The Department led by Deputy Chief Herb Gandee, started an Explorer Post in 1990. Exploring is a division of scouting focused on helping teenagers explore career choices. The Explorer Post consisted of eight members at that time, but quickly increased to fifteen during the first year. A board of advisors was established to govern operations of the post, make rules, research legalities, and assure a successful program.

It benefits our department by allowing us to evaluate potential recruits that could be hired when they reach 18. There have been over 15 Explorers hired into emergency services since the past started in 1990.

Each Explorer goes through the National Professional Qualifications (NPQ) training to prepare for their practical experience in firefighting. There are over 80 hours of classroom work based on the International Fire Services Training Association's "Essentials of Fire Fighting" manual. Each candidate achieves this certification after a written, oral, and practical evaluation of their knowledge and skills.

Since Gandee retired in 1993, Deputy Chief Jerry Neal has filled the role as Chief Administrator of the Explorer program over the last four years. The post advisor who has invested much of his time and energy since its inception has been Mike Hancock. The present Advisory Board is made up of: Lt. R. D. Patterson, Lt. Blaine Clark, Sgt. Glen Cooper, Firefighter Jim Pahl, And Firefighter Mike Hancock.

There have been many other Clayton County Firefighters and their spouses who have also helped the post in various ways. It has taken the investment of much energy and effort of many individuals over the past eight years to develop Clayton County Fire Department Explorer Post 601 into one of the most successfull programs in existence.

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