<BGSOUND SRC="somewhereoutthere.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The Wolf I Fight
by Jennifer Gryka-Dahlgren
I try to run
when the wolf comes to call
I fight to ignore it,
This disease I can't stall.
It knocks me down
and puts me in bed.
I hurt all over
and have fog in my head.
At times I can't bear it,
or so I think.
Then one day I glimpse life
from the depths that I sink.
That one day becomes two,
and two are a week.
Soon the rash is gone
that I had on my cheek.
The weakness subsides,
and I can walk again.
To not enjoy this
would be a great sin.
I have had remissions,
I'm the lucky one.
Looking forward to another ,
when this flare is done.
I may never feel normal,
but I pretend on good days
To be a healthy person
I can see through the haze!
It gives me compassion,
this wolf that I fight.
There are many who suffer.
It just doesn't seem right.
I have made some great friends.
Some never feel good.
I'd share my "fit" days,
If only I could.
I must go on fighting.
Don't let the wolf succeed.
And hope for a cure,
I will beat this , indeed!!
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