STORY 911!
Dear Karyl,
My spec movie script was going
so great and then all of a sudden I got to page 60 and I hit a wall! What
happened? I thought I'd try you before I tried Dr. Kevorkian.
Desperate Writer from Detroit
Dear Desperate,
Don't panic. Experienced writers
remember what they learned in the Boy Scouts : Be Prepared. Stop trying
to fix the script as
you go along. It won't work and
you'll only make yourself miserable! Take a break. Take a shower.
Make a cup of tea. Then, sit down and write a one page monologue
for each character - just for yourself. Story IS character . If your
story stops, that can
mean you just don't know enough
about your main characters.
Don't be discouraged. Writing
is hard work - even for pros. Have fun! Good luck! Karyl
Are you having a script problem? Maybe I
can help. E mail me a short note.
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