The Mazda RX-7 FD3S Link Library

This basic library is for people interested in the Mazda RX-7 model FD3S. Also known as the FD or 3rd generation or series 6 or series 7. There are also a few special interest links that I like to trawl now and then. All comments are my opinion, I'm pleased to hear from anyone with the same or differing opinions, send me an email....

Links are regularly being updated.

Last updated 5th July 1999

Must see sites These sites are essential reading.  In my opinion they contain the best reference material on the web
Vendors This is not a comprehensive list, as many good vendors are not on the web. Also note there are a lot of US based vendors who may not necessarily be able to supply components for non-US specification cars
How to sites These are personal sites that have information from their own and other's experience, plus tips from official manuals
Personal sites These sites are created by individuals who want to share their RX-7 with the world
Clubs Clubs from around the world
Great link sites Even more comprehensive, but not necessarily just RX-7 FD3S sites
Magazines Not specifically RX-7, but have had good articles on the car over time
Car sales Places to buy cars (mostly in New Zealand)
Non RX-7 Cool sites for petrol heads to browse (not just for rotor heads)