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They died for our Freedom
They are Missing In Action for our Freedom
Now Let's give them their Freedom!!
Committed To Obtaining The Fullest Possible Accounting From The Governments of The United States of America, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia
The POW/MIA Forum operated by a POW/MIA family member-activist, is an outstanding effort on behalf of the POW/MIA issue. Good links, solid message, important documents... It's all in there and you all need to read it.
We're tired of the political run-around. We're tired of hearing that this issue remains the "Number One Priority" of our government and still getting NO RESULTS. We're tired of being "blown off" while our brothers still wait for their freedom. We have "Black Flagged" Presidential Cantidates, members of Congress and other key officials in many different states across the USA. Now, let's "Black Flag" the whole world wide web and let everyone see where the veterans and true citizens of America really stand on this issue. Click on the "Operation Black Flag" graphic above to Join Now!!
Do you recognize this piece of jewelry?
You won't see it in a window at Tiffany's. It's made of inexpensive materials and the engraving wasn't done by some European Master engraver. The cost? A few dollars. The price??? Ask someone who's paid it. Someone like Sgt. Steven M. Hastings who still remains unaccounted for more than 25 years after the war's end. The Jett Page is united with the rest of our brothers and sisters in the fight to obtain justice for our missing heroes. Please pick up the torch and help us carry it. Tell Washington and the world how you feel about our POW's and MIA's. Click the bracelet below if you want to make a difference!
Let's help make THIS the year we bring them home!
Name: Steven Morris Hastings
Rank/Branch: E5/US Army
Unit: 240th Assault Helicopter Co, 214th Aviation Btn., 12th Aviation Group
Date of Birth: 11 October 1948
Home City of Record: Baldwin Park CA
Date of Loss: 01 August 1968
Country of Loss: South Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 114856N 1071107E
Status (in 1973): Missing In Action
Category: 4
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: UH1C
Other Personnel In Incident: Donald R. Fowler; Peter J. Russell (both missing)
Source: Compiled by Homecoming II Project 15 March 1991 from one or more of the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews. Copyright 1991 Homecoming II Project.
SP4 Donald Fowler, gunner; Sgt. Steven Hastings, crewchief; WO Fernam, aircraft commander and 1Lt. Peter J. Russell, pilot, comprised the crew of one UH1C helicopter in a flight of two on a combat mission. Due to inclement weather and poor visibility, the mission was aborted. The aircraft became separated while attempting to return to the Song Be airstrip. One aircraft crashed into the trees and crewmembers were extracted the following morning. Radio contact was lost with 1Lt. Russell's aircraft after the last contact at 2025 hours on August 1. At that time, the aircraft commander indicated that he was diverting to Binh Hoa airbase rather than returning to Song Be.
When the aircraft failed to arrive at either Binh Hoa or Song Be, search efforts were begun at daylight, and continued for 3 days. On August 6, wreckage of the helicopter was discovered. On August 21, a recovery effort was conducted in the area of the aircraft and it was determined that the helicopter had crashed but not burned. During the recovery effort, portions of remains were found that were associated with WO Fernam, along with some personal effects that belonged to him. Only flight helmets were found for the other 3 individuals. No trace was found of the other 3 in subsequent searches.
In 1985, a private citizen obtained a previously classified document through the Freedom of Information Act which described in great detail a POW camp in South Vietnam. Together with the drawings and maps of the compound were lists of guards and their backgrounds, and a list of Americans the source had positively identified from photographs. On the list of positive id's was the name of Steven Hastings. Returned POWs have verified the accuracy of the drawings and much of the information. (Some on the positive list were POWs who returned in 1973)
Although the Defense Department has stated that the source was a liar, there appears to be some question as to whether Hastings, at least, perished in the crash of his helicopter or survived to be captured. And if there is question on Hastings, what of the other 2?
Nearly 2500 Americans are missing in Southeast Asia. Over 10,000 reports have been received indicating that there are hundreds of Americans still alive as captives there. It's long past time we got to the bottom of the issue and brought our men home - alive.
"All Biographical and loss information on POWs provided by Operation Just Cause have been supplied by Chuck and Mary Schantag of POWNET. Please check with POWNET regularly for updates."
Just after President Clinton was sworn in for his first term, a Harvard Researcher, Dr. Stephen Morris, was in Russia researching the former Soviet Union archives on matters unrelated to the PoW/MIA issue. There he uncovered a transcript of a North Vietnamese Politburo meeting dating back to September, 1972.
The Quang 1205 Document was a detailed Report of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnamese Peoples Army, General Lieutenant Chan Van Quang at the Meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the PRV. Read the details and you decide if we left men behind!
Most Favored Nation or War Crimes Tribunal? President Clinton lifted the embargo, against Families objections, and then he restored diplomatic relations within 2 years of lifting the embargo, again against Families wishes. His administration is negotiating with Laos and Cambodia regarding MFN status and you know that MFN is just around the corner for Vietnam. But what about a War Crimes Tribunal? Read what former Senator and POW Jeremiah Denton has to say about it. Read what former POW and SRO of American POWs Col. Ted Guy has to say about it.
What can we do to bring them Home?
Not a blasted thing!
Unless, of course, you get involved. NOW.
You see, chances are you are waiting on the next guy to do something about this because, afterall, what can one person do? But what if the next guy is waiting for YOU to do something and the guy next to him is waiting for HIM to do something and the woman next to him is waiting. . . and so on and so forth. Don't wait for someone else to do something. YOU do it. Become involved. In these pages there are many things that we ask that you do. Take your pick and then DO IT. They fought for your freedom, won't you join with us in fighting for their freedom? They do belong Walking On or Planted in AMERICAN SOIL but this won't happen without your help. Read these pages--all of them and follow the links to the other sites that have dedicated their time, money and energy in helping you make an informed decision on this issue. We have many good, honest people involved in this issue but we are outnumbered by the bureaucrats and big business that are frothing at the mouth to get in to Vietnam to reap whatever dollars are there for them to reap. Don't let this issue fester for one minute longer!
(The above is a direct quote from the POW/MIA Forum. I can not think of any words to better express my own feelings on the POW/MIA issue.)
It might not have all names included as it is still being worked on, but it is up and running and you can get there from here! Vietnam War Only.
Information on POWs/MIAs made available through the Patriotism and dedication of some fine and honorable Americans at:
Scope Systems - 76 Cranbrook Road. Suite #203. - Hunt Valley. MD, 21030 http://www.scopesys.com
To obtain EMail addresses for the Senate, Congress and Whitehouse go to:
Preisident & V. President-http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/html/principals.html
"Remember" graphic above courtesy of Ron Fletcher.
For those of you old enough to rememberVietnam, do you? Do you remember how old you were when our first troops were sent to 'Nam'? Do you remember when we, the civilians at home, felt honor and pride for our guys and gals? What made you turn from feeling honor and pride for the soldiers, sailors, marines, Air Force and civilians who were fighting for what they believed.
Was it because your best friend did not believe in the Vietnam War and was running off to a nuetral country? Was it because you were a coward and afraid to fight for the freedom that gave you the right to run away? Was it because you, like all the rest of us are afraid of dieing?
Please sit down for a few minutes and reflect on all of these questions. And, then reflect on the BIG question. Why have I turned against the POW/MIA's? Why have I forgotten about them like dust I sweep under the rug or an old sweater that I can toss in the trash?
I remember the first Advisor's being sent to "advise" the French goverment in Vietnam. I remember President Kennedy sending the first troops to Nam. I remember President Johnson giving the order to send so many to their deaths in a country that many of us had a hard time locating on a World globe.
I remember. God, how I remember. I remember feeling scared that someone I knew would be killed over there.
I remember the tears in Walter Cronkite's voice as he tried to do a commentary for the News about the war and the young people on both sides. I remember the horror of watching the nightly news broadcasts and reading the newspapers with all the grisly accounts.
I remember the Anti-war protests on the steps of the California State Capital in 1967, and a 15 year old girl standing up to thousands of anti-war protestors. I remember the feelings I had of total fear that I would be killed that day. Fear because I was standing up for what I believed in. Freedom!! The freedom that the soldiers fighting overseas were assuring me of. The freedom that my father had instilled in me by fighting in WWII and the Korean Conflict. The freedom that is mine because people were dying to make sure that I had freedom. I remember the pride in my father's voice that night when he saw the local news coverage of that protest and saw me standing up to so many thousands of protestors (and yes I had a big mouth back then too) and shouting them down. I have my freedom. Now I want to give them theirs!!
I remember. And I WILL NEVER FORGET!!
Thank you from the bottom of my soul to everyone who has fought for my Freedom. I love you. Each and every one of you has given me life as much as my own parents. Because of you putting your lives in the line of fire I have a life where I can state my views. I can criticize the goverment. I can criticize a dope smoking coward of a President who ran away to another country instead of fighting for his country. I can criticize an ENTIRE government that ignores our Missing GI's.
Because of you,
(Updated by Linda R. (Joan) Jett 12 June, 1997)
Now appearing around the World!!
: All OpJC are gone. The response was Fantastic and everyone of the 15,000 are gone and distributed around the World thanks to the Dedicated members of Operation Just Cause.
: 1 November, 1997
Phase II of Operation Just Cause will be starting soon. I am waiting on pricing for Golf Shirts and Golf Caps from the Promotional Company that I use. (Sondra Seeger has graciously created a beautiful logo for the shirts and caps)
Go to the Web Site and find out why Americans should NOT Vote for Arizona's Senator Mcain for United States President in 2000!!!!!
Help stop Senator John McCain's Betrayal of our missing men.
John In 2000 Ring site is owned by The
Jett Page.
If the ring is down, click here for a complete list of sites. Want to join the ring? Clickhere for info. |
The Ballad of the Green Berets
I was 14 years old when this Ballad first played over the radio. As I heard it playing for the very first time I sang along not realizing, until the song was finished and my father pointed out to me, I had sung right along with the Ballad of The Green Beret and I had never heard the song before in my life!! This song innured me even more to the cause of our American soldiers who were fighting and dieing for my freedom. I have never forgotten the words nor the meaning of Staff Sgt. Sadler's song.
Army Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler helped write "The Ballad of the Green Berets" while recuperating from a leg wound suffered during his service as a medic in the Vietnam War.
He later sang the tune on a record that became the nation's No. 1 hit for five weeks in 1966 and eventually sold 9 million singles and albums.
These are the words to the popular anthem of the Special Forces,
"The Ballad of the Green Berets."
Fighting soldiers from the sky,
Fearless men who jump and die,
Men who mean just what they say
The brave men of the Green Beret.
Silver wings upon their chests,
These are men, America's best,
One hundred men we'll test today,
But only three win the Green Beret.
Trained to live off nature's land,
Trained in combat, hand to hand,
Men who fight by night and day,
Courage take from the Green Beret.
Silver wings upon their chests,
These are men, America's best,
Men who mean just what they say,
The brave men of the Green Beret.
Back at home a young wife waits,
Her Green Beret has met his fate,
He has died for those oppressed,
Leaving her this last request:
Put silver wings on my son's chest,
Make him one of America's best,
He'll be a man they'll test one day,
Have him win the Green Beret.
Fighting soldiers from the sky,
Fearless men who jump and die,
Men who mean just what they say
The brave men of the Green Beret.
Silver wings upon their chests,
These are men, America's best,
One hundred men we'll test today,
But only three win the Green Beret.
(Download a midi file of the tune here.)
Please feel free to take the Above Graphic and display it Proudly on your page!!
Do not touch the Welcome Home Graphic below unless you are on Active Duty, Retired US Military, a Veteran, National Guard, Reserves or a family member of one!!
I honor my father, my husband Roger, and our Daughter and Son-in-Law by displaying this Graphic.
My father joined the US Navy the day after his 17th birthday, 9 October, 1944. He served his country proudly in the Pacific till the end of WWII. He then re-entered the US Navy for the Korean Conflict and again stayed in service until peace was declard.
Roger, my husband, is a US Army CW4, Retired. He entered the Army Voluntarily in May, 1967. He served the US Army proudly for 24 years before retiring in 1991!!
Our daughter Kristina Joined the US Army in 14 February, 1991. She married her husband Jeffrey who was also in the US Army in July, 1993. They have both since gotten out of the US Army but, Kristina continues to serve her Country by serving in The Alabama National Guard!!
Many of the Graphics on this page courtesy of Ron Fletcher
for Our Veterans and Their Families
The Women's Memorial
Dept. 560
Washington DC 20042-0560
or call:
The United States Government is creating a service Women's memorial, and they are trying to collect the names of women who have served in the military. The dedication is scheduled for October, 1997. If you or any woman that you know of is or has served in the U.S. military please call the phone number above or write to the address above!!!!
Our Servicewomen are important TOO!!!
Did you know that there are two million women veterans? From the American Revolution - remember Molly Pitcher? - to Desert Storm, women have served in some way in every conflict. Not that they were legal in the early days. History tells us that thirty three thousand women served in World War One and almost 500,000 took part in World War Two. During the Korean era 120,000 women were in uniform and seven thousand were deployed in theater during Viet Nam. During Desert Storm seven per cent of the total U.S. forces deployed were women - over forty thousand of them. So when you hear the word Veteran, please remember that women are veterans, too!!
(The above is reprinted with permission of Captain Barbara A. Wilson, USAF (Retired ) captbarb@aug.com )
Note from Joanie: For the first time in 20 years I went to Arlington National Cemetary to visit the grave of my son and daughter on July 21, 1999. I was honored to see that the Service Women's Memorial is very close to my children. The Women's Memorial is the FIRST thing that you see as you come into Arlington and I am very proud to see our dedicated Women getting the recognition that they so truly deserve!! God Bless you ladies for everything that you have done.
If you know of any other IMPORTANT Links for Veterans and their Families please email me with the information so that I may add them to this section.
Missing Veterans Section
The Following Veterans are missing. Any information concerning their wherabouts should be reported immediately to Ms. Donna Teletchea, Office of Security and Law Enforcement at (202) 273-5500.
Bayne, Richard C., DOB: 04/12/53; Male; Served in the miltary from 1-5-72 to 1-23-76. Last seen on May 24, 1984 at FDR Hospital in Montrose, NY. He reapplied for admission to the FDR Hospital on or about May 1, 1985, but his application was cancelled. He has not been seen or heard from since.
Cameron, Earl, A.K.A. Bruce C. Callender, DOB: 03/29/20 San Francisco, California; Male; Caucasian; brown hair, blue eyes, Served in military 1-22-51 to 9-30-51. The Veteran was last seen at The United Rescue Mission, Los Angeles, California in December, 1992.
Coleman, Alvin E., DOB: Unknown; Male; Gray Hair, Height 5'6": Last known address: 7th St. Post Office, Box 4047, San Francisco, California 94101. Veteran served in the military from 5-3-45 to 10-25-45.
Fortier, Harold M., DOB: Unknown: The Veteran was last seen 8-20-88.
Hernandez-Rodriguez, M. A., DOB: 11/26/44, Puerto Rico, Male, 175-185 lbs., black hair, black eyes, fair complexion, missing finger on left hand. The Veteran was last seen at the end of June, 1978 traveling from Barnio Quebrada Cruz to Toa Alta, Puerto Rico.
Kennedy, William Wence, DOB: 11/11/18, Camden, Alabama. Male, black. Veteran served in the military from 4-24-42 to 1-19-46. Spouse: Rosie L. Mitchell Kennedy. The Veteran was last seen November, 1974.
Lisle, Marcus C., DOB: 12/30/38; Male, Caucasian. Veteran served in the military from 12-29-66 to 1-23-79. The Veteran was last seen in Atlanta, Georgia on January 8, 1993.
Marquez, Francisco T., DOB: 04/26/19, Chihuahua, Mexico, male, 5'7", 150 lbs., green eyes, short grey hair with mustache, and small scar on forehead, missing all of his teeth. Veteran served in the military from 5-16-44 to 2-5-46. Last known address: 9025 Begonia, El Paso, Texas. The Veteran was last seen on March 11, 1985.
Murrian, Jack, DOB: 07/22/29, Knoxville, Tennessee, Caucasian. Veteran served in the military from 3-7-49 to 11-01-52 and 3-28-68 to 6-30-72. A court in Florida declared him deceased on October 11, 1994.
Smith, Orrin W., DOB: 10/05/13, Pequot Village, Minnesota. Caucasian, 6', 190 lbs., gray hair, clean shaven. Veteran served in the military from 10-9-42 to 2-18-46. Veteran and his wife were returning to their residence in Mexico after a shopping trip to the US by car. No trace of them or their vehicle has ever been found.
Wallace, Richard L., DOB: 12/04/24, Davison, Michigan. Veteran served in the military from 3-9-43 to 6-49. Veteran set sail from marina south of Albany, New York on September 21, 1986, for the Bermuda Triangle. He has not been heard from since. The Veteran was presumed to be dead by the Surrogate Court of Sarratoga, New York on September 21, 1989.
For a hundred thousand different reasons, a hundred thousand American families remain correctably separated.
It's time to correct the repairable.
It's time to bring broken families back together.
Moms and Dads, Sons and Daughters of military families can post photographs of missing family members or worldwide accessible messages to the missing.
The on-line G.I. Photo Library will display the photos of missing family members. The on-line Veteran and Active-Duty Registry will display personal "Looking for..." messages.
Veterans and family members of any Service Branch or military era can participate.
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Visit the Meadow Years, and the creator of Just Cause - George M. "Gunny" Fallon
Make every day Flag Day and Memorial Day until our Troops are all home and accounted for!!!
I need your help!!!
In June, 1997, my dad for the first time in more than 53 years broke down and told me his story (what he remembers of it) of 1944 while serving as a Gunner's Mate Striker Seaman (GMSN) aboard the USS Porter. This is where I am desperately searching for help and information.
Let me tell you his story and then what I have found so far. If you can help please email me at joan@thesitefights.com with whatever information you may have.
1944, off the island of Truk, my father was aboard the Destroyer USS Porter. He does not remember the first or middle names (if any) of the destroyer, nor the Ship's number. He states that his ship was sunk by the Japanese ( torpedo) and that there were only 7 survivors. The survivors spent several hours in the water before being rescued by the USS Jupiter.
My information to date on the USS Jupiter is that, she was renamed and sent to duty with the New Name of USS Jupiter on 15 July, 1945. This means that my Dad's ship was sunk between 15 July and 15 August, 1945.
I have discovered in my searches that this Porter is NOT the Destroyer Porter DD 356, sunk in 1942, in the Battle of the Phillipines nor the USS William D. Porter DD 386, sunk by Kamikaze pilot June 10, 1945, in the Battle for Okinawa. One of the Ships books that someone else has mentions a USS Porter DD 379 but, that is all it does is mention it's existence. I can find no reference anywhere else to DD 379.
Please if any of you can help me find this information I would be eternally gratefull.
Thanks, Joanie
Graphics and buttons created or modified using
Awards for The Jett Page POW/MIA Page
24 March, 1997
Thank You Gunny for this Beautiful Award:-))
April, 1997
Thank you. I am Honored
April 30, 1997
Awarded to all members of The POW/MIA Web Ring. The battle for resolution of the fate of POW/MIAs has been going on for years and within the online community has been valiantly and eloquently expressed by many. In providing the ring, LadyJen has found a way for those voices to come together in a mighty and powerful way. The diversity of those who have offered their time and energy to this cause is a large part of its power. In a time when "patriotism" is too often allowed to be defined by hate groups, this organization of people show its true meaning.
10 May, 1997
My award is not just for "copy - pasting" info. Its not for the "grandest", most "attractive" nor for "numbers" of pages put up. I am looking for people who put their feelings, concerns, and information on pages as well as convince "me" to want to do something to help. In doing so, they will stand a chance of convincing some of the others! Its one that brings out that appreciation and dedication that those of you who served our country deserve so very much. Its effort. Its from their hearts! "With Heart" meaning one or a combination of the following: Compassion, Sensitivity, Enthusiasm, and Courage After reading your pages there is NO doubt in my mind that you have all of the qualities listed above! Thank you for helping! Thank you for everything your family has done for this country.
June, 1997
Thank You Higgy
9 July, 1997
Thank You Lady Jen!!
10 July, 1997. Thank you John.
To all whom these presents shall come
Know ye, that I, confiding in the outstanding
"The Jett Page" Linda R. Jett
do as of this date, 6 October, in the year of our Lord
one thousand nineteen hundred and ninety seven
and of the great Independence of the
"United States of America" the two hundred and twenty first year
bestow upon the above named "Patriot" with
great pride for the exceptional display of
"Outstanding Patriotism"
this Award
Presented by: Al Varelas -
USMC Vietnam Veteran
Know ye all who preview this presentation,
that this Award is confered upon True Patriots only
Be it also known that this Award is given at the discreation
of it's originator, or by recommendation of a receipient,
and cannot be applied for...
Keep up the good work
Al Varelas - USMC Vietnam Veteran 26th Marine Regiment
Khe Sanh Combat Base Republic of South Vietnam
You have displayed, in true American fashion, what this country is about, what it represents to those of us that "Have been there". Accept it as my humble tribute to a woman, a fellow soldier, a hero of the POW/MIA, may they never lose faith, may they never be forgotten.
I found your page quite inspirational and informative, you have done a fine job in presenting it to the misinformed people of this great country of ours...keep up the good work, it does not go unnoticed...Thank you for your concern.
Earl H Shott Jr...aka Bud...a soldier for the "Cause"
19 Frbruary, 1998
Thank you Lady Jen!!
I just wanted to personally thank you for your time and dedication to the Cause of bringing our POW/MIA's home! Your voice is very important, and together, we *will* all make a difference!
The POW/MIA Ring: To Honor Our POW/MIA's; To Gain A Full-Accounting of Our POW/MIA's; To Educate the Public about POW/MIA's; To Ensure This Never Happens Again!
10 March, 1998
Joanie, On behalf of Martha and myself we would be honored if you would accept the "We Will Always Remember!" Award of Excellence. Your contributions to our missing American Heroes, Missing & Exploited Children and making the web a safer place to surf thru your efforts with The Site Fights is a true inspiration.
This award can not be applied for and is not given lightly. It is however a true gift from the heart. (Thank you to my Little Bro Patrick and my Lil Sis Martha for this Special HONOR!!)
I proudly received and HONOR my Draft notice from "Gunny" Fallon. I have been drafted to the Operation Just Cause Staff. I proudly answer yes to this Wonderful Cause. I will fight till my dying breath to continue the Fight to bring our men and women home.
If you need help with any "Operation Just Cause" Issue email me at: joan@thesitefights.com. If I cannot help you, I will find someone who can.
Created 23 March, 1997 9:00 a.m. MST
by Linda R. (Joan) Jett
Modified 2 February,
1999 12:30 p.m. MST
Jett Page 1
It Should'nt Hurt To Be A Child !!
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