About the Lapband
  Surgeons & Cost
The Operation
Life With The Band
Inflations & Fills
Weighing It Up
Is it for Me?
Sites of Interest
Lapbander Tips
  Managing Mush
Surviving Fluids
Introducing Solids
Life with the Band
Maximising Loss
Skin & Scars
Getting Support
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Introduction : FAQ's
The decision to have Lap-Band surgery is an important life-changing process.

We hope that by providing answers to frequently asked questions we can assist people both in deciding whether or not the band would be suitable for them and then living with the band should they decide to proceed with surgery.

As there are so many questions, we have arranged the FAQs into the following headings:

If you would like to contribute further questions or add to the answers provided in the FAQs send an e-mail to

NOTE: Although the FAQ information has been approved by several members of the Auckland Lapband Support Group and has been perused by the offices of Mr David Schroeder, Mr Robert Cable and Mr Robert Fris it does not constitute professional medical opinion and is not intended to replace discussions with both your doctor and/or surgeon.

Last updated: 26 May 2001