Wellington, New Zealand, celebrated 50 continuous years of Trolley Bus operation between 25th and 28th
March 1999. The festival had trolley buses from all New Zealand's former and current trolley bus systems
- Auckland, New Plymouth, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin. Of these only Wellington still operates
Trolley Buses.
Star attraction at the festival was a 1931 English Electric with Boon & Co body work from
Ferrymead museum in Christchurch, who also provided New Plymouth No. 3, a 1950 Crossley Transit with New
Plymouth City Council bodywork.
From Foxton Motorcoach Museum came Auckland No.85, a 1954 BUT RETB1 with Saunders-Roe bodywork, Dunedin
No.77, a 1952 BUT RETB1 with Dunedin City Transport bodywork, and Wellington No.80, a BUT RETB1 with MCCW