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To effectively use the Flower Essences, you simply need to identify the negative emotion that you are experiencing and then select the appropriate essence. For example, if you are fearful and can identify the cause, such as fear of making a mistake, fear of making a commitment in a relationship, or fear of dogs then you would take the essence Mimulus.

Mimulus contains the vibration of courage which would enable the individual to face their fears. The essences can be taken singly or in combination. Over time the essences can create such a magnificent change that the individual can handle anything that they experience with grace and serenity. They also enhance your intuitive abilities.

The essences are typically taken under the tongue four times daily. You can mix a personal dosage bottle containing the essences that you need. Individual Flower Essences are sold at most health food stores. They may also be used in an atomizer which can be helpful in space clearing or used in the bath.

Flower essences are natural health catalysts for awareness and transformation from disease. Disease is the result of conflict between the soul and the mind. The lesson we are to learn from disease is the need to harmonize our personality with our soul. Through the flowers we can seek the source of health in the simplicity of nature.

Flower remedies help to revitalize and awaken our own innate power of health and balance. They're like a cellular energizer for balancing the energy patterns within each cell. Science describes a remedy's effect as having the ability to alter subtle electromagnetic fields that surround each cell and organism of a person's body, thus helping to correct any existing imbalance.

Identify the state of mind or mood disorder that is manifesting, whether chronic or acute, then select the correct remedy. Each was developed to bridge a wide range of emotional and mental disorders under generalized categories.

Remedies are all pure natural, and harmless in any quantity taken. They can't interfere or be affected by any form of medicine or food or health practice you might be using.

1.over a period of a few weeks a condition will clear up
2.one hour later the mood disappears
3.condition will get worse,will come to a peak,then release

When we go off course we get sick.

1.Don't want to face responsibilities for their own lives
2.Cleansing - sickness purges

1.Pride...arrogance & rigidity>ARTHRITIS
2.Cruelty...denial of unity of all things>PAIN (can be mental or physical)
3.Ignorance...failure or unwillingness to see truth>VISION/ HEARING problems
4.Hatred...violent temper & HYSTERIA
5.Excessive self-love...introspection & NEUROSIS
6.Instability of mind...indecisive>CO-ORDINATION problems

1.rejecting part of self
2.refusing to handle what you need to do

Disease is a sign to show that we're out of balance...separation from true self. If you want to be whole again,let go of pride (see reference points to disease).Flower essences give assistance and act as a catalyst.

Click Here For More on the Bach Remedies

Aloe Vera: For the exhaustion which comes from over- or misuse of fiery, creative forces; replenishes creative life forces centered in the heart; re-integrates fire and water aspects of psyche.

Arnica: for shock or trauma; helps the physical body to re-connect with the higher self.

Baby Blue Eyes: Helps one who feels cynical or mistrustful about life and other people to restore childlike innocence and trust.

Blackberry: Helps one who feels immobilized and unable to translate thoughts and goals into action to manifest creativity into action.

Black-Eyed Susan: Brings the light of consciousness to painful or traumatic emotions which have been avoided or repressed. Useful when resistance arises in process of counseling or self-growth.

Borage: For depression, discouragement, grief, a heavy heart; gives confidence and courage when facing challenges.

Buttercup: When one lacks self-esteem or de-values one's vocation or lifestyle, gives appreciation of one's gifts and uniqueness.

Calendula: For those who tend to be argumentative or hurtful in their communications with others; teaches warmth and sensitivity in both speaking and listening.

California Wild Rose: For apathy, indifference, or resignation; aids in creating enthusiasm and positive involvement in life.

Cayenne: For those stuck in immobilizing habits, procrastination, inertia, indecision; catalyzes one to action.

Chamomile: Soothes and releases emotional tension, upsets, moodiness; helpful for insomnia; restores calm and serenity.

Chaparral: Helps in cleansing and understanding of psychic toxicity caused by stress or trauma, especially for disturbed dreams; useful for drug detoxification, creates deeper understanding and balanced psychic awareness.

Cosmos: Teaches us to organize the sometimes-chaotic flood of information from the higher self into articulate speech.

Dandelion: For emotional tension, often held in muscles; for over-achievers who are unable to relax; teaches spiritual receptivity through relaxation of the body.

Dill: When one is overwhelmed or overstimulated, assists in assimilation of experience.

Deer Brush: For confusion and lack of clarity about motivations; promotes integration of inner feeling and outer action, purity and clarity of intention.

Dogwood: For those whom emotional trauma has made hard in attitude and sometimes uncomfortable in the physical body. Restores grace and physical and etheric harmony.

Echinacea: When shattering emotional experiences rob one of self-respect and dignity this remedy assists in restoring ones core integrity.

Evening Primrose: Gives emotional nourishment for those who lacked it in childhood; dissolves fear of committed relationships.

Fairy Lantern: When personal development during childhood has been inhibited assists in maturation and acceptance of adult responsibilities.

Fawn Lily: Helps those who have retired from the world in favor of spiritual contemplation to share their gifts with others.

Filaree: Restores a sense of perspective when one has compulsive worry over petty details, health, an excessively critical attitude.

Fuschia: for those who repress deep-seated emotions under the cover of false hyper-emotionality and psychosomatic symptoms. Helps in ability to express deep feelings.

Garlic: for the release of paralyzing anxieties such as stage fright, for strength and resistance against metabolic and immune disturbances of psychic origin.

Golden Ear Drops: For contacting, releasing, and integrating childhood feelings which at the time were too painful to acknowledge.

Goldenrod: For those who either feel a need to conceal their true identities in social situations or who have a need for negative attention. Helps one to remain true to one's true self.

Golden Yarrow: Enables those with delicate and sensitive natures to allow themselves to be vulnerable with others.

Indian Paintbrush: Useful when one finds it difficult to act on or sustain the creative intuition; brings vitality and will to creative expression.

Indian Pink: For those who become un-centered in the midst of intense activity; restores calmness and focus.

Iris: For frustration in creative efforts; helps to draw higher inspiration for creative work.

Larkspur: When leadership qualities are lessened either by excessive sense of duty or the need to appear important, balances these extremes and brings generosity, joy, and charisma to leadership.

Love-Lies-Bleeding: Helps those who suffer from deep pain and suffering to move beyond feelings of isolation and inward torment towards understanding that others also suffer and being moved to help them.

Madia: When one becomes easily sidetracked or distracted, restores mental focus, concentration, and ability to complete projects.

Mallow: For those who withdraw from others because of fear of rejection, assists in developing openness and trust.

Mariposa Lily: For the healing of childhood traumas, including abandonment and abuse; restores relationship to universal nurturing love; heals mother-daughter relationships.

Milkweed: Helps those who emotionally regress through addictive behavior to develop healthy ego strength and mature behavior.

Morning Glory: For breaking addictive habits, including destructive lifestyles, restores vitality and natural, healthy habits.

Mountain Pennyroyal: Helps to repel negativity from and clears the mind of others' negative thoughts; restores strength and clarity of thought.

Mountain Pride: A remedy for the spiritual warrior; gives courage in the face of adversity, helps overcome fear and the tendency to avoid challenges and confrontations.

Nasturtium: For those whose vitality is drained by dry intellectualism; restores emotional color and warmth to the being.

Nicotiana: For anyone who uses addictive substances to blur painful feelings, the larger purpose of this flower essence is to restore feeling for and appreciation of the Earth and all of its creatures.

Oregon Grape: For social paranoia, misunderstanding of the behavior of others, the imagining or expectation of hostility from others; promotes trust and the expectation of good will.

Penstemon: For feelings of self-pity or persecution in the face of difficulty; helps create inner strength and endurance.

Peppermint: Helps transform tendency to be mentally dull or sluggish into alertness and clarity.

Pink Yarrow: For those who tend to absorb the emotional and psychic energies of people in ones immediate environment and to overidentify with the emotions of close friends or family; creates emotional clarity and boundaries.

Quaking Grass: For those who find it difficult to work harmoniously in groups; helps individuals to find fulfillment in the achievement of a group's purpose.

Rabbitbrush: When one feels unable to handle a situation involving many aspects and details, this helps one keep a primary focus and a flexible mind which can adapt to different demands.

Red Clover: For keeping one's head when everyone else is losing theirs, whether in a mass crisis or a family one.

Scarlet Monkeyflower: For fear of experiencing and expressing intense emotions, especially anger and a sense of powerlessness; generates the ability to communicate deep truths honestly.

Scotch Broom: When one feels a sense of hopelessness about the world situation, this restores a sense of optimism and empowerment.

Shasta Daisy: For those whose knowledge seems fragmented, this helps to integrate diverse ideas or perspectives into an integrated picture.

Snapdragon: Helps those whose energy is blocked by jaw tension and harsh speech to relax physically and to speak in emotionally balanced ways.

Star Thistle: When one, because of a fear of lack, seeks external security and is ungenerous with others, this restores one's connection with inner abundance.

Sweet Pea: For those who feel alienated from a sense of human community; helps create commitment, and social connectedness.

Tansy: For those stuck in laziness or lethargy, gives ability to take decisive action in order to meet one's goals.

Tiger Lily: For people who are overly aggressive and competitive in group situations; helps create cooperation, harmony, and mutual support.

Trillium: For being stuck in the greed for possessions and power, helps one to work selflessly for the common good.

Trumpet Vine: For difficulties in communication, helps in active projection of self into social situations.

Violet: For shyness, aloofness, fear of being submerged in groups; allows one to hold sense of self while in group situations.

Yellow Star Tulip: Assists in sensitivity to feelings of others and awareness of consequences of one's behavior. Yerba Santa: When feelings of grief and melancholy are constricted, especially in the chest, expands ease in experiencing all feelings.

Zinnia: For those who are over-serious and lack humor; awakens the playful, joyous child within.


Here are some books I found interesting:

2150 AD by Thea Alexander
Firebrand by Marian Zimmer Bradley
"5-HTP: Boost Your Serotonin Levels
The Natural Way To Overcome Depression, Obesity, and Insomnia".

by Michael Murray, N.D.


The Diet For A New America by John Robbins

The Future Of Love by Daphne Rose Kingma

The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight by Thom Hatrmann










About Me

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Allergy Testing
Anger Management
Body Cleansing
Colonic Therapy
Color Therapy
Corporate Stress Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy
Creative Imagery
Distance Healing
Educational Wellness
Energy Work
Environmental Medicine
Gemstone Therapy
Herbal Medicine
Holistic Health
Juice Therapy
Lymph Drainage
Massage Therapy
Medical Intuition
Metaphysical Healing
Mind Body Medicine
Natural Healing
Negative Ion Therapy
Pain Management
Raindrop Therapy
Spa Therapies
Stone Therapy
Stress Management

These conditions will be addressed:

Attention Deficit Disorder
Back Pain
Bowel Problems
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Energy Problems
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Jet Lag
Kidney Problems
Knee Pain
Lactose Intolerance
Learning Disorders
Leg Cramps
Liver Problems
Low Blood Sugar
Lung Disease
Memory Problems
Mood Swings
Motion Sickness
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscle Pain
Muscle Strain
Nasal Congestion
Neck Problems
Panic Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Respiratory Ailments
Sinus Problems


Acidolphilus, Alfalfa, almond flour, Aloe, amino acids, Anti Oxidant, Arnica, arsenicum album,Astragalus, Barley, Basil, beet powder, Belladonna, bergamot oil, Bioflavinoids, Birch,, Black Walnut, Blackberry, Blue green algae, Bromelain, Burdock, Cabbage, Calcium, calendula, Californian Poppy, Capsicum, Cardamom, Carob, Castor Oil, Cayenne, Centaury, Chamomile, Chestnut, Chicken Soup, Chickweed, Chicory, Cinnamon, Citronella, Clay, Cloves, Charcoal, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Cranberry, Dandelion, Dill, Echinacea, Elder, Eucalyptus, Evening Primrose Oil, Eyebright, Fennel, Fenugreek, Feverfew, Fig, Flaxseed, Frankincense, Garlic, Gentian, Geranium, ginger, Ginger Root, Gingko Biloba, Ginseng, Glucosamine Sulfate, Goldenrod, Goldenseal, Gotu Kola extract, Green Tea, Hawthorn Berry Extract, Heather, Helicrysum, Nettle, Herb Compresses, HERBAL REMEDIES, Hibiscus, Hops, Horehound, Horse Chestnut, Horseradish, Hyssop, Iris, Jasmine, Juniper Berry, Kava Kava, Kelp, L-Glutamine, L-Lysine, Larch, Lavender, ledum, Lemon Balm, lemon oil, Lemongrass, Licorice, Linden, Lobelia, lycopodium, magnesium, Marigold, Marjoram, Milk Thistle, MINERALS, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Mullein, Mustard, Myrrh, Nasturtium, Natural Antibiotics, Negative Ions, Nutmeg, Oats, Onion, Oregano, oregon grape, Ozonated water, Papaya, Parsley, Patchouli, Pau d'Arco, Pennyroyal, Peony, Peppermint, Pine Oil, Potassium, Pumpkin Seed, Pycnogenol, Radish, Raspberry, Red Clover, Roman Chamomile, Rose Flower, Rose Hip, rose oil, Rosemary, Royal Jelly, Rue, Saffron, Sage, Sandalwood, Sarsaparilla, Scullcap, selenium, Shepherd's Purse, Shiitake, Siberian Ginseng, Slippery Elm, Spearmint, Spinach, Spirulina, St. John's Wort, Stevia, Stinging Nettle, Tansy, Tea Tree Oil, Thyme, Tryptophan, Valerian, Veratrum, Vinegar, VITAMINS, Vitex, Walnut, Wintergreen, Witch Hazel, Wormwood, Yarrow, Yellow Dock, Ylang Ylang, Yohimbe, zinc.

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