February 2008

You can now provide financial support to ABATE OF PA - just by doing your internet searches through GoodSearch using this link When you use this link a portion of the revenue from the search goes to ABATE of PA to help support the fight for biker's rights, and it doesn't cost you anything. If you aren't a member of ABATE of PA you should be, they are the main - and sometimes only - voice of bikers in the legislative process. At least you can do this to help fund the fight.

March, 2007
Excellent service from Sierra Electronics. I placed an order with Sierra Electronics for a headset for use with the radio/CB on my GoldWing. The headset arrived quicker than I had expected, that was a pleasant surprise. When I tried the headset, the microphone did not work. I called Sierra and they told me to send it back to them and they would fix or replace it. I mailed it to them on March 12 and received my replacement on March 16. That is excellent customer service. In addition to excellent service and fair prices, Sierra offers a wide selection of headsets, radios, and audio equipment for all types of motorcycles. You can visit thier site at

March, 2006.
If you are an experienced rider who does not have a motorcycle endorsement it is now easier to get one. You can now earn your M by sucessfully completing the Experienced Rider Course. This course takes about 6 hours compared to the 50 hours for the beginner course. 1-800-845-9533 Pa Motorcycle Safety Program

Feb 2005.
If you normally attend The Rev & Roll Motorcycle Expo Expo in Pittsburgh you will not be able to do so this year, it will not be held in 2005. The next scheduled Expo is unknown.

Dec 2004.
The Motorcycle Miracle Tour (MMT) has announced that this year's ride to benefit the Children's Miracle Network will end at Knoebels Family Amusement Park. The past two years it has returned to Geisinger Medical center, previous to that it had ended at Knoebels. The ride will be held on Sunday June 5, 2005. More info at

Nov 2004.
Attention Firefighters, a new chapter of the Red Knights International Motorcycle Club is being formed in the Lehighton, Pa area. The Red Knights is a club for members of the Fire Service, and their families, who enjoy motorcycling. For more info go to

Apr 2004
ABATE OF PA - District 1, and BikePac are sponsoring a FREEDOM FIGHTER'S PICNIC in Venanago Pa,(Crawford Co) Sat May 15, 2004, at the Venango Valley Inn and Golf Course on RT 19. $10.00 admission. Benefits State Representative Teresa Forcier and BikePac. 814-398-4173.
Rep Forcier is a true friend of bikers. She was the prime sponsor of the helmet law modification bill in the State House of Representatives.

Jan 2004
According to an article published in _ Between The Lines, the official newsletter of ABATE OF PA the Pennsylvania Motorcycle Safety Program trained 21,230 motorcyclists last year. That's a lot of training, and they were able to do it because of you. The increase in the fee for your M endorsement, or your learner's permit paid for the extra classes. Pennsylvania has the best motorcycle training program in the country. Thank You. Booking for this year's training begins in February. The Experienced Rider Course has been revamped. If you haven't taken it yet please do so this year. Go to The PA Power Port and type motorcyle into the keyword box for more info, or call 1-800-845-9533.
Sep 2003
I recently purchased Jerry Palladino's HOW TO RIDE LIKE A PRO video, and I recommend it highly. Mr Palladino is a Florida motorcycle cop instructor. The video show various exercises you can do to become a better rider. It is quite like the MSF Experienced Rider course but better because it is explained in greater detail and you can watch it being done correctly as often as you'd like. It includes diagrams to lay out the exercises so you can practice them. I have been doing the exercises for about a month now and it has definitely improved my riding ability. You can get more info on his website at: Ride Like a Pro

Jul 2003
THE HELMET LAW MODIFICATION BILL HAS PASSED BOTH HOUSES AND WAS SIGNED BY GOVERNOR RENDELL. Beginning Sept 4, 2003 adult riders will no longer be required to wear a helmet in Pennsylvania. You must be 21 or over, with 2 years riding experience or have passed an MSF course.
Go to ABATE OF PA to find out how your senator and representative voted, and how to thank them if they helped us.

Feb 2003
ABATE OF PA Has a totally redone it's web site with more information and easy access to your state lawmaker's addresses.
There is now a bill in the senate that would ALLOW ADULTS TO DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES WHETHER OR NOT TO WEAR A HELMET go to ABATE OF PA to find out how to contact your senator to thank him/her for co-sponsoring, or ask him/her to co-sponsor and/or support this legislation.

Jan 2003
Check out for some exciting videos of wheelies & stoppies and other stunts. The site has just been updated with photos and a video of motorcycle ice racing.
Yeah, I know that you shouldn't do stunts on public roads but I know the stretch of road where these guys have thier fun and it's always very lightly travelled.

Dec 2002
BATLDR presents not one, but three 24 hour endurance rallies in our area for 2003. The Keystone 1000 and the Bark at The Moon rallies will be based in York Pa and the FEAR-less CAP 1000 will be based in Hagerstown MD. All three will be 24 hour scavenger hunt type rallies. If you'd like to participate in an endurance rally, here's your chance. I know these guys and I'm sure you'll have a great time.

Nov 2002
If you are looking for a distinctive gift for a lady rider check out Horizon Art . They have a fine assortment of ladies jackets and shirts embroidered with a motorcycle motif. I just received the shirt I ordered for a special lady, and the quality and the service are first class.

The Motorcycle Miracle Network announces a new date and location for the Motorcycle Miracle Tour. It will be held on June 1, 2003 starting and ending at the Janet Weis Children's Hospital. See Events page.

Aug 2002
This link Quest for the Dragon, 2002 was sent to me by Rich Flynn. It is the very entertaining tale of a Pennsylvania couple's trip to Deal's Gap. There are good photos here also. If you have been to Deal's Gap it will bring back memories; if you haven't it might inspire you to go.

July 2002
Do you ride in a manner that draws the attention of the local law enforcement officials? Do you frequently receive "performance awards" from those officials? Then you may be interested in this. Penn Dot now allows you to check your driving history on-line (for a fee). You need to apply for a PIN to do this. Go to The Pennsylvania Power Port . Click on the e-government icon on the left side of the screen. Click driver and vehicle services and follow the menus to the PIN page. Your PIN will be mailed to you and you can then easily keep track of how many points you have.

June 2002
The AMA, American Motorcyclist Association , with the help of Pennsylvania State Representative Teresa Forcier (R-Crawford) has had special AMA automobile license plates authorized. To get yours, or for more info send an e-mail to Sharon Titus at the AMA, or you can call Sharon at 614-856-1900. She will send you an application and instructions. Production begins when 300 paid orders are recieved. I sent mine in so hurry up and send yours so we get them soon! You must be an AMA member to get these plates, but you should support the AMA anyway so sign up if you aren't a member.

May 2002
The Harley Davidson Open House in York will return to the traditional days of Thursday to Saturday. This Year's dates are Sept 26 to 28.
The First Sunday Ride in at Ephrata Pa has moved to a new location. The gathering spot used to be the Gerber Parking lot on Main St. The new location is the American Legion Post 429 parking lot, on Cocalico St, about 2 blocks away from the Gerber lot. There is a buffet breakfast available for bikers in the Post.

March 2002
Central Pa dirt riders have a new option, -The Breezewood Proving Grounds - is now open. Trails for 2 and 4 wheelers. Camping, showers, dining hall.

Oct 15, 2001
Penn-York Motorcycle Sport Touring Dan Mohr has created this web site for the purpose of bringing riders together in the Northwestern Pa and Southwestern NY.

Aug 31, 2001
I just purchased a used bike from Don's Kawaski in Hellam, York County. I am telling you this because it was a most pleasant vehicle purchasing experience.
They put on a new rear tire, new brake pads, new spark plugs, and changed all the fluids and filters, NO CHARGE!! Salesman Bob Musselman said the wanted everything to be right, and it was. Sam from the service department took the time to explain how to operate everything on the 1200 Gold Wing.
If you live anywhere near York County you owe it to yourself to check with Don's Kawasaki (717-755-6002) the next time you are looking to buy a cycle.

Aug 8, 2001. Exigent Motorcycle Covers now has a web site. This Pennsylvania company manufactures high quality covers and accessories. I have been using Exigent covers for 5 years and thay are an outstanding value.

March 17, 2001. The American Motorcyclist Association Has an exciting new addition to thier website. Rapid Response allows anyone to instantly send a messge in support of various motorcyclists rights issues. All you do is fill in your name and address and click send. Now you have no excuse for not getting involved. You don't have to be a member to use Rapid Response, but you should be a member anyway!

Jan 19, 2001. Once again this coming summer you will be able to attend two famous riding schools right here in Pennsylvania.

I have received several requests recently for information on off-road activities. There is now an off-road section on the links page.

The Tower City Trailriders inc now has a web site. Lots of god pix. They also have over 5,000 acres available for off road riding in Schuylkill county.

The AMA Has a new URL and a fantastic new look to it's website, but you already knew that because you are a member and saw it in the magazine, right? If you are reading this I assume you have an interest in motorcycling, therefore you should be a member of the main organization working to protect your rights as a rider! If you aren't a member join now!

Penn Dot is taking reservations for this year's Motorcycle Safety Foundation Rider Safety Courses. These are free to anyone holding a Pennsylvania driver's license so you don't have an excuse for not taking a course. The beginner's course is a full weekend or 5 week nights, bikes and helmets are provided, and you get your motorcycle endorsement upon successful completion. Good deal!
If you have been riding a while and never took the course please do so this year. You will learn a lot about accident avoidance.
The experienced rider course is one day using your own bike. It is a good refresher. I've taken both and am taking the ERC again. Call 1-800-845-9533 to enroll. Do it now!


I participated in the Mason Dixon 20-20 Endurance Rally" for the second time this year. While I was at Indiantown Gap National Cemetary to collect some points I met up with 3 Harley riding participants from Tennessee. As I prepared to leave my Gold Wing would not stay running. These 3 good folks gave up thier whole afternoon to help me fix the bike. I just wanted a ride but they insisted we could repair it. After about an hour of testing we determined the fuel pump was bad. It was Sunday of Memorial Day weekend so no cycle shops were open. We rode to 3 auto parts stores until we located a generic fuel pump that would work. The whole process took a little over 3 hours. They could have gathered a lot of points in that time, but chose to help a fellow biker. Many thanks John, Jim and Cynthia.

I received the following commentary regarding PA rt 125 from Eric Moon who signs himself from Team Wasabi Racing, whatever that is. It is a good example of what happens when you try to play Ricky Racer on public roadways.

I got to see a crash happen with my own eyes for the first time.
5 of us were travelling North on RT 125, between Ravine and Shamokin (North of Harrisburg, PA). One could arguably compare this road to The Dragon at Deal's Gap. While 125 does not have as many total or consecutive turns as The Dragon, some of the turns are much more challenging and dangerous.
We were moving along at a rapid pace when we approached this blind, 90 degree corner as we crested a rise. I was 4th in the line and was hanging back with a little caution since I couldn't around the turn. As Kevin, an experienced rider on a R1, pushed out wide and across the yellow line, I could tell he was in trouble and that this turn had caught him off guard. I was already on the brakes and trailed on them way past the apex. Then it happened...
Kevin ran out of road. He almost had it saved, but the gravel on the (less than a foot wide) shoulder let his front wheel slide into the dirt bank and down he went. He slid a little and tumbled - it really wasn't bad. He was right in front of me as I came around the corner. Even at 30 MPH or less, the turn caused me to push out into the other lane as well. Lucky for us, no cars were coming the other way. However, I did have this guy rolling on the going in front of me. I almost got tunnel vision, but I managed to get off the brakes and throw the bike to the right and miss him as he stood up and tried to jump out of my way. Whew, he stood up. He's gonna be fine but a little miffed at scuffing his R1. I was just looking for a place to turn around when "it" happened.
Remember I said I was 4th in line? Sam had been lagging behind, which was cool because we told him to go at his own pace and not to push harder than he was comfortable. This kind of riding was a little more technical than he was used to and he only had 2000 miles on the 929, his first bike. I heard this loud "crack!" and turned around to see Sam's bike sliding across the road and then slam into a tree. By this time I had gotten turned around and got to Sam first, who was rolling around on the ground. The other two guys I was with went back to Kevin and started yelling for my help. Kevin was laying there with a broken tibia, the bone sticking out and blood running down his leg. We were in the middle of bumfuck, so our cell phones weren't working. Sam turned out to be okay, just shaken up. His leather jacket saved him from any road rash and he had let go of the bike before reaching the tree. Turns out that Sam came around the corner, couldn't handle it and pushed wide. He ended up spearing Kevin with the 929, launching him at least 30 feet from where he was standing.
I jumped back on the bike and road about 1/2 mile to the nearest house. As I pulled into the driveway, a coup[le came out, the wife already with phone in hand. The husband asked "Rider down? How bad is he hurt?" in a condescending voice. I would later find out that his frustration was in the fact that RT 125 had recently been listed on the internet for its twisties and Kevin was the 6th injured rider at that corner this season. We just picked RT 125 off a map because it looked like it travelled up and down some mountains and had some good turns.
As I returned to the scene, Kevin was doing okay, despite the situation. We kept the leg elevated until help arrived. It seemed like the best thing to do and it was the only position that didn't, er let me rephrase that... It was the position that hurt the least. I asked the guys if they took off Kevin's shoes and helmet. They said no, that all that stuff was already off when they got to him. Kevin had been knocked right out of his shoes AND his helmet, which was still buckled! I've heard of people hit by cars betting knocked out of their shoes, but I didn't believe it even though I was seeing it with my own eyes.
Kevin wound up in the hospital and had surgery last night. He got a rod inside the tibia and a couple of pins. He was doing fine this morning, but a little dizzy from all the drugs and anesthesia. He won't ride the rest of the season, and his contracting business is in danger of disappearing this summer. His bike suffered only minor scuffs on the right lower fairing. A buddy of ours had his girlfriend drive him up so he could ride Kevin's bike back to Harrisburg.
Sam was fine, but a little stiff from the impact(s). His helmet also wasn't scuffed, but the faceshield was popped off, probably from Kevin hitting him. Sam's bike was rideable but not pretty. His Hindle full system was bent and rubbing the swingarm, every single piece of bodywork was bitched up in some way, the headlight lens was shattered and his black speedscreen was in pieces.
If you decide to ride RT 125, please take it easy. Several of the turns are really sneaky. Eventually, someone will be unlucky and find the front of a car as they blow that turn.
Eric Moon,
Team Wasabi Racing

Are you and your cycle ready to ride? How about taking an MSF course? Penn Dot is taking reservations for this year's Motorcycle Safety Foundation Experienced Rider course. It's a great refresher after the winter. Even those of us who ride all year could use it!

See the LINKS page for a listing of Motorcyclist's Rights Organizations. Please consider joining if you don't belong to at least one. They look out for our interests in the legislature and deserve your support.

When was the last time you checked the electrolyte level in your battery?

Got something to say on this page? CONTACT ME/add a listing