There are certain experiences common to most American childhoods, especially our age group. I have tried to put together things I think most of us could reminise about....If you think of anything I have left out send your comments, ideas, suggestions, etc. to nancy via Email at
Take Me Back!
"Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!"
"Jane you ignorant slut!"
Emily Litella
"It's a floor wax, it's a dessert topping."
Samurai Delicatessen
Garrett Morris as Idi "VD" Amin
Bad Theatre with Leonard Pinth-Garnell
"We are from France."
"I'm Chevy Chase and you're not."
Mr. Mike Meets Uncle Remus
"Vito, you're blocking."
Bill Murray as lounge singer
Jake and Elwood Blues
Gimme Mick!
The Judy Miller Show
"We want your pollen."
"It's always something."
"Oooooooh Nooooooo.....
Don Pardo
Cone Heads
Chevy Chase falling down
"No Coke, Pepsi."
"I am Gumby, dammit!"
Placenta Helper
The Widends
"Land Shark"
special prom noogies
The Not Ready For Prime Time Players
"We are two wild and crazy guys."
E. Buzz Miller's Animal Kingdom
Wendy Whiner and Family
Things We All Had Or Knew Someone Who Did
Small green turtles in a plastic dish with a plastic palm tree
(the turtle always died!)
MIA Braclets
Mad Magazines
Rotary Dial Phones
Carbon Paper (yuk!)
Beanbags Chairs
Rabbit Ear Antennas
Macrame' Plant Hangers
Shag Carpet (ewwww!)
String Art
Woodburning Sets
Good 'ole TV Dinners
8 tracks
Black Velvet Paintings
Head Shops
Papeil's Pocket Fisherman
Games We Played
Spin The Bottle
Mystery Date
Lite Brite (lost in green shag carpet ouch!)
Operation (the game not doctor)
Lawn darts (cool!) (ouch!)
Foos Ball
Creepy Crawlers
Lincoln Logs
Ouija Boards
Magic 8 Ball
Rubic's Cube
Mexican Jumping Beans
Rock Polishing Machines
Ginsu Knives
Chia Pets
So are you getting warmed up yet?
Think so???
See if you can remember what products the slogans were for:
"Hey Mikey. He Likes It!"
"Ancient Chinese Secret, huh?"
"I can't believe I ate the whole thing!"
"My dog is better than your dog."
"Is it candy, or is it gum?"
"They're Gr-r-reat!"
Rubber Duckie,
you're the one. You make bathtime lots of fun.
Rubber Duckie,
I'm awfully fond of you.
Rubber Duckie,
joy of joys, when i squeeze you, you make noise.
Rubber Duckie,
you're my very best friend, its true. Every day when I make my way to the tubby, I find a little fella who's cute and yella and chubby. rudadub-dubby.
Rubber Duckie,
you're so fine and I'm lucky that you're mine.
Rubber Duckie,
I'm awfully fond of you."
How 'bout some sporty Things?
New york "Miracle Mets"
President Carter's botcott of the 1976 Summer Olympics in Russia
The "Thrilla in Manila"
Joe Namath dons pantyhose for L'eggs ad
Muhammad Ali is stripped of championship for not fighting in the Vietnam War due to religious beliefs
Hank Aaron hits 715th home run to break Babe Ruth's record
George Steinbrenner fires Billy Martian--the first time
Joe Theismann breaks his leg
Nadia Comaneci's Olympic "10"
Earl the Pearl & Wilt the Stilt
Jack Lalanne on TV
Leon Spinks
Oh........My......Gosh......What Did You Do To Your Hair?
Farah Fawcett Bang's
Dorthy Hammill Wedge
Afro picks (left in the 'fro when not in use)
Clairol Herbal Essence
Nair and Neet
Breck Shampoo
Lemon Juice in Your Hair in the sun
"Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific!"
"Only your hairdressers knows for sure."
Toni home perms
Hair Drier with cap that filled up with air
Before Remote Controls..
and Cable...
"I can name that tune in four notes."
Crying Indian litter commercial
Actually getting upto change the channel
black and white televisions
Cigarette advertisements
"Carol, show us what is behind Door Number 3!"
American-made televisions
"Beam me up, Scotty."
Late-night TV before infomercials
When TV channels actually went off the air at night
Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Award
Bo Derek starts the "10" slogan
Your Not Going to Eat That.... Are You?
Underwood Deviled Ham
Shake 'N Bake
Hamburger Helper
Aerosol Cheese
Vienna Sausages
Jolly Ranchers
Pink Marshmallow Snoballs
Shakeys' Pizza
Dip Tops from the Rebel Queen
There Are Just Somethings We Didn't Have Way Back Then...
How Did We Do It???
Can You Remember Life Before......
Answering Machines
Only doctors had beepers
Car Phones
having to use an operator to call long distance
when there was only one phone company