-OSU MASA Constitution-

    I. 	 Name of  Organization
    II.  Purpose
    III. Membership
    IV.  Officers
    V. 	 Duties and Powers of Office
    VI.  Policies and Standing Rules
    VII. Disciplinary action/suspension
    IX.  Committees
    X. 	 Finance
    XI.  Ratification and Amendment
    XII. Compliance with the Union and Institute Standards

I. Name of  Organization

    The Malaysian Students Association, abbreviated MASA.

    All correspondence to MASA should be addressed to:

	        RM 310
	        Ohio Union 
	        Columbus,OH 43210 USA

II. Purpose

·   To disseminate information about Malaysia, familiarize the OSU community with Malaysian 
    Culture, folk art, and  people and  facilitate US-Malaysian student interaction for better 
    understanding and friendship.
·   To forge a common bond of brotherhood among Malaysian students at OSU.
·   To adhere to the policies and objectives of the Office of International Education (OIE) 
    both letter and spirit.
·   To represent the Malaysian students to OSU, other student organizations, and Malaysian 
    government agencies. 
·   To promote closer cooperation, understanding, and friendship among Malaysian students 
    at the Ohio State University.
·   To encourage academic, cultural, social, religious, and sporting activities among 
    Malaysian students.
·   To assist members in solving any kind of problems.
·   To cooperate with Ohio State University in matters directly affecting Malaysian students, 
    and in activities which have bearing on the Malaysian image.
·   To cooperate an affiliate with recognized student bodies and organizations.

III. Membership

a) General

·   All Malaysian students studying in OSU are automatically members of MASA. Their spouses 
    and dependents automatically become associate members of MASA. 
·   Minimal dues for association activities will be collected from each member at the start 
    of each quarter. 
·   Any withdrawal from MASA can be done by submitting a petition which is subjected to the 
    approval of executive committee.
·   It is the policy of Malaysian Students Association to provide to the maximum extent 
    feasible, equal opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, 
    religion, national origin, sex, sexual preference, or handicap for all aspects of the 
    Association's activities.
·   Reckless or intentional endangerment to health or force consumption of alcohol or other 
    drugs for purpose of initiation into or affiliation with the Malaysian Students Association 
    is prohibited.

b) Membership Types

Regular and Voting Members

·   All currently registered OSU Malaysian students, continuing education, part time students, 
    faculty and staff who have currently paid their membership dues shall be defined as 
    Regular Members, and eligible for regular membership.
·   Any regular student who was registered at OSU for the Spring quarter and is pre-registered 
    for the Fall quarter will be considered a student during the Summer session.
·   Only OSU Malaysians can be considered as the regular and voting members.
·   Married students with their Malaysian spouses and children above 18 can also be considered 
    as the regular and voting members.  
·   Non-Malaysian spouses may not vote, hold office or be regular community chairpersons.
Associate Members

·   Non activity fee paying degree completion students, all non-Malaysian OSU faculty, staff, 
    alumni (and their spouses),  all non-OSU Malaysian students who registered at other 
    Universities and Colleges shall be eligible for Associate Membership. 
·   Associate Members may not vote, hold office or be regular community chairpersons.

Volunteer Members

·   Volunteer members shall be those who are not eligible to be regular  or associate members 
    because they are not affiliated OSU, but whose talents, skills, knowledge or leadership 
    will assist the association in fulfilling the  purpose.
·   Volunteer member status must be approved by the association for each volunteer member on an 
    annual basis, and such membership shall not exceed 5% of club membership without the annual 
    approval of the MASA Executive Board (E-body).
·   Volunteer members may not vote, hold office or be regular community chairpersons 
    (except with special MASA E-body and OIE approval). Their per-person subsidy will be less 
    than regular member.	

c) Other requirements

·   All MASA members must adhere to all MASA and union guidelines, and are subject to all 
    MASA and OSU standard and disciplinary procedures.
·   When MASA represents OSU by engaging in competitive events with other schools or 
    organizations, only regular MASA may compete on behalf of MASA (except with special MASA 
    E-body approval).

d) Membership List and Communication

·   An accurate membership list must be maintained and kept on file as prescribed by the OIE.
·   The membership requirements are public knowledge and the secretary must provide that 
    information on request.
·   Any restriction on member participation in certain club activities must also be provided. 

IV. Officers

·   MASA shall be administered by an executive committee, E-body, which is elected at the 
    Annual General Meeting (AGM).
·   MASA will have the following Elected Officers who comprise the E-body:
                · President
                · Vice President
                · Secretary
                · Treasurer
                · 5 Members at Large
·   All elected officers shall hold their respective officers for one calendar year, starting 
    from the date of elections. Elections are to be held no later than January of each school 
·   Officers an committee chairpersons must be voting members of the club organizations unless 
    special OIE approval is obtained.
·   The current President shall oversee the election of the new president. Then the newly 
    elected President shall takeover the meeting and the election of the remaining E-body 
·   Each of the committee members can appoint additional sub-committee to assist them in their 
    duties whenever required, but subject to approval of the E-body.

V. Duties and Powers of Office

·   The President has one vote in E-body decisions. The President chairs the E-body and general 
    meetings. He/she shall be responsible for the general well-being of MASA, and shall be the 
    sole person to have veto power on the E-body decisions and proceedings. A two-thirds 
    majority vote of the voting members is necessary to overturn the President's veto. He/she 
    may, with due consultation with the E-body, appoint committees, its chairperson, and also 
    approve operating and special budgets, however, the President cannot appoint a committee 
    chairperson without the consent of the Vice President. He/she will oversee the election of 
    the next president. The president shall chair all meetings of the committee. The Secretary 
    and Treasurer may sign any documents only if given permission to do so by the president.

·   The Vice President shall have one vote in E-body decisions. He/she shall conduct all the 
    activities excluding the meetings. In case of the president's absence, the Vice President 
    will be the acting president.

·   The secretary shall have one vote in E-body decisions. He/she shall maintain necessary 
    records and keep minutes. In case of the President and Vice President's absence, the 
    secretary will be  the acting president . He/she will keep an updated membership list 
    with the Union.

·   The treasurer shall have one vote in E-body decisions. He/she shall be responsible for 
    the budget plan and keeping an accurate account t of expenses. He/she shall also be 
    responsible  for collecting membership dues. In the event any member fails to submit 
    his/her dues, he/she may ask the E-body to revoke/suspend such a person's membership. 
    The Treasurer shall keep records of all accounts and expenditures of MASA, and together 
    with the Secretary, will sign all checks drawn on the account established under the name 
    of MASA for any activities.

·   Each member at large has one vote in E-body decisions. The duty of each member at large is 
    assigned by  the President based on their skill and voluntary basis.

·   The executive committee shall undertake activities which are in accordance with the goals 
    of MASA, administer the association, including formulation of rules and regulations, and 
    manage its assets with prudence, propriety and accountability.

    1. In case of temporary absence of any officer from a general meeting, the person listed 
       immediately below him in article IV shall assume the duties of the absent officer, but 
       does not inherit his/her voting power, in addition to his/her own duties. In case any 
       seat is vacated by any office bearer, the President is empowered to call elections to 
       office whenever such condition arises.
    2. In order to be elected to office, a candidate must be a voting member at which  quorum 
       is reached. In case of resignation, elections shall be called in the prescribed manner 
       for the vacant office.
    3. Notice of elections must be given to the members at least a week prior to the election 
       date(to be fixed by the Secretary through a circular to all members).
    4.  A current officers' list including names, addresses and phone numbers shall be 
    maintained and kept on file as prescribed by the OIE and MSD administration office within 
    one week of elections or appointments.

VI. Policies and Standing Rules

·   The secretary shall propose policies and standing rules (excepting financial policy 
    which shall be proposed jointly with the treasurer), which shall then be debated and 
    passed/rejected by simple majority of E-body.
·   In the event the president vetoes a proposal, that proposal shall then be voted on by 
    the voting members at the next general meeting where a quorum is reached.
·   Quorum for E-body meetings is defined as the presence of at least 7 officers of the 
    MASA E-body.
·   Quorum for general meetings will be at least 50% of the paid regular member.
·   Additionally, any regular member can put forward a proposal provided it is seconded by 
    at least one other regular member.
·   A majority vote by the general membership at any general meeting can override all 
    E-body decisions.
·   A general meeting of the E-body can be called by any E-body member. E-body meetings 
    can also be called by the paid regular members if 25% summon it.
·   The official language for all meeting is English unless each member present in the 
    meeting prefers the same alternate language. 

VII. Disciplinary action/suspension/relinquish

Any MASA member can be suspended if:

·   They violate any OSU/OIE/MASA regulations.
·   A no-confidence motion is passed against any E-body member at a business meeting by 
    two-thirds of the total regular membership. A fresh election for that officer(s) shall 
    be called in the prescribed manner, while the vacant position shall be filled as 
    previously described.
·   The member in question will be notified before the proceeding in order that they may be 
    present at the meeting  in order to defend themselves.
·   At any time during the penalty period, the issue resulting in the withdrawal of 
    membership benefits or rights may be referred to the OIE as an appeal case. The penalty 
    remains in effect unless or until overturned by OIE.
·   Any member of the executive committee may relinquish their post by giving at least 
    one month notice in writing to the Secretary and it shall be approved by the E-body and 
    signed by the President.
·   In the event that this happens, the executive committee shall appoint a replacement from 
    amongst the members of E-body from higher to lower position in appropriate order, then 
    from regular members of MASA for the remaining period of office.

VIII. Meetings

·   At least one meeting shall be called every academic term.
·   E-body meetings shall be called as many times as appropriate, with at least twice for 
    each quarter.
·   Notice of all meetings shall be given at least one week in advance, and the agenda 
    shall be prepared by the secretary.
·   Notice of general meetings shall be given at least two weeks in advance, with at least 
    two reminders prior to the given date.
·   E-body meetings may not be open to all.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

·   The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a meeting at which elections are held, the 
    constitution is amended and at which any other major club policies are decided upon.
·   The two internal auditors are to be elected at the AGM. The auditors will inspect all 
    accounts of the association at the request of the committee.
·   The AGM shall be held every Winter quarter with the following items on the agenda:
        ·   Presentation of the associations' Annual Report and Financial Statements
        ·   Election of office bearers
        ·   Election of internal auditors
        ·   Any other appropriate matters directly concerning the association
        ·   Notice of the AGM will be conveyed to the members at least ten (10) days 
            before the date of the meeting.
        ·   The quorum of the AGM and EGM will be at least two-thirds of the total members 
            (excluding associate members).

Emergency General Meeting (EGM)

·   In the event that there is an emergency, the executive committee may call for an 
    Emergency General Meeting (EGM).
·   Members may request the committee to call for an EGM to discuss specific issues;  
    for example, the election of a new executive committee.
·   Such request shall be made in writing, with the signatures of at least two-thirds of 
    the members, and handed to the Secretary. The EGM will be held ten (10) days of the 
    receipt of such request.

IX. Committees

    All committees shall be appointed and given duties by the E-body, and their actions 
    shall be subject to E-body and membership review at a subsequent meeting.

X. Finance

·   MASA shall set the dues for each class of membership. If MASA is funded by the OSU, then 
    the minimum of dues will be subject to a minimal level set by the E-body.
·   Fiscal policies is subject to OSU guidelines.
·   The Treasurer is empowered to present budgets at various meetings, to collect dues 
    and revise projections on a need basis, all actions being subject to review by the E-body.
·   All expenses below $100 shall be approved by the President and the Vice President 
    under the advice of the Treasurer. 
·   All expenses above $100 shall be approved by the E-body.
·   In the event that there is an Emergency, the respective party shall seek for the 
    approval of  the Treasurer and 4 other members in the E-body.
·   Members fee are as follows:

            · Fall Quarter: 		$3.00
            · Winter Quarter:		$3.00
            · Spring Quarter: 	$3.00
            · Summer Quarter: 	$2.00

XI. Ratification and Amendment

·   Written proposals for constitutional amendments must be submitted to the Secretary 
    no later than three (3) days before the date of the meeting.
·   This constitution shall be effective immediately upon ratification by a two-third 
    majority of regular members and subsequent approval by the OIE.
·   If it is necessary, any part of this constitution except purpose can be changed or 
    some other parts may be added provided that two-third of the voting members vote for 
    the change in the first general meeting after the changed is suggested and subsequent 
    approval by the OIE.

XII. Compliance with the Union and Institute Standards

·   In the event that the association's constitution comes in conflict with any OIE or 
    OSU rule or standard, then the constitution will be superseded by that rule or standard.
·   All members can use the listserv and webpage freely but with a responsible manner 
    in accordance with the objective of MASA.  Any controversial issues should be avoided 
    and not posted in the listserv and webpage.  
·   MASA listserv is meant only for brief messages and announcements. All lengthy 
    messages/advice/articles should be posted in the MASA webpage.
·   MASA mailing list should be used by the Secretary only, and all messages must come 
    from Ohio State MASA at MASA97@hotmail.com to be sent to all members.
·   The use of MASA mailing list other than by MASA97@hotmail.com is strictly

·   MASA will not be responsible for any messages sent to all members in MASA
    mailing list that is not coming from MASA97@hotmail.com.
·   For those who would like to send a message to other members in MASA mailing list
    should send his/her email message to MASA97@hotmail.com. 
·   For those of you who received a message from unknown user using MASA mailing
    list should report it to MASA97@hotmail.com for further investigation. 
·   You are free to create your own mailing list(nickname), but the use of 'all'.
    MASA members email addresses is only for MASA97@hotmail.com.
·   MASA members have the right not to read messages other than coming from MASA97@hotmail.com 
·   MASA will assist its members in taking further action to those who use MASA mailing list 
    without proper authorization.

Send comments or suggestions to:  MASA97@hotmail.com

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