipient is using to receive the energy. Sometimes people only hear it, only see it, only feel it, etc. I find that when I tune into how they're perceiving it and focus upon that sense, the energy flows even more. It's similar to tuning into a radio station. You know how you can pick up a radio station on a certain frequency, but it comes in kind of jarbled? You can still hear it, but there's a lot of static. You turn the dial a little bit, and bingo, it comes in loud and clear. This is what it's like for me when I tune into how someone is perceiving the energy.

I do love using the Infinity with SKHM. This is an incredible symbol, but I think the reason why I love working with it so much, is this is how I perceive the SKHM energy flowing. It moves in an Infinity pattern. Lots of times while working upon a client, I'll hold my hands just above their skin, and let my hands move in that Infinity pattern. I also do this with the Power Symbol and the Fire Serpent Symbol....

The thing I love about First Degree Reiki is how no symbols are given. It's just you and the energy. The time a person receives First Degree is a wonderful time of exploration regarding trusting oneself and trusting the energy. I think this becomes lost if someone begins to believe that the energy is a symbol. Symbols are ways in which we explain our perceptions of the energy. Nothing more, nothing less. They are incredible tools, but they are not the energy. At least this is my opinion.

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